EDITORIAL Prepare for quake before too late Aw heck, it’ll never happen to us — at least not to morrow. so why worry today? No. we're not talking American political theory, we’re talking the geological biggy that may soon be ap pearing in the Pacific Northwest. Yes. here. Recent studies have shown the urea from British Columbia to Northern California is potentially vulner able to an earthquake measuring between 8.4 to 9.0 on the Richter scale sometime in the near future. This is big-time, folks, considering the 190fi Sun Francisco quake was somewhere around H. t. The primary cause for concern is the subduction zone off the Northwestern coast where two of the Barth’s crustal plates meet, one sliding beneath the oth er As the plates move, the friction creates tension, promising, yes, a biggy. The problem is no one knows exactly when it’ll happen. Iht” quake warnings have been sounded by various experts, most recently by Samuel Clarke )r. of the U.S. Geological Survey and Humboldt State University geol ogy professor Gary Carver. The two recently wrote an article for Science Mugiizinc detailing their study of the area. Hanking their warning on geologic: "past behavior" of the area, the men say we’re about due for a major tremor. Geological input necessary tor building locations has typically been ignored in tbe past, as evidenced by examples such as the placement of Oregon's Trojan Nuclear Plant, which lies uncomfortably close to a fault angling near Portland toward the plant Too bad the fault-line busters weren’t called in pre building time we all know what will happen should the quake occur. Other structures could foil as well, in cluding dams. buildings, bridges and highways. With the evidence stacking up in favor of a tremor, we need to start planning ahead. Of course, it'll take time, effort and money to bring the Northwest's struc - tures to quake-proof code, these being the biggest ob stacles to preparation ranking only behind doubt Dig changes, and all for the possibility of a quake in our lifetime Many would say forget it. but we can not afford the gamble The quake could happen anywhere (rum 10 to 100* years from now. no one can predict exac tly when it'll oc c ur We are offered the geologic time sc ale c lue, however, that it could happen fairly soon Soon enough to begin preparing, if not for ourselves, then for future generations. Better put on the track shoes — time to start hur dling those ohst.x lex, one at a time, no matter how long it takes It's time to start thinking now for later, because there is such a thing as too late. ()rt‘x i im,jY' Da > l - wni % po&fVHKl Oa *> ».l > xm, ♦ *«**• o • ’*g "w w\x* ,«»*»• a»x1 1 a«J i)..*•% ’'mi >.jT^r tvy !’■••«» «ngo-' Dm , l • .tr.nj P -ng i o l x «.: !N* l>w«*-vg ) Pnm I • *»'«ud op4ya:«. xl»pm'W«n?Ty of U »wi *» * '■ o'* »»*. a: • a 30C ©» •’ « i »t> M*»’ o .i Urvo - a »! ^ a '♦w^Lw o' tfx» A*fcx ni’od Pf#*% T*x* I • «»• i«o it pnvaim p >ot*iy T**» .«*• lv s«* o' •* •* p'OM*. 'aP** IdUor in Ch»f • • n op' **1 IUi' Emerald Managing t onor t Jitoual 1 ditor Graphic* f.dilor I iMaMammanl { ditor Aatociata ( drtor* (.'**’*<• L>a.* -u^. Ju" P*fc-*y i «»''• l <**«''•** r onor C dtlorial ! d*'*y' Tfnpg»o Community Iwwlto A' Mightr t dotation Admimatration C*!,« t)» ■ w Foaturt* l =vrt M-.-uga Haportar* T«*'~*y Ba!ay l ‘ JACOfcy CW’rt h -WpP- >i K ••. «•’ I IX .11 Il'iM Co*«M»-' P • J Jt-~ W Copy I diloft O'^o^'w v '«** ()*f l v** ► .»■«» { f '«! ttogan P.i Mo vonbon S*-« *4 M *-.d ha.">y S".> Phoiographai* **4 Poaum k \)>u Han**1 Advartiamg Jwa - B■■ajiiv s. .m {>4-4 i u*. « f .«, . '-.i.nJCla ’ Ma.'gy G■ A%%r^.ftn B'« &fi K-tK^n lorn l «m» ' fO'Xton M «> ^ H. > o Dutt-n S:*to- i«ri» SunaE. V*cki T oC>n Va? Cl*»»rf»#d f'*»vgy M1 V k*A Kav-n A "»’•» '*'4' A «»' ',.*■» 4 l OfW'JQ Butmaaft K4,r,y 4 t>o*'* Si.^takX AxJy Con.no> Production i'v*J Wh'o FVotf.Afon rm » f K ■ v‘ »i > , \ go> -i Miwk! „*>' »r M •>, IW W o&h S’ At > M' ’•« Mi M>- • .• fWv .i hi u :»■*' ■**• A w .>'«** «* v »» •» V-.»« ! AX! VS .|-n* Ganaral Manager J Man? Advertising Director r-'t.» m v.e**^* Sewiroom 146 Sill Muetneee Office 146 SS1? r*ro duel ton MjrvAgvf *.* DupUy Advertising )44 3H2 Cl*»»rt'«d Actv#r1t§ing >46 4143 Economic OPTi^IS ANONYMOUS * • ;m* v»it iKas&ieuai. W rVEuCT a J r VStffiOCD Twrsm ”4 O .* 41 TtM v -V* Mainstream? Thank you fur printing koalanl Robcrls' story on envi ronmental activism fun 7) Ili-forc coming lu the Univer sity. I was oil the Uiard of di re: tors fur the Alaska Knviron mental Lobby I also served on several committees for various public interest groups, and co founded a non-profit corpora turn that researi lies mining cornpanv pra< tires 1 spent .1 lot of time reading and writing letters, spore lies and testimonies I have raised money, helped organize neigh borhoods and i pr.n In e a low impart lifestyle .ill to conserve resotiri es 1 was more than relieved to read that the above ai tiviiies are t onsidered 'mainstream polltn s because 111 Alaska I have is-eii i ailed .i radii al en v ironmentalist' W hen I inert a member of Larlh I irst' (In-re, at the l hover siH), I was in awe I thought. Now there's a rad leal I w isli I had her i mirage Theresa Scott Counseling Psychology Bad press It's mi much easier this year to become alienated from vast numln-h of people In the past, il r»-;iutrcil t*n11n- Minlmui^ nr .ii least phrases. but imh (M V Three letters' U i II, oncf again. lhe DDl t-ilti>r*> have Iiit-ii true to form Dim Mini's letter [DPI:. Jan 10) was passri) by the editor sav inMost OCA supporters have (somehow) passed 4th grade senleni e diagramming 1 Ins is an indirei t insult' (i.id guv been inserted for OCA I dare sav this letter would have boon rejected Why was tins allowed' Could it he someone has dei hired open season on the IK A at the (UHCf A few of my neighbors were noted as being OCA supporters 1>V the press Sun e that time, thev have had windows shot out on a regular basis, but no body has made an effort to just sit down and reason through things with them This causes me 10 put anIi-(X',A pnopIn into Iwo categories 1) Full ol hatred .1 mi violence, seeing no hope ol ( hanging p eop le ’ s i d nu s through mason _’) Apathutk, i (aiming to have .1 i ausn hut unwilling lo do anything about It Let's gel il straight If you am anti (X A. t'.hamvs am you and I disagrno idxiul a lot ol things Am urn going to li! one of the two 1 alugories ahovu. or per haps shuttur my stereotype and talk with inn about 11? Let's just make il public m ord shall wev Bob Weigel Eugene JFK Wi• ( ,1 n .ill il11 somethin); runs I ret entlv c ulled U S Rep Peter I)i-l a/ii) s office in Hu gene. and IkjiIi uur senators' of fices in Portland about their po sitions concerning the sec ret liles on John F Kennedy's death I received t In' following handwritten note from Uel a/.m dated Jan 7, 1M'I7 "jerry. I hauls tor contac ting im office regarding the circumstances surrounding JFK s death 1 share vour concerns In fact, I've instructed my legislative stall to draft a lull requiring the release of all ol the material Iroitl the House investigation 1 would appreciate your support 111 tills effort 1 expect strong opposition Peter Uel'u/.io " II you fuel this wav too, then join me Make a call, drop a line, tell others to )cnn m. con tact vour elec ted ollu nils' After contacting Sen Hob Pack wood's office m Portland. 1 was told 1 vs-is tfie only one to call to express my view about JFK and the secret files' Congress vs ill never ac t if we don't make our c one erns known' " Of the people, by the people, (or the people Incieed! Jerry Steven Long Eugene Protest Well, 1 see in the past couple of issues of the ODE that an ud is running to hire1 guv and bi sexual men. with good pay I didn't think the Emerald would do this, suiting .is it is joh dis crimination At anv ratit, I hope the Lesbi an. (lav and Bisexual Alliance takes note of this, because I know they are against discrimi nation in hiring. Maybe they'll protest Ron Williams Eugene Protection After witnessing the defense ol I’rojei t Saleride's exclusion ary pole v. I couldn't help but vs under il they were fully aware of tlie ramifit alums resulting from tfieir argument In case you missed it. Sale ride took the stand men are responsible for causing tear in some women bet ause of their appearance and. therelore, can be legally disi riminaled against because of this far I Should we reverse that statement and come up with the perverse de fence women cause lust in some men liecause of their up pearant e and, therefore, can tie legally raped because of tills fact' Both ideas are antiquated anti need to fie eliminated iu esianusn me pnysieai ap pearance of a person as legal justtlii alion lor the emotions and actions of another is one of the things we should fight against, not merely as men and women, but as human beings united against injustices The other portion of their de font e was that Saferido helps eliminate rape on campus, and because so few men are victims of rape, they have no place within the service The truth is no one i an say what crimes are being prevented if they do not occur No doubt Saferido has prevented rapes, as well as as saults. muggings, und many other types of crime Saferide, in actuality, is a vitally impor tant service that prevents po tential crime, of which poten tial rape is but a portion The right to protection from potential crime is a right for all people, not just women. Jordan Lund English