IN TOUCH with Club Sports RANGER Continued fri/m I’age 11) brigade rmt*t in each of the past ten years, an honor re stricted to only the top two teams in the state. This year’s vjuad may he the Ix-st in Oregon’s history. At the Portland State In vitational held in December at Camp Bonneville, the team took first place out of seven schools, winning three of the five events contested. "We were consistent in every event," explained team member and assistant com mander Shane Wilde. "We were reallv dominant in the 10 kilometer run. We fin ished in 5(i minutes, and the nest team was 14 minutes behind." Bv winning the invita tional, Oregon once again qualified lor the brigade muet, which will lv held i eh. 14, 1 S. and 1 tilh at I t. lewis. Wa. I he brigade meet will uu luJe teams from as far away as Guam and l tali. If the team is able to make the top three at the brigade meet, they will qual ify for the regional meet, something that has only been accomplished once in the sc hind's history . ■Bk M Ft*# photo A ranger challenge loam combines strength with speed and cooperation tor a successful brigade meet in February "I think we lutve .t ureal chance to make the riniin\.il meet," said team commander Huh Davidson. "Were the fastest team in s*. hool histo rv. Hut we need to improv e in some areas, like the ro|X“ hrkljje event and in our ph\ sieal testing. We used to dominate the rojx- bridge, lui! other svhoi>ls leave tin proved their techniques and caught up to us. Aside from the fact that llu* s|>>ri keeps them in great physical shape, Wilde and Davidson also commentevl on tlie other benefits of ranger «. hallenge. 11 I he sport lias helped me gam experience in leader ship,’ said Da\ idson. " Die meets are a real gut check and they allow me to see how I perform in stressful situations." "Ranger challenge has helped me physically ."said Wilde,“but I think it lias also helped tiu- to become disc iplined. It shows others that you’re motivated to do something that’s difficult." 1 lie ungodly practice time ot 0:15 a.m. was established "because that was the only time when- there were no cimflict.s Ivtween sched u les,"explained 1 Xn id son. Major I (Mil Iktrjjevs, the ranker cliallenjte coach and a professor of military science, secs the early practice time a.s a necessity. "The most important tiling lor these students isn't ranger challenge, it’s their ability to maintain a high GPA. By having our prac tice early, we can guarantee that there won’t be any class conflicts and that the stu dents will have time to do their homework, ” said Bur gess. Hanger challenge is, sur prisingly to some, a coed s|v>rt. Oregon's lone ferrule, I-ri ka Ungem, is currently bat tling for a spot on the “A” team. “Krika's probably our best athlete in tire physical fitness testing,” said David son. “She always scores a perfect 300 when she’s test is). All she needs to do is im prove in the I Ok run and she’ll Ik in our top nine.” Although the majority of the participants are involved in the KOTU program, the club is open to all university students. The one require ment of the squad is that all members must be enrolled in Military Science llW, the ranger challenge fitness class. I rick SluJi nick.i rw JL 1. VCK TOWI> I J?, M -Jm nL X' jtV XIt w J JC-# I NTi VEGETARIAN PIZZA ANATOMY 101 THE HELL PEPPERS Ituxl Srkrtnt. Tt^) Quaky at kI FrcshV Skrd Ti lt; OLIVES: The MiHroOiKTSk Paul Central CitMonua. THE MUSHROOMS: Locally (