— QconVERSE . ALL STARS Black Hl-Tops *24" When you're serious about the games you play DELEGATOS Mohawk Marketplace • Springfield • 741-3381 Russell Athletic Factory Seconds ih ss t-snins.u.uu ea. IR Is t-shirts.5755 ea. IR tank tops.55.00 ea. IR workout shorts.54.00 ea. ik running snons.>/m ea. IP :re* neck sweatshirts ..$8.95 ea. IR sweatpants.$8.95 ea. fl hooded sweatshirts.$9.95 ea. IR package socks.>4.95 ea. I Best Buy in Town! •# ft Mi* EUGENE EISS Every Day Sidewalk Sale S< !**}*» ! 1 .& -. Uo«! l>Wv, l-.jtt 4 > . • • «V>' C I 94 W Broadway, Eugene, Or 97401 ■■■. Downtown i ugarw ... WE'RE PROUD TO BE THE FIRST SPONSOR OF THE HOCKEY TEAM <►* L Come watch all your favorite sports on our BIG SCREEN T.V.! if (lido 6 tttk and Adder t 3-15-06&I ■ IMlWHIwith Club Sports Run! Swim! Jump! Ski! Club Sports offers it all nmaginc yourself flying down tin1 toughest run at Willamette Pass, the wind in your teeth and an icy spray blowing in your face. Or testing your martial arts skills against a ready opponent. Or even tackling the challenge ol a 10-kilometer run while car rying a rucksack on your hack. Downhill skiing, karate and Ranger cliallenge are just three of a wide array of athletic opportu nities available to students through the l diversity's C lub Sports program. Currently IS different teams make up Club Sports, which is housed in a new office in the basement of the 1MI across from the old computer store. Sands Vaughn, Club Sports coordinator for Iti years, said about hVO students are involved m the program, Vaughn said the number of participants has Inen growing steadily for the last four or five years. Club Sjxirts is also successful because it offers students an out let for the stresses classes and studsing can create. "Academics dini’t always keep students at the university," Vaughn said. "Sometimes it’s a different bond with the Universi t\, and Club Sports can provide that. Of course I’m biased, but I think this is one of the lx-st pro grams," Vaughn said. "We’re one of the few tlut has a full time coordinator. Oregon State, for example, doesn't have one. It lends stability to the program.” Although Club S|xirts is com Fit# photo Students can choose from a variety ol teams, including rugby, to join through Club Spons petitive, and some teams are forced 10 turn away perspective members lx-cause of si:e limits, the program really dix's offer something for just alxnit every one. "Most clubs take students of any skill level and train them,” Vaughn said. Despite the brand new office, which Vaughn said was much needed, the program has to work lurd to stay afloat fi nancially. Club Sports is partially funded by the IFC, but Vaughn said stu dents must raise more titan one fourth of the program’s $90,000 annual budget. Vaughn said some teams have even been forced to charge dues. Vaughn said tlx- growing trend probably won’t recede in the near future. She said students are even trving to add new teams to the program. And Vaughn said Measure S cutbacks, which have affected various parts of the University, have yet to hit Club Sports. Tlvut should help guarantee tliat Club Sports will continue to provide unique opportunities for students interested in competitive athletics not offered elsewhere at the University. -Jayson Jacoby GROUP AND/OR INDIVIDUAL ORDERS LETTERING AVAILABLE CUSTOM DESIGNS COMPETITIVE PRICES RESIDENT GRAPHIC ARTIST 23^ WEBPOOT 3. 14th • 344-1034 J {If -— lightweight Skywalks feature Gore Tex* lining to keep watei out feet dry Cordura* nylon and leather uppers breathe for cod comfortable hiking Sole cushions shock, helps prevent fatigue Try on these smooth walking lightweights today In men's and women's sizes CALENDAR January WEDNESDAY.JAN 22 Club Siortx Ojx'n t Lhjv will be held 1! ' t mi to 1 C pm in the L lltm Sjx»tx.Blue Suite 6 E'Ml t all *4n '7 l 1 tor m. »e mb* matian SATURDAY. JAN 2S Itixkcy vx. CAL. .it b> p m t.> he hell .it Line ( . mnty ..e .it the l.ajw CTounry F.iirgnurra. 7'*' Yt I htrternth St Die poMis tx in sited .uiJ adnuxsiofi ii }2 I. * Jtlek-ntx mi >4 t.< the public L* mote information call f«s7 -442 1.* f>s7 ibid SI INDAY, JAN 26 Table Tennis Tournament will ho helJ It.xn 12 pm to S pm in 220 Lief linnet Hockey vs. CAI . .ii NX thirteenth St A Ittuv-i.«\ is >2 t. < xtnlentx itvi 74 t. < the public SUNDAY. MR 2 I lockey ' s. ban Jose State l 'nisersits aitiniin e i t n lU .ine t a»mty he SATURDAY. EER s Rugby plus Revel 1 e'i |S in.I 1 even el’ ill v> I ■ Kink tn *11 1 1 ,1 III 1.1 4 I Ml Lull l4' L'illf til «. ill tv t Mi I'. XI FRIDAY, FEB 21 Co-ed Itivh nr N x , er ‘. pin . it i iU%4 i . ;. a . ■ < ; ' t ■ ! r m SATURDAY. PER 22 Ihvkes vs. University ot \\ ashuigtvxi e ' ; e .at.. ■ nntx Ice it the i jirgn ui.b AJltitsst «i is >2 in .t * let its at il >4 tof the public indoor Soccer continues m 0 * SUNDAY FER 21 Hi* key vs. University >>1 \\ashingti pm SAtT HI 'AT MAR 7 Hockey vs. Gonraga Leu is at fi pm It . .me t .unity he Admix X| X 1 |X Sj t, , v(|, I,.ftt;, UK! >4 f- * the | ' ! IV Hughs vs Central Washington State- e Sv-vithlunk ft.xn i mi ' 4 p tn SUNDAY MAR s lav rox.e vs. le-vstx and Clark College it Nxjthb.mk It,an o. *xi to I p m Hockey vx. t u*i:aga . xitinuc-. at lane t .ninty he at 1 ' i tn FRIDAY. SATURDAY SUNDAY M AR 2 7. 2 vAND 2 > Base Kill "Liregixi Insitattv*ial" louriutnetil veiii L- In i I u t in. StaJium 12 pm t- 7 p tu ill .Liy. The Oregon Daily Emerald Presents: IN TOUCH Our id i tori a 1 and Advertising staffs combine to bring our readers these special issues that profile particular organizations and departments on cam pus. If your group or organization is interested in an IN TOUCH supplement, contact Tom I eech in our advertising department. 346-3712 ...Emerald The Best Workout — The Best Location \ 1/2 OFF : ; INITIATION FEE ; • until J,m ?0, 1 99? * • STAIRMASTERS • AEROBICVCLES • AEROBICS - FUNK. BENCH, HIGH/LOW 485-1624 6 am - 11 pm ar[, e’. CAME CENTER * COUPON! 50c OFF *K w / U of O i I) ALL THE TOP VIDEO GAMES k Pool BY THE HOUR' ZS“M( VYilIjmrttr • Eugrnr What Jogged-Out Jocks Say About Onsen HOWUr mot TV* acmTai Csll MJ *04* tot r***rv«tlont 1AA3 Go«ton Av*. Iu9«n« •WHEN foo MENTION THIS AD HURRY' LIMITED HMf OMSK For a limited time, use all the facilities at Lane county's largest and most fully equipped Total Fitness Centers for three full months with an annual membership! S~\ • No Sign-Up fees! • Three locations! • Open 24 hours! Bodta* only) “More service, more facilities...less price!" 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