ET ALS MEETINGS Oregon Daily mar aid will havo a mooting for students in terested in freelance writing to day at 2 p m In tho EMU Ma plo Room Call 346-f*511 for mort! information Mualim Student Auociation will moot today ut 2 p m in EMU Room 202 Vietnamese Student Associa tion will moot tonight at 7 In Smith Lounge Call 683-8285 for more information Mortar Board will moot to night from 530 to f> it) In EMU Cedar Room B Call 74<>-t>325 for more Information Survival Center general In terest meeting tonight at 7 In the EMU Bon Linder Hoorn (jail 346-4356 for more infor mation Psi Chi, the national honor society for psychology, will have an introductory meeting for new and old members to night at 6 in Hoorn 154 Straub Call 485-0851 or 346 4936 for more Information PRSSA will have a client meeting tonight at 5 30 In Hoorn 215 Allen MISCELLANEOUS Gulf War Anniversary tan tiitt li^hi vigil sponsored by Ihr Eugene I'c'jk v Works will take tonight from S to 8 30 at thr Federal Building down town Cull 34 i H54H for more information Japanese Student Organi/a lion will havrt a study table to night at 5 in the Yumiida Lan guage learning Center in I’nt ifit Hall Call 34(> 4387 for more in formation OSPIRG will have an infor motional table today from 10 a m to 2pm In the EMU Lob by Pic k up your copy of "The Impact" n e w »I ® 11 o r Call 34(> 4377 for more Information Climbing in th» (Crimea will be highlighted tonight ut 7:30 in Hoorn 110 Willamette Call the Outdoor Program at 340-4365 for more information Circle K will induct member* tonight at 7:30 in EMU Cedar Room D "Campus Racism", a docu mentary project by Julia Lesuge with students of color will take plat* texiuy at 3:30 p m in the EMU Den Linder Room Call UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO I r1 HO 4 ^9 s8T J\jC INTEREST-FREE PAYMENTS!! , EASY FINANCING!! UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO 13TH AND KINCAID Open Mon.-Sat.. Ph 346 4331 i 346-3737 for more information "Sanctuaries of the Spirit: The Native American Round Houses of California and the Creut Plains." is the title of a lecture to be presented by Peter Nabakov, professor of anthro pology at the University of Wis consin, Madison, tonight at 8 In Room 177 Lawrence call 346-3696 for more information OPPORTUNITIES Applying to law school will be the topic of a workshop to day nt 3:30 p m. in Room 164 Oregon Hall, (aill 346-3211 for more information MLKJr. | Celebration 16 Thursday Nikki Giovanni 8 45 a m - noon 4J School District (Edgewood and Jefferson) Info Martha Lackie 687-3363 UO Staff Recognition Luncheon 12 - 1 30 EMU Ballroom Info 346-1148 "Beyond Hate" Video/Disscussion Dr Frank J Geltner Jr 1 30 - 3 30 p m EMU Walnut Room Nikki Giovanni at Peg Brand's ‘Philosophy of the Arts" 2 - 3 20 p m 276 Education "Campus Racism* Julia Lesage Docu mentary Project with Students of Color 3 30 p m Ben Linder Room Info Ann Keding 346-3737 UO Composers Forum Original Compositions In Honor of M.L.K 8 p m Beall Hall Info Robert Kyr 346-3766 Nikki Giovanni at OSU 6 30*sh - 10 Info Jeff Boyd 737-6341 4J District Reception/ M.L.K. H S Student Essay Clergy & Laity Con cerned 7 p.m 200 N Monroe Info Martha Lackie 687-3363 Info CALC: 485-1755 Promo Afro Homo UO Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance 8 p.m. EMU Fir Room Fee: $6 advance/ $8 at the door