Oregon Daily Emerald irj^-iiZA»mgan Student vigil honors MLK birthday By Daralyn Trappe Erecad Assoc ate Ed tc* It started with a birthday t ake in the LIMl) nut the singing and < an I dli’s didn't come until hours later on the steps of Johnson Hull And in between; the celebration of Martin Luther king Jr.'s birth dav inr hided ja// music , a discus sion of Americ:a's rac ial divisions and a chance to meet author/poet Nikki Giovanni Students at the University com memoraled King’ s birthdav Wednesday, the first of .i sivdav celebration in Eugene honoring the civil rights leader The vigil and march began with University student Ishaq Shantsud-din speaking to about too people who gathered outside Johnson Hall. "It feels good to see everyone here, it gives me energs and makes me want to move ahead, he said Shamsud din urged the crowd to work together and support eac h other m an effort to make positiv changes We came here todav to show a ' little solidarity and support, and that's good because you don't see it that much unless it's at an or ganized event like this, he said "brother King tried to make a change." he said "You might think things have c hanged since he was here, (nil things haven't PHOtoOy Ait-r rs Student Ishaq Shamsud-dm initiates the MLK. Jr candlelight vigil with a motivating speech Wednesday night at Johnson Hall See MLK Calendar, p. 12 tli.it much Km ism is still around Murtin Luther King hud .1 dream, but where is dreaming go mg to get vim," Shamsuddin said We need to act on those dreams Tod i) V s I'Vnnls i n t:l ml i' 1 hr slims trig of l >111 versify Assm mlr; l'rofrssor Julia) Lcsnge's iloi urnrn !.ir\ projei ! on sliulmls of color. .1 perform.nn r of original compost lions m honor of King ami .1 film ■itxiul g.iv filar k men Suspected rapist accused in case By Tammy Batey t RepofltK Michael Patrick Ryan ()nr liny iiflcr ii man was .h i nseil of raping an tIt year-old Univer sity student, the Millie man Is siispec ted to has e raped an at quiiln lam e In Boise, liialio, polite salil Tuesday University student v.t ii hael I’atrti k K\iin. II. Is i harmed With the Saturday morning rape III a t hil V ersil V fresh m .1 n . I, ti gene poI Ii e said Ksan burrowed a friend's i ar shortly alter the 1 a in attar k and left town An Oregon warrant lor his arrest li.is Iteen is SUl'li Buis,- pnlit v Di'ii i ini' i.an< e Anderson s.utl .>i■ Idaho warrant lor KyanA arrest would hi' issued shortly in i unntK lion with thi’ rape o! .1 Boise resident According to Boise polite. IrientK ol the 22 -year old [to 1M' vielsiii said Kvan hIuiwi iI up in Idaho C ity about i .10 p m Saturday w ith a 1 ar that matched lint dest rip lion given by Kugene point' 1 In- wimimiA Irielids also said they knew Kvan before the rape Kvan lull their . ompany about 2 p in Sunday siiymjj in- was returning to Eugene to attend i lasses .it the University, they said Boise polite said they believe Kvan instead Went to !tie rape vll tun's home about I p m I.>rn to SUSPECT Pane .} Bookstore board to discuss pornography controversy j Suggestion box comments, Men Against Rape want Playboy, Penthouse off bookstore shelves By Lisa Millegan Emaraia As social# Edik* To some. I’luyboy and lJvnthousv mag azines plait! on University Bookstore shelves directly increases violence against women To others, the journals removal would lit- nothing short of cen sorship More and more. University Bookstore customers are filling the store's sugges tion box with their opinions on whether a college bookstore should carry pornogra phy A sample of comments "Please remove your selection of skin mags 1 can avoid it but I don't think I should have to Pornography dehumanizes, objectifies, degrades and disgusts Articles may be good. but the pictures are not Can we find a magu/ine which has good articles and doesn't de grade anyone7'' "Keep Playboy and Penthouse PC (politically correct) intimidation should not be v ululated You sell magazines that refer lo worn rn us bunnies .mil ju ts .uni shows pic lures of them in subjugated positions Would you sell N.i/i magazines th.it showed pictures ol lynched minorities'" More pornography. |de.ise Wi cunt allow the thought ol police running this plat e In response to such comments, the store's hotird of directors h.is decided to hold .1 meeting tonight to de.il with cus turners' com erns The meeting w ill be held at 7 (i m at the Wesley Center Conference Room. 123b Kincaid St "The board is very concerned about hearing from students, faculty and staff, said )im Williams, bookstore general manager "We know it's important to a number of people and we don't want to minimize that The board of directors includes two fai ulty members, eight students and one general University employee Nancy Crufts, who is a buyer for the bookstore, said the St) copies of Playboy and Penthouse on the shelves have sold out the last three to four months Crafts -.iiiii she is nut responsible (nr deciding whit It magazines arc sold al the bonk store Williams vvlio has been m Ins position lor Mi years, said the bookstore has not bad this many c omplaints about tin- mug e/mes sun e the early l'MilK At that time, the then co-captain of the football team led a campaign to remove I’IuvIm)V t)cc ause of vvbat lie viewed as its offensive treatment of women According to an Oregon Daily Einvnihl article, the bookstore board of direc tors rejected the proposal because of the mag a/ine's "high-level literary content” ami liecause its removal could lead to further censorship Coincidentally, the 1992 campaign to remove pornographic magazines from the bookstore is also led hv men Since tins fall. Men Against Rape has sent several letters to the bookstore, artic dialing their view that such magazines have severely damaging effects "Roughly one-half ol the women in the University community will be sexually or physically assaulted during their lives," wrote MAR co-directors Hill Brotzman and David Peterson In a letter to Wil liams "Virtually all of them are subjected lu unwanted sexual attention ranging from i atcalls lo rape Pornography camsis 11• n11 v and repeatedly ( hamplons ihis sort ol behavior Ilrol/maii s.oil In' defines pornography .is "misogynist rmilxn.il which is hateful towiiril women .mil objet Idles women firot/.man said he also considers f’/ai flirl. which ti'.itnri's mail' models. pornog raphy, lull he is not lighting fur the maga zine's removal l’hiybo\ and /Vm/)nu.%e iire particularly harmful to women because of the literary arlic les. whit h are included, hi' said " I lii' pit torial sections and the car toons depir ting women In molestation situations or other situations are also among these oduc ational articles, so the magazine sort of equates the two as ar ceptalile or on the sume level. Itrot/man saiil Although he does not believe In forced censorship. Hrot/man said he wants to encourage the bookstore board to make responsible choit.es when selecting mate rials "We’re not trying to make them remove the magazines." he said "We're trying to Turn to MAGS. Page 4 HIGH TECH Chernobyl: Univer . sity researchers aim to verity years of misinfomation. Sm DISASTER, Pag* 5 EVERY 76 YEARS? Owner Richard Aiello said his 'Halley's Comet' faded into oblivion from a decline in video-arcade interest, denial of a bank loan for expansion and high rent. Sm CLOSURE, Pag* 6 M.L.K. DAY 1 002 VITIES Day two of Martin Luther King Jr. celebration week includes activities throughout the Eugene-Springfield area. Sm CALENDAR. P*o# 12 MM MMMMH H