SPORTS Clothing key to snow camping 4 INTO THE lOUTDOORS BY JAYSON JACOBY Two of the most popular winter pursuits in Ore gon's (Cascade mountains are cross-country skiing and snow shoe hiking. But most people make their trips on skis or snow shorts one day affairs, opting to spend only the daylight hours out in the snowbound forest and leav ing the overnight camping to the summer months when it's dry and warm It is kind of a pity, really Some of the best trips can he made even more memorable by traveling deep into the wilder ness with proper equipment and adequate preparation to en joy a comfortable night under winter stars It's an experience that (an t he matched by any summer time excursion when the only real danger to he avoided is mosquitoes Surprisingly, i amping in the snow isn't open to experts onl y With sufticicnt equt|> ment and preparation, anyone who can spend the night in the forest during t h e vs a r m e r months i an do the same during the winter The most important and absolutely necessary re quirement for snow (-amping is clothing While even a beginner can have a great time in the snowy woods, serious cold weather gear is .1 must. If you don't huve it or ( an t gel it, don't go Tho most important dressing lip to remember lor cold weath er is never to bulk, but rather to layer clothing The best way to stay warm is to 1 reate several layers of .11 r fmtween your skin and the outride air This means wearing several lighter gar ments instead ol one bulky one L.iyering also offers the ad vantage of removing one or more garments svbon you stall sweating on the was lo vour camping destination I hr b.isii s start with a good pair of long underwear I In* various fill-nils of cotton and synthetic polypropvli-ru’ arc a good choice, as they draw swcal away from tin- skin to keep till1 camper drtor and warmer (,nose dow n under wear is available, too. till! it is both more expensive and more bulky than the blends Next, 1 like to wear a good cotton flannel shirt, either lined or unllned Again, the advan tagi-s here are the ability to wit k away moisture and the light weight Alter the cotton shirt, there are mahy choices for a covering laser One essential require ment. though is the ability to r epe I1 w a ter 1 and wind \ I though in recent years there have been mans advances m outdoor clothing such as water proof fabrics like Ooretex and ne w insulators sui h a s Thlnsulate. I still think shirts, sweaters and coats made of plain old Wool are the best Again, layering is important It is better, for example, to wear a svool sweater and a light weight svool joi ket than to wear one heavy wool coat Wool tab rh comes in many forms, some ol yvhu ii repel water as well as the more modern versions Nothing can beat woo! fur wind protei lion and overall warmth For pants, the best < again are either wool or on>- of the nesver fabrics Never sse.u cotton pants such as l.evi's Once tiles gel wet, they II prnh .ibis never get dry without an electric dryer One point mans people lor get is lo keep the head .Old ex :! r: i:;! i‘ sv arm Neat! s three BREAKFAST SPECIAL SPECIAL RODUCTORY OFFER Saturday and Sunday only 10:(X) - 2:00pm introducing our brand new menu and gourmet krtchen! try our specialty coffees . Cappuccino single $1.00 Cafe Mocha singlo $1.35 Breakfast served )0am - 2 pm 'Mmon atm aftowod m 1 cjy to/* 7 am 4pm Offer good with James ILLUSIONS 1511 Lincoln Willamette towers Bldg iiiiimim by Don PERMS *•» , u' ■ fyt> now $29.95 LOOP ROOS-SPIRALS Slartmg al $39.95 HAIRCUTS NOW $8.00 J Illusions • 345*1810»«'«m*«'''««^ Good through February 7. 1992 | quarters