THE DREAM LIVES We must all learn to live together as brothers or we will all perish as fools. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tltfi Copy Shop 539 E. 13th 485-6253 KINKO’S More Than Great Copies • Repor t Binding • IBM and Mac Rentals > • Instant Passport Photos N • Next Day Typing Semi e • f ast Self Serve Copiers with Auto Feed • Next Day Resumes • Next Day Business Cards • Custom I shirts _ 1 Open 7 Days • 344-7894 TT U rrrr L*ik Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday W ednesday Pros1. Confererx e M l K Jr Task Force 1 1 .i in Ben Linder Roorfv Info Fit. 4(XX) Kickoff Birthday Cake Bl.e k Student Union Noon f MU Lobby Info Fi(i 4000 UO Ja// Quintet S' 4t Zimmer Director "The Color or Your Skin' VkIi-o Discussion 1 30 - 3 30 p m E-MU Walnut Room Dr Frank J Gettner Jr Nikki Giovanni Book Signing ! 4 r> p m j i 1 ' f F x ikst' >re | Into Fit i 4 331 . ,)u |) m ! V ■ Art , tilery ! >•[■!;■ id is f Fti 4 •• Car*jlelirjtit Vigil 7 p rn j Jotmson H.ilt/f ierlmger t un je ! Into i-i<* -i 37*i File T < . r 1 Jure l lr it led" ; Afre in Amen- an ■ iay Men ; , , 1 | t Aer ity mmole ■. i ■ r - . ‘ • -,t .1'. Afri .in Amen, an p«tetty H J p m Ben Linder R< .om Into 088-1601 Week’s activities intended to shake up apathy’ By Kirsten Lucas .L.K. DAY "77t/s /' no tinu' lor np.iih\ or i orn/)/.ii on i v /7ns is .i limr for \n:i\ an,I positive on /ion •* I In i .ir*• lhe wuriK : V.irim Luther King .I:;• j the theme of " \'s celebmtion • ■ ir ni tile htrlli ‘ ivil-rlghts loader, w . iv.;mil i I in 1 ‘Mitt '■I !■ . i> v\ in' served and I'ni i Ms Ins Brand will speak . V today n ku k ofl six days of i !■ .:iv i(ies, whic h com lude .\ ; .;','w.'i: 'Tin: Dream Lives On will lie no ( lasses Mon i.-br.tlion is more than just an lake a three dav Weekend a day when we re supposed to ,.:.d think and educate ourselves we,it we can do (about civil said 1.1 sa Lawrence, director of 'h<‘ ftlack Student l 'men and iurmlwr of lho Martin f.iithor King |i i'ask I oree M s .i lime when iirun Ml down In gether ami talk .1! the issues We're f.ii ing." Lawreie-.; saiii Some presentations and discussions ■>i he.(tiled lor the 1 ejehr.ilion include The Color id skin, a look into rat <•'relations and education in the I S military. " Hevnnd Hale. insights of world loudeis mlo tin effects and origins of hate, and the presentation of an on going student dounnenOm on rainpus r.u ism task lorce facilitator i-rank (ieltner said these discussior s are intended to challenge and expand people's 1 omfort /.ones Heing tolerant of others IS not (list a colorol skin issue, hut a matter of heing comfortable with people wI10 are not like loutsell." (ieltm r said Ini hided among those people are often gays and lesbians, whose issues will also be addressed as a par! il the ( elehr.ltlon "(lay anti lesbian oppression is tun net ted to rat ism and sexism among other forms of prejudit e. s.od Sue Dockstador. DtrtHhir til tin* I •■sliMtj Gay Bisi c Itl lilt! IVirk It J ; nine students and (uinnilinitv lurmln'ts will h;i\e numer Hus u|i|if.rtuniii( s I.'.irn .11.i • xxith king in supporting striking 111x sanitation workers in Mempfns lenn xvheti lie .'was assitssinaled Ho* Rex 1 i etl I. Shu It lesxs 011 h xv i i U the leatiired speaker at tfie ! he Do .mi Fixes On..Jubilee' Monday night a’ the Hu it ( enter I F-xx ill present Kefle. t ions oil die (axil Rights Movement : ia:: a:; I Noxx U .1. F !!':• /.'me/,ihl tills week lot da » i alemii rs ,md t overage of events To Eat the Last Messiah’ provides feast for the soul By Ret •• a Daub lAifflaras E E-XJP1 W !| 11 I i! I) .1 : . ilhcr Kim: |r unil U.n. t i.vm li 11.iv<• In torn mun I' ii 4 l i r 11 v ■ •: i | \ •, ilf.iin.i li.inci ■ ms ... : V. . . : i i; ! .'. 1 ill V I!i s i t . g !> . !•! ns:. n ■ : = *r- ■ ’ w I U .; tin pt I . !.. ;: i , .: \it ■■ ih. pi,iv . ui • U• • . S', fi1: ,i m . 1 ,mt jiiuit -.sor ui ::! ;>> ,y w ith is..: si King :n (in unusual wav LMi / mg (hr abstrnit, nrnr, Ua\ i Lvni ii styir, Stolid iiddrrsM r. liit'.l thill nil'sM,ills nrr 111!' II killed whilr fulfilling mins ' rs of liln siuli-l rcm lii-il this i nnt Ins n ,i!li>r ohsrrving tho dnaths ■! . : .: prop Ir whom hr I t -si,ihs King. K• t. m i Ghandi. to namr ,1 tiirsi' r\|)rnrn i, •: in' not ii mi t v. . V- ..ills had to no i.iiiiim; .mil saving, ami . .:. w- ■ r in •. gr:: ■ g ; isr If ,s an r viral 1 .h.onrr ;. irty v\ Im h I vif.v . a Hirlaptior lot wnflii ai in IV." Stoi. t said -It ...- , 1 ■, all Course#* f>*o*0 Martin Luther King Jr .1 s seen by David l ynch as seen by Jeffrey Stolet a University assistant professor of dance who wrote To Fat the lust Messiah, a play about martyrs opening L nday, Jan 17 at the Robinson theatre of Villard Hall t il)if cion t no script sonsf, urn talk At o 1 i i hero is in the conventional »%.*\ !ns! Dean n;. nr J v .issue late? prolt-*sor oi tmisu plays ■ grant! piano lhai's right nest h ihc dinner table ’ II you cuultl combine U-.i ,u Iiietiti lamid VI,ii)mur I i. ■: is i l. .If, I i'll k Nil I; that's what Ih** i hnrai ter iv a completely item otm pianist.' ,» i aiding to Ki . r pr<; ■ IlMM Janet Rose in him ,il i!ir = lur tuf the plav, agreed rhcre is ,i definite isTiness ahiiul the mu sit shit said, and the entire play tor matter Both she and Stoh)! sun! it s not somelhing to firing ti’.r mis !■■ '■ that ' s dirty or anything.' Rose said "'It would his! he tin nrnpreheri sihle to them t he shnw opens at it p in ot, Friday, |an 17, in Robinson Theatre ol Villartl Hal! ► St> 5(1 general rdmissn n and SI it) students and M-tiiur tin /ens. are availahle at the Rohm son Theatre Box ( Min e t^ESSlMA By JEFFREY STOLET WORLD PREMIERE tawin' *rt>» . f« . t > .*.! ‘ - tM* AJW * ■ 4Kvi#H*wi »«t‘ . «i‘A ' ME V * 1 A.V • < 1 JAN 17, 18. 19. 23. 24. 25. 1992 ROBINSON THEATRE 8PM 03) 346 4)9! . * • ■ V f. > 4 i M GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Voikswagon Audi • Datsun • loyotu 342 2912 2025 Franklin Bivd Fiugone, Oregon 97403 WEDNESDAY 8-11:30 pm IS U of O STUDENT PARTY NIGHT! • Hundreds of $$$ of prizes to be given away! • FREE popcorn & munchies! • Check out our new light system - the best in Eugene! scvMtrs 2222 Centennial Ulvd a •: , • Eugene • 343-4734 ETHNIC STUDIES MI NOR I I Y INSt INS HISTORY T'ICTION POETRY DRAMA Smith Family Bookstore 7oS I-.ast 13th A\cnuc 345 1651 one TAv k lrom campus IHigctiC, Oregon 97401 ( i \ $5 OFF! Dr. Mar r f es * i Lazar's Bazar [ 57 W. Broadway I 957 Willamette l DOWNTOWN MALL£ Everyone here takes pride in recognizing Martin Luther King, Jr. on his day WEBFOOT 239 l-;. 14th 344-1034 8 .. X. - ;rarE. ,i' ,if mgmmmmmmmmmmmgrngmmmm School of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave C COMPOSERS FORUM /C Martr Luther King, Jr Week New works by UO graduate and undergraduate com posers, perlormed in cete bration ot Martin Luther King, Jr Week on campus Thurs., Jan. 16 8 p.m. FREE Admission For more information, call 346-3761 (Music School) L ookmg for a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS TASTE TAYLOR’S FOR BREAKFAST: Kggs Benedict — Toasted Knglish inufTm topped with thick slices of lean Canadian hacon. two deli cutely poached eggs and smothered m our scrumptious Hollandaise sauce add a gen erous portion of our delicatel y seasoned home tried potatoes It just makes you feel goooood. $4.25 Hut-vosAla laylors— Two warmed Hour tortillas, refried beans, two ef'j;s and our own spicy salsa combined in a way to make your mouth come alive Add our own special home fried potatoes and you’ll shout "Viva la Taylors’” $4.25 FOR LUNCH: Garden “Save a cow" Burger — A grilled meatless patty topped with cream cheese, sprouts, cucumber, tomato, avocado and sweet red onions Served with your choice of chips & salsa or fries $3.95 Basic Burger — 1/4 pound of lean groundbeef placed on top of a toasted bun with our special sauce Lettuce, tomato, pickle and onion are placed on the side so you can fix it the way you want Served with your choice of chips & salsa or fries $2.75 DONT FORGET OUR NIGHTLY SPECIALS Come in and pick up a weekly events calendar that keeps you on top of what new live entertainment is on the way.