ARTS Student art exhibit pays tribute to King By Ming Rodrigues Emerald Contributor An art exhibit r elehrating the ‘-pint of Martin Luther King |r is on display in the FMU Art Callery. second floor, anti will continue through Jan H A ( ompuler-genenitnd art piece, a painting, a print, a memo and a bust tiv Univer sity fine art graduate stu dents comprise the displav that "r aptures the ideals of Martin Luther King |r . said Hrentia Abney of the 1 Mi Cultural Forum Donnie Mitt hell's back ground in computer science and fine art shows up in tier work < omputer art that also reflet Is her fast motion with exploration and ah strac! thought "To Jane, With Love is tier contribution to the cele bration and a tribute to a special person in her life "1 have always believed in ra cial harmony but have never experienced it to its fullest until I met Jane, Mitt hell said in tier artist's statement A former minority atlairs coordinator at the University of Minnesota, Jeffrey Wvbornv drew from his multi t ii11ura 1 exponent es to create tus giant memo A graduate student in pho tography, Wvbornv faced the challenge of coming up with something strong from th<* [) e r spec live uf i v% tilt i * male Who! resulted was .m en larged pluitni up\ <1! a Ivpi'il memo reflet ts ih>‘ spirit and issues king fi pre •'i'll li'ii It \yas only in this past v car I ha I Natalie Mi i fr i n Whitsun broke aw tv lit cl 11 ‘ I In • < laws of meaning in her work She always wan! eil to create something sig nifit ant that would point to the i ontlet ted Hess of e \ is tence Her exnerieni ns on the move" having lived in California and in the Nether lands have eni ouraged her to look lor stability in the midst of i tuns ' S i,i I id a r i ' \ (I'wnii I tis-j" is the tide ol Whit son's work lor tins exhihi lion She created it in lUtlfl when she and her husband were living in Holland and were both involved with the activist movement there '"Tills work is the result ol me trying to i nine to terms with the daily news and re fleet on the olten Iragiie vet necessary bonds which siis tain us. Whitson said Other pint es on displav inc hide Avorlnde. ' u bust of an elderly blue k slave by Dev in field, and Spirit Transformation." a print by Kwmon Murillo EUGENE !Ai!laiV Fitness Swimwear Speedo Tyr Finals Men's & Women's 20-30% OFF Select Merchandise CALENDAR BLOWOUT 25% OFF ALL 1992 ■ CALENDARS ■ 150 kinds to choose from Lazar’s Bazar 57 W. Broadway • 657-0139 957 Willamette St. (Downtown Mall) You Hate your Bed. Do something about it. Start oh nil- man yuar right wmi a futon i kom Bin Hakhi. r>-\ C/3 z c H Ut ■- Comfortable reading studying positions F alling asleep has never been easier Blue E arth E uton is run g* students [gj students Choose from any combination of frame styles, mattresses, wood tinting (if desired), and sizes Frame jjng mattress packages from $149 345-2496 Eugene I a r i Looking tor a good aeai f Read section 130 in the classifieds. 1 IBM announces an enhancement to the PS/2. A high-speed loan. Available to college students, faculty and staff Low interest rate Affordable payments Up to $8,000 per loan Quick approval Easy to apply No application fee To apply for an IBM PS/2* Loan for Learning, visit your campus outlet or call the Nellie Mae Loan Hotline at 1 (800) 634-9308 Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • 346-4402 • Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mil