UNIVERSITY Recall election slated for February By Daralyn Trappe £m<»a!d Associate i rlilor The special «• lot tmn for stu drills. So decide whether to re i.ill A S t JO Vice I’resid tin t JoSonja Watson is planned for mid or Into- February A S I () I’r os i d i-n I |o n n i for Bdls said it will take ifi.d long lo hiro students for ilu; spei ini elections hoard, got voter infor mation distributed, and take i • ir<• of other smaller details, such as sotting up booths and getting ballots printed Plans for the election began in L)e( ember, when members of the College Republicans ended a month-long effort to collect signatures from at least 10 per cent of the student body Those signatures were hand ed over to the Constitution Court, which is responsible for verifying I hoi r authenticity' The signatures wi-re verifiet! through ihr Registrar's ofHt e .A!though ills- ( nib-ge Kepi:! lh .ins nilli-i toil l.ii'l i signa lures 15:t rnurt- than net es sarv the Registrars office re por11’cl tn thi* (institution ( on r t tlsut 1.701 vv err v .illii. only !mcirr than tin- amount niTi-ss.irv (Constitution (Court Chiel luv In i- Steven Briggs informed the AN! ( i l.isi vv" A tluit enough signatures w ere gathered .Members iii tin College Kr puhlti.ins began the retail el tort in Nov ember alter the < hr ffon 1 .'onimriiiiiior ami the I'm cr.i 1,1 revealed AYatson hail been arresteil In Noyembet 1'i»k) while attempting to shop hit V ' worth ot inert ham!ise, (rum the ! mversitv Bookstore U atson laileti to appear m eourt at one point hut has suite met the conditions of her sfsntfni r She did rod tli-ss'lost' her problems whiir run ning for office BilN. and ASl'() liltTlioiis ('u urdm.iiur John Goodman said 111*• 'dt’t lion v\ i; I «11•«t between 52.1100 .Old 52,500 ifit"lulling stipends for the elm Hons board and poll booth workers. hiring tiir i ’fi vs it o 1 Plant in set up tint booths -ind t,sk• them down, .on! printing ballots and inter information The mumn is not available in the A St () budgel. Bills said, so a spot tal si n id Lie oiadt’ to the tin ulrilla! 1 is1 t oniinii ire If Watson is \ oted out. Bills will appoint a noi no■ pros; drnt to bill tin- position lot tfli rt's t of tin- year Thf spin lal rim turn .Will lain' plai I about two months before thr general elm torn for tin ! '«•*-' 1,1 A S! () prf sidi-nt am I v u e pi eside rO RAPE Continued from Page 1 Sumi’ Met'lain residents hope the move is pcrmu mint "liven though it’s inconvenient to have „M hour Iim k-up. I think that should be the wav it Is. said hath) kern. Met .lain resident livster said all ilorins have the option of de creasing the hours their doors are open Ihe del i sum to he on a 2-t-hour lor k-up is a de< isiori each dorm must vote on, he said Despite the increased patrols and lot k change, dorm safety is dependent on dorm residents, Heard-Johnson said ''Residence halls will only he as safe .is the rose dents ill the halls want them to lie. Heard-John son said ' The change has to happen w itli the res rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr //////////// 7 always thought of rape attempts as walking outside and being pulled into a car. It’s really a reality check.' ( '<•••' Vi Merits ll iJtH-sn'l mutter i! we re im - i I-..air lm k up if the residents lease tlic dima. propped open In response to tin rape Hamilton vs;ii set up studs s.ifiles m its udeteria mi residents no longer illiisl stuiU downstairs ill ihe basement Heard Job 11 st in saui Seli-delense workshops have also been s< hisluleti she saal rrrrrrrr/r/r *r//r/r sss . ■>. HO" " »•"" S"V.<* ^■'a;'u. ,!.o ■V«*'l,‘C ' K.-1I ll* '“ U • '** ,,, l.X*'**' ^ U<> •"SssssSSs&s* u»'>Pw< ,>l )'** .. h*'*"'1 . . .ifcbovi'' ,c.puct— .,. ■SSsSSt^CSS-.. £11* j "Z v*“ b'“* , ,a- lovcomr-" v,,k ,w' ..*.■"" >t:Nis >ri i» f A ( l U* SfHl''1’ ,J*N\ \ V.HM fucv»U> 13th & Kincaid, Open Monday - Saturday, Ph. 346-4331 Velcro Jumping is here! Every Thursday The bar sport of sports. Take a break from studying and stick yourself to a wall. Guido s j 13th ami Alder 343-0681 ONE TOPPING --- MEDIUM PIZZA (let a medium l'J" Iinr ln^l edlent 11/za lur 1 >NI Y Sr> HT> Additional Ingredient 75» Whv settle tni less than the UESTV.'! CALL US FOR FAST. FREE DELIVERY 484 7799 TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1 M F t. ir iK !ir i • t ■ ii,'* nr < hr i,.;< fii • -IM-J THE FAR SIDE r By GARY [ARSON 1 In the corridors ol Clowngrpss