Volleyballers net team awards Sunior Diiwnn Charroln was named Musi Valuable Player for the 1901 Oregon volieylwll loam, highlighting Sunday s awards iMtiquet I lie o foot 1 outside hitter |iai ltd I hi; Dui ks with 17 I kills. :)57 digs and 124 blo< ks and finished her career lourlh on Oregon's all-time kilt lisl with 1 ,2h:i < harroln also tied fresh man kalle Kerr for die Men lal Toughness I. vt ra i (fori Award It was the third sir.ughi vi-iir iloit ( Inirrmn hml I'ilhf! .sum nr *-!.•:ri• -t tin honor ht-rr sturliMl the i.iM |i.irt ol tin- *.u imi!i when •>«'tni r Mol 1\ M: i .i.iti .% .r. it. ur.’i! at; : Ki-rr 4vcfitguil 5 2 .isMsts 4nr 1 I. digs lor tin- -.i ison is . M-ttcT Si«• {ifjun11- W.irri-n vs .e nanifii Hookn- al tli'- Vi'itraf ter roller ting 2 i t kills .mi! 'I hint k -■ 4-- 4 ttl 11 111 If him ki-r I ntihin.m 1.4 Ho in 4 \\ : <-,( ( or v.il I is j>n kr il u |i tin Chris I’usiiivi* Mi-nt.il Altitude Award Alsu pic k, ing up a w artjs vs i t'' I.uri<■ sophomore nut ,iit- i.illcr Nt< i.!!i Hi lilicr^; .is ill,* must iinptuvi'd player. |. (' n i n r tn i ii ii i • b , 11 k i- r Munir,- Adorns tor , r mtim iv si-rvir i .imi sportsmanship (the Kspir Kill ties Aw ard) ami junior middle blo< ker S' >/; ;i i’ru i .is ;In- , Harry K i!i h I r Si ho |a r A I ii Ii-1 r Aw aid vs inner Club Sports ranger team bumps Portland, takes title Th1 ,\ \< "vN I( Ml VINE CHARCOAL i S I !( K |* \{ KS K( Mu’ 1 * ' } S ! « S H( »\ KVt; « \ 20",, OFF 25°,, OFF I I’.ipt unah ( )lln v I'lodui ! STICK PI N 99‘h IV, it,•! t Jim ki i ( ii' ki < MK MANIC Al I’INC II l'il» I I ’ri• i tm ■ \ i .11 ui \ ROll INC, WRITER I.J‘> KM \( M I) 1 >ISM III H< >M >! Ks ['.(() Mu in.itiw - 30% OFF l‘>9.’ I xm-d ■i ' 'inimt nt H. >( >ks 30'\, OFF 1 25% OFF ( .imbful”, Hi MNf ss v\ ( \K ('K( )i H i 1 s \IN^ l HOARD ( < )\ f K 4 .<>*)/ 11 NS< l.ii ni | It Inn Kill'll r PICK UP OUR IN-STORE ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY HOT SHEETS FOR HUNDREDS OF GREAT VALUES! I’lie i's ///c( //vr tlvou^h I J>l)J 15th and IGncaid Open Mon. - Sat. Ph. 3464331 tor-run with ru< ksat ks An On ^on toam average of .ton (out ilMI) on the AIT i was good enough for first plant in that event. am) the Ducks grabbed an early lead. Tito I ’SI I \ ikmgs overtook the Ducks by winning orienteering, but Ore gon tied the store hv capturing weapons assembly Portland Stale s rope bridge time of 1 r>() one second fast er than (Iregon gave the Vi kings a one-point lead going into the ittk run The Din k tirs! C am led the race from the beginning finishing in stein, near I v ! r> minutes ahead of set: onii-jdai e Putland State Oile r st-hoots in ihe t oinpeti ! si in wei i W . . tern Oregon, Ore gun State, Montana,and Ventral : !i. 1 h.i kv .111*i Vikjngs.» ill represent the state at the Hri gnde Ranger (.'hallengr hnm|)r 11!, n -it port Lew iv Wash l ei) 14-16 hi other (Jregon (Hub Sports news • rlii- Club Sports ski team travels to .i racing competition |,in tH-i*i .it Mount bachelor The itiwil. sponsored hv Central Oregon (.oiuimimtv College, will in' all dav S.iturd.iv and Sundav In future meets, (>regori i om petes it Wilinmette I’.iss Jan 2ti and at Anthons Lakes I el, 1 - .! • The Club Sports < oed in door son er team won the hrst of eight tournament games, ;t t, against Portland oit\ league teams I he S)ut:ks travel to Portland 1)110 a week lot tile games Oregon is gearing up lor a home indoor tournament Foh against northwest colic giate teams & sttirntcrr ,*v«*o pusuciuwn GAMES .m'SL] VIDEO ADVENTURE VAUiTMVUmAZA |«*®V < I heolugieal Questions I hat Mailer “Who Needs Organized Religion?” _ WciliiC!»la> Night. 7 00 pin Wole) I IMIlhl.llli'll I » KhkjkI Street • MUSIC LESSONS ON DRUMS, KEYBOARD & GUITAR OUR 35th YEAR OF SERVICE CONVENIENTLY LOCATED CLOSE TO CAMPUS music city 210 E. 17th (at Pearl) Eugene, OR 345-8289 Classifieds 346-4343