Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 79 M.L.K. & Malcolm X Philosophies of Freedom j Members of the black student com munity say King and Malcom X had more in common than most realize. By Daraiyn Trappe Emerald A- •- • 3to t -' ' The hoi sumiMf da\ in Brooklyn in markt -d bv cun frontal ions ami insults bn tween blat ks and w bites in tfur neighborhood As night fails, tin- tension explodes when a bhi! k man is killed bv a vs hile poln e off ii i i His friends. i\ bo see il hap pen, lake nut their rage by trashing and burning the lot al pi/va plate run by a while man and ins Ivso sons, one of whom is responsible lor many of file insults As S p l k e Lee s ill U C fi praised bu! t uiitruveisial 1‘fH‘l movie Uu thr Hi^ht Tiling c tunes !t> .1 . lose words bum history's two most prominent civil rights louder* appear on \ ;,!;e[i[ i .is ,t wav e ! See related stories, calendar Page 6 achieving racial pistit e is both ifnpfac 111 ,1 i anti tinmor.iI,' re.ills the lirst statement, In 1 b Martin Luther king Jr it is impr.u lical bn ause it is a tii-M ending spiral ending in ijesirut turn for all I In* old law ol an eve 'or an evr leaves evert btslv blind Ibose words are iullovsed in a statement Iron. Mae elm X I think there are plenty of good people in \merlt a but there are also plants ol bad people and the bad ones are the ones who seem to have all the power and be lit these po situ.ns to blot k the things that Vllu and I need Siet a use this is tin* situa tion you and I have to pre ft r*f»hn t»y ,«** * ‘ a «a», serve ihi* right tu iiu what is ims cssiiry It) bring an end tt) that situation, .irui u doesn't mean tli.it i nix • " .llf Violent i tint .it tin- s.iini- limn i .mi nut ■igiunst using violence in s,-H ilftcnsM i don't even tall it violence vviifii it's suit tin h*nst\ i t_all it intelligence They sccfn to tit- saying very ddferent tilings, hut Lee to I - lows those statements with tile fatnous photo oi tile two standing together. shaking iiands and smiling So is it possible to follow tlic philosophies of both/ Or tfo tile beliefs of king and Malt o!m X rnn t on!rarv to each other' And if so, are more memberi >! tin- b,uck i : hi: in u nit v turning tow ard N!. i; .0:1 X LEADERS • .up; 8 Chemical explosion injures teacher jToxic fireball causes minor dam age, slight burns during cleaning procedure in Klamath Hall By t iS3 Millegan A l,Diversity chemistry professor was treated for minor facial burns and a physh s graduate stu dent w as examined lor Irai is of a dangerous chemical at Sacred Heart General Hospital Tues day afternoon after a container exploded m kla math Hall. Professor Brute Hudson, -it). Jut* Seek Kvu, it;, and tfirei* other students had f>een marking chem ical containers fur disposal in Room 1HU as part of a routine cleaning procedure just before the small explosion occurred The prohlern started sfiortlv alter .1 pm. when The con!.11hi'r ■:kp 1 t>tj■ ■ just alter water !( Iii-iI it. i n-.i!i;! Publit ‘safety .nit! th<■ lat^cni' f>11! it e dr paflnirnt h-ivr upped security patrols IH resultan t' hall hast? men's anti the area surround mg Hamilton Complex in response : ! tIs«• tapt* of .1 \h i i.isn resi dent early Saturday OPS anti KIM) Will continue pa trolling the area around Hamilton until tin- rape susprt 1 is apprehended. according to i til. emalion released hy OPS The rape occurred m the Ham i It on basement s m eil y\ ei ghl room A lot of people have lost a lot of s11*ep in the last few days over tins issue, said 1.0 Bl«m t hard of tin- t'Diversity News Bureau “There is a great deal of iniii ern about the* issue, and \ I; t ■ c i i n ( e r n IS s f s. 11 i ■ d ('dim lively a* mss other jurisdic lions i .'diversity Housing ('hanged t! ■ lot ►. to M( (.lain Hai i Mon day and will today < hangr flu io< k,s to Tingle Hal 1. where the .it i used topis! liv'd, said Ml t ham l\y s|rr, d ife( tor o( tin housing department i hi* lot k s have been i hanged, Ivystri s.ml, hut it may he unnece - sar y hei ause tin* polue have every reason to believe Ryan is nowhere near l.ugrne. Oregon But it it vs i!I thru it'*> worth • i-.! a lillli- !>i’ :; ! s --11*r -.a id ’■' i i i i ‘ i i - i ;. « - !! i i i ■ 1 j 11 : i ! till' .... : *.!. i [hi- !! I. ii! ■ i i I 1; -• > ■. i ■ I! f 1 .!! I!! i i S ! {s. I.: j J. ‘ P \ i •,,! i l ii i [frsll V i’.il : . » i' h. 4 ’ nut to • ii mvh sail I W I tl:. I.ijo i i • and 1 I't) In Ixiost >.n itrllv |>a 11 . >ls. |l ,i|su rdui iltrd 11 tint 1111 HI rrsidrntx on thr n-.i 111 n s ol r.ijir anti I inputlane r ol s.drtv I always thought ol nijic al h in pis w ilk .tig mi 1-. ult* .mil M ( lain I 'Milcn! ( hone Young said "It's i alls i 11 ill's t Ill's k \! .(.sin ri id nil 1 >«*n i ■ Salford sail! she hoard tilt* ivinuan who was raj i ii -. rr.un mg and i.rvmg in hrr luotii albr do ini ;di*li! Shi’ - aid till' nil s has o, i ut a lr : i M f 1.1,11 li It drills, tin I rcsidi nis might tint frl.illl thirst: i. ••Mills in silft Is It s an eyI'upi-ni'i to all id U-. 'sallt iri! saiil ' tin t I km. w. j•;. hahly in two works, svii'll hill bat k into oh! patterns ( 1-sSa I Irani-Johnson. II.mu! tun resident difei tor, said shr hr i lr Vi , | rs lilrli I s i mil i'll!' ah,alt s.itrty will hr Jii-I ininrnt KrMlIfllt a W .1 I l* 11II •, s is strong anil won't just hr the hype after the: lad, 'Oil, a rajir occurred, Irt's i|o something, shr said i 1.1 m.i,- a it\ ■ d dot ms within Ha mi lion i ho .1 In hr till .’ I In i If lia k i j) briofr I hr rajir a ! 1 rd , Hoard |oliilsoil said • ! RAPE • , • .1 m. rjima , W ■ -M. Firelighters get a chemical lire in Klamath Hall under control Toes day the lire started when chemicals in a container combined during cleaning and exploded, slightly injuring a prolessor TO JANE, WITH LOVE An art exhibit celebrating the spirt of Martin Luther King Jr. is on display in the EMU Art Gallery, second floor, and will continue through Jan. 24 Sec ARTS, Page 5 DRAMA To Eat the Last Messiah opens Friday in the Robinson Theatre. Sec THEATER, Page 6 LAYER, NEVER BULK Overnight winter pursuits deep into the wilderness can't be matched by any sum mertime excursion Surprisingly, camping m the snow isn't limited to experts only See OUTDOORS, Page 9