Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 14, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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Should Magic play in the All-Star game?
Magic should sit this one out
i ''v, >•:: MJ]
kr up vi.If mite! \; in-- Vi.iii
Il k or not
t" jj(Jr : .1 ■ t \
l>t*r f’.imi' 0 0. assists per game IVO, nun
utes per gano 0 0. v*.11:t*■ p n C
AH' tlv the s!i(ls oi ,irr \.g: iii.jj lias
kelhall A -- : ' in V! .'s' •:
.Yes, .!((;jt* il'.if, lu A, in11 .I..:
VfagK 111 ill i si ) i) is ■ ■ -il-.lv: ill:
the Ai! Star liallut at the .man: |nn;li"t:
which Would i:! \ «• hill! -i i ; p>•■--1
with I!!a/rr < y >!<• Hi' ' . U • .1
squad s hai ki iuirt
It is nut Johnson s iauit th at tlif tans
sympathize u ith hut) ami thus v;i\ *■ turn
undeserv ing votes, hut it is his fault lor
ruling the fans on h\ saving lie wili play
III the All-St,if (kune d lie is se|e( ted
1.\ t• r sin -- \1agK ai;■ . - uit n i Ins
merit, he has dahhled in the possibility of
hirst, he said he would play on the
US Olympn team 'hats line. In dr
erves to p|,iv on a team rep! -. ::ti:.g the
United States because of everything lu
given In the game in the !a ' d<s id,
Secondly , lie h;is reportedly hinted at
returning to the Lakers 1m Che plavolls
hill',, till I. Woo hi lie fine Tin h-tke:
have the option to sign whomever they
want, and it Magii wants to return !i :
the pi,noils, it s (us choice But even
Lakers (!• -ri«■:a 1 Manager lorry West
getting fed up with Johnson’s until •. sav
mg Magi- ■ talk is disrupting tie- h am
Tile All-Star (lame is tor those piavers
wit- • [ie:f well in •!: - hrU t. h! n!
the season not tills decade, liot last
yea; L g "... .•mmhi Mage h eaht even
stepped onto the court tins \ ear
il Johnson is selected to the Ail-Star
team, it means that one ol the top caliber
guards in the Western (’.onierem.e : 11 lie
leit oil tile team hither 'elm Stoi ktoii.
Kevin Johnson or Tim Hardaway ysouid
: ,t: j ir.trii i- o i ' M a
gam e
! V I-,;’, A e a rla ;;go !
\il St,ir (:..itill -. ihi' pt.is;>!!• uvi
• , \ylj\ did lie retl to 111 ,the I
pintv ’ it (.i'-rt-d.ii.lv’-'couMh’t be •>> sp, '
on.. aw'i!h • ■ A bt« .ium rv er \
.Ooee i;r15■ 1>; ,i:i %.!iA game fi" ■ i:op
; then*" Magu smtlir.
■ -■ i
Don ; ;;••! me wr >e. ; just !»-i a., > i p
son has tie HA ■ oh Ii-Nir1' men!
■ 1
• Vi,.)--! 1 ’ 1 ,i5 v.lags ' - is . s
Hovyeser, smi.i- b>s ausrpn!
till’ Hl\ VitusUind Up! simpis ills ; o:
old age, I,ms players I oatino and other,,
uiV'K' i wild tie \: i \ ‘f. ' i.> .,g
dies iii(r htin tor all ■■■the. I.iitu* in- ha-,
brought the league
It IS It;, ■ Mage tl.r. hr u.ght it: !; !
the game iii.ul it s not unreasonable that
I • • • :! 11 < • inv11 i \ rtf SS til i hr Nil \ ! fi s, line
-S rnpaths '■ iw.osi hut;
Hut it s on!.in ' i V.r p • m
these sympathies It is unfair to tin- rest
id tile players vvtio hav e lui. ► ■-! hard
this season
Hlete il i‘. hi'i'tl talk sit pm,situs open
ing up a 13th spot on tin- V\'-s! team so
no other player would nils', out on at
. 111 n' 11! M. i: . ■
tin’ prohlem, hut there sire other pfoh
• . S',no, oi\ -! ' ii oU:
he retired he saiti he hat! lost a lot of
weight arid energy, anti that was over
three months noi Now 'in' : : ■ ;0o.i!
it, in was struggling t get o, Marks
Mark io M \ s km k .md ] » !l.e kelhai
• ....
tills a l,nrlv flimsy statement fh:' n h
istn alls sp' iking, wt. it it Mag: vs, re '
get a ii otitis nose or ut hinisel!" \o ore
svants to deal w ith that
• Is it de [or him ' \!agn s ■:
I urn ! i NO-MAGIC I tge 1?
Give Johnson one last chance
As of !•!-.! w i k J.4 ! " i Ions
ed 10 gtvi' l. irvin Johnson a spin
un.ti.ii> \[t \ w ■ >>!. \ >'
‘ it . : .is M'.ii. N'
V\ :. ; \! ip .hini ■:i;it • ’. hi Nm i :n
tHT.th.it lie had been Inlt i ini wiih the
HIV virus. •
jars in the- world n is Iu-.ins4 .11 nil!
\\ w . 11 i 1 ! ■ s. Vi
Johnson .1 true classm t in i sports
worth ot -re,. >..s i.ikJ si. is
p : I s NiftA h,e.keto I -1'I i
Vim. 'tileri- s !i .p" ih.lt Hi" !ii.-. will
hove another t ham r 1! tin- powers
that be noniels \ !>\ ( n ■ i . tut
I).is . i Stern if. w 1111 it; Mot
fin!!s! phis one 1,1 si NBA pane'
is- liis opo ,ipp, ■:i ■. 11,i
• 11 Pit West's ro 'it il" ll.i*h uni ’ i
i * • ,s 11 m 1 11 !,, i . i ■ . . 1 .
(lit! I»■ i i .i -" Mi.-;, ;, ’ ir i I
he should suddeniv Inoiiw melipihle
ti pi.is With !i former te.niiin.ites
I:.. I pp Nl ins It hull in; a
t olljlle o! ijUltk Willed ' < • i I e SS s ill
I.S!*N s Sport>( enter whom I won1
mention) assert ih" All V,rif (I.line
shtuiiii he for plovers '.sho hose done
Weil this year
Mon. ■ .1 t ' i- !•• T i:: 1 :
lie. s. ,son and therelure hasn't
; i . i - ; • i '■ t ii.i: i pi >. i m; V it . .
1 V\ 1 !i'.ni! u it!''.’ *
on elbow to llie foies of Kevin John
s.u JoJir: sr-.il kiori mil Tim IIor.I
oss is plovers who hose earned their
! s tl. i ': :: e. ■ ; ► ■ ! I o'
Hut foie it unless (hi- world blows
up (ore.or; >w K Sim kion olid in.
res! wi!’ h ive then . ipp. ! oni! o-, o'
Ail Star pints for the Oev! five to it)
years And tin one ever sold they
. .. .hhi l pi .s in i el.T uors I'ii! Mot.
Magic’s appearance in
the All-Star Game
would be one last
chance to see him
play, and appreciate
the skills of one of
history’s greatest
Shulls’.!'. Shi- .
\ shins’
llM'lt, i M. IU.1
mo for I fit’
r MH’ft'tv !■ or inf
ml V
AilSi.u (..unis vvmiiif In- unts hist
i .h,mt c lo s.-f him jtl.iy, itinl 1111j111*i I
• tin- ,i . Ilf nlir I lilslm '. t grtsut
Shi.si i 1 M ■ t; 1 i. 1 \ fir t\ : 11 it,
fui tins U S Olympic Itsatn. suns. But
who kin .t .il'mi: \I.u;it ■. In,illh i
the whims. ill tiif lri!urrMli(iii.il Olvnt
PRO MAGIC • -i :•
Duck-Tails welcomes Linda Barba!
She knows what's hot and what's not.
t you ie reocfy for a change or usJ buff uj,. no. $ yea chance
You need it, we got it, so just do it
GROUND FLOOR EMU Across from the Computer Lounge
• Minolta
Auto Focus 8x22
• (dost r on
Focus Fret* 7x50
• Feica
Mini 8x20
in on a greyt
pair of binoculars
• (clcstron
Mini 8\21
• Nikon
W aterproof
1330 WilliuiK-lli* • ¥:30-6:00 * 343-2X16
Oscar the Freshman
Neal Skorpen
Weasel’s World
Kraig Norris
WITH A 0£50UJTO< :
:m : <•it w
I v -< / '
tne a cr^v
•r **.
■ ®
this & «;tc#v mvr
Lunon MD VFJtf* IN
Ot is «*wr
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■*ir^T . * 7 rr x