By Tammy Batey » *•*««# .1 < * M^pOflOf Kubtw ts, prophylactics. bags, -.kins r.tim unis, sheaths, huts nr trench let lers Whatever you < ail them ( ondoms have !)<•( nine svmmvrmius with safe St'X Now the t .lit hword is safer si x lint how much safety do I imihuhs pro vllil!7 Dm tors agree condoms do not 'offer loo percent prop* lion from pregnan cy nr diseases including AIDS f.stt mail's on comioin failure' rales r.1 ri>:• from one percent to 1pen etvt ih pending on the soun e "(.ondnrns are .1 means of lowering risk, they don't eliminate risk said lii.iig DeWill. Willamette AIDS ( nun til ed ut ation out real h t ixirdiruitor •The American I’h.irin.iceutii al Assn nation reports condoms have a one pec • nt f.nlure rah DcWill said I he fall lire rate Is very, very small th Witt said "I hey re teste! very 1 arefullv 1 believe the .if rate l«. due almost exr lusilely to hum.ll I ror Oil based lubritanls tm hiding \ • elme <'.risen, mineral oil. baby oil massage oil. initler and most hand 1 ream may weaken the latex ol a 11 11 (It,III and eailse it to break D'ANslt said Instead of oil-based lubricants, people should ust Water-based hi lint mis tir jellies Storage is also an essential (tutor. DeU n • .mi ;1 - a unenlie keeps a 1 (Illiliilll :!. w .tic t and then u • it it's !.kt Is hn ak tie said may weaken . ritiou.- at t old 111,; It 1 |<)ti7 pamphlet titl'd I hr s.ii ,'f ,S| 1 ( ,'llJnni l.u/t/e puhlislletl hv the i .ay Men s I It alth ( nsis. ini I guide atlvtses people to not store 1 nil doms in the glove t nmp.irtmenl ‘ a 1 ,tr : in a wallet or pet ketbook t. a long time When part basing (.ondotns, people should he .iware of the date printed on the outer p.ii kor (in tin ( midum it sell A(( Ofdtng lo the guide. (Ills date is vs 11<-rs tin' i ondoiti vv .is iii.nli- not tin expiration dale People shouldn't usr the ionddm more than tw o years ..fti r tin- ii.111‘ stumped mi it because it's uni i rliim if it was k<■;>I in .i tool, dry |jlti< e I scion it (sought II people follow till guidelines lot using condoms. m \ will l» safer i)e Wtit s.od Safer si s is needed now more I hull It vof, tu‘ added It s a dangerous world out then hi ..aid "ft it's .1' between not being sexually .H'ltyi and using ion done.. not Iseing srXUidh. Ill live is sal or Hut that's not an option for every People lee I un< olll lor I at) le talking .thout m x and assume others know how to use iondoms when in fait it's Hot itiat easy , !)e\\ ill s.nd I.earning how to use (ondoms takes tune and you hast to prat tine, he said Dr Robert Noble, professor of medt line a! tin ' niyersitv o! Kentucky in Lexington, said people i annul be trusted to use t ondoms i orrei tly High si ItiKii sti.dents are all espel tally vui nerabie group lor making human er rors in using i ondoms, tie said 1 don't think yve should tell teen agers III high si bools there is sue h a ' i;. ng as sa h1 se v Ni ible sani ! el ling tin 111 i (Indians make sex sale is a lie li, .in ml a published April 1, pi t! I, Veusneei \ohit Slid lie iJUes limied promoting (-ondoms when they ■ : \ : ■ i i.. i i ':. : , t I Iran- ,■ i ' the AIDS y Irus :• dui ■ thi- ru.k ot a disease lhal s 1 • MI percent fatal?" he said That's all that's ayuilublt' between us and death Sale! sex educators should promote either ot three alternatiyes to help pte ii ;:t die spri .e! ol AIDS, said Dr Ken neth l.nappotie who has a private practice in internal medii me in Port .•ijy-.c t*v land If people don't i h. isi' abstinence they should r f i a ' sox with one person wim i- fii\ negative or use condoms. Cuappone said Planned Parenthood lakes their fig ures on condom failure rales from the piHH H'l edition of (on Inn r/)lhn !ft/mo/ngy Oimloms used with foam base a theoretical failure rate-of one percent htii an actual failure rate, fak ing into account human error, of five perc ent Lubricated condoms' with spermicide nonovvnol 0 already on them have a theoretical Iwo percent failure rate and an actual lit percent failure rate Cheryl Long. Planned Parenthood of Lane'County community health edu cator. said 'she talks about the Use of a 'spermicide such as nonoxynol-'i or foam with the same breath that she talk-, about condoms Besides the standard latex condoms, skin condoms offer people .mother op tion though there are still many unre solved questions about their safety, Long said The randoms are made from lamb cecum, a pouch forming part ed the animal's large Intestine Skin condoms are promoted as more natural feeling,'' according to an arti i 11- m March PI8B l o/iMimrr h'rpor!^ Lavers of fibers crisscrossing in vari ous patterns make skin condoms strong However this latticework can c reate an occasional pore large' enough lor the AIDS virus to slip through People should be aware of the risk of transmission ot the HIV virus if they choose to use skin condoms, Long said "It's an option but it has to be an in formed option," Long said If latex condoms are driving you crazy or you're allergic to them, natural skin condoms c ould save your hie People use many exc uses for not us ing condoms, said Sarah Chart/.. Planned Parenthood of Lane County i ommunitv health educ ator "People think they 're a [lain to pul on." Chart/ said It's really a personal perception II you shop around, inevi l,day you'll find something that yvorks lor you there are also y.ilui judgments made o! people yvho use them Wom en are afraid they'll he perceived as promiscuous Men are afraid their partners will think they nlv want one thing a a a a a a r a a a a a i a a aaaaaaaa a a a aaaaaaaaa "a ■ a a a a a a a a a ■A* y ■A \\\V \w' AT THE UO BOOKSTORE THROUGH JANUARY 25 13TH^AND KINCAID OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY PHONE 346-4331 IT emu CRHFT CEI1TER i mill workshops studio space supplies < 1 \ssi s HK.IN SOON! K1 «.IM I k NUNS ' ground floor lAll info: 346-4361 HELP HEAL THE EARTH! The Survival Center is look mg (or dedicated individuals wth leadership capabilities and creative problem solv ing strategies Positions are available (or co-coordma tors Opportunity (or organ ising locally, regionally or nationally Stipend avail able lor more into stop by suite one in the EMU or phone 346-4356 Survival l Center