Faludi gives differing views on career women Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women by Susan Faludi Crown Publishers, 1991 460 pages Hardcover price S24 ★ ★ ★ ★ • • • • • • • • • p* In the mul 1 'Mill*., news l< a lures adviie hooks .mil worn cn •- health manuals hc(;,iii to spread the word that career wimtcn while Increasingly mote xlltlessful 111 the WUtk p ; ,ii e, weie .(( I o.i i; V s;,Ifri i lig I!', then private lives Several mental health studies ptoi I.limed a list’ ill depf. -sioll cases among hativ Imom aged women Therapists and |ourruil is(s (ion (.ime up witii an ex pi.illation women's litu-ra turn The theory claimed that without the feminist move merit. women would still he at home vv ilh their ( hilrlren. feel Itig healthier and ( aimer Bui when l Vi ill Sltii'l louni.il reporter Susan Faludi un- • ti gated the claim fur h«r nm bonk It.iikl.ish I hi' I nilri lorn I U'ar Anulnsl Antrnran Wimirn She discovered il misrepresent i’ll women’s lives In fact. I aludi found .1 study which proclaimed it was poor employment rather than satisk mg work that was the leading cause of mental distress among single women Whether they .ire professional or blue-collar workers, working women expo nonce less depression than housewives and the more 1 h.sl longing the career tin better their mental and physu ,d health, she writes A Pulitzer I'v,/ winner I aludi s I'M client .reporting skills pro'. Ie 1 gripping a< i mini of '.in ; t-s ! im mak ers and I ole-er V ail Vi • apji .l ent attempts to squelch the worn on's movement utu arid Im all I aludi is not trying to assert the existent e of a 1 mspirat V Instead silt* saVs, He press didn't set out with tins, or any other intention, like any large inslilutton, ils movements .iten t premeditated or pro griinimatu . just grossly sum opt ible to the prevailing political currents Her thesis is. "this 1 outiler assault Is largely insidious in a kind ol pop-culture version of tie- Big l ie, it stands the truth boldly on its head and pro claims lli.it tin- very steps that have elevated women's posi tion have actually led to their downfall Sound .1 little ■ xtrrmi'7 M.iv In', but I Hindi's riietit ulouslv dtx utnenltKl 400-plus page iin.ilVM1 of 'in ii'iy s hat Mash may prove to U ns-thought pro yoking in this generation us Hottv 1 riedan s Thi- I rminino Mlstu/m was in tin totals Just trad the evident e Another media trend story sin examines focused on Amer it a s alleged man shortage The ■1‘IHIi As sot iilte l*o ■ dlstnhut ed .storv yvhit.h hase.l its .find logs on all unpublished liar y ard Vale study , claimed that yeomen who put s< pooling and • art i ts ..before theit wedding date are going to have a harder time getting married The study, whith was prill! ed repeatedly doting the year, asserted that ysorneti over lin age of ill have only a *’0 per i ent t hunt e of ever getting mat tie.) 1 ' i , \en sty eek evil (.homed ilia! a woman over to had a better t hunt e ill being shot b\ a terrorist than finding a husband | aludl diseoveted that the jartsyyeri a bit different A sub M ... : 1 l et.-.us Bureau study, yvhu h : ■ : . r i 1 rtt le media at teir .a; found errors in the re ... an r in. tti is o! the Harvard and 'tale professors and re . < ", : women over -to ai tua-iy had a ~ t times better FAST FAST FAST FAST IN A HURRY? USE 7 HR. FILM DEVELOPING AT THE UO BOOKSTORE M. I'\rrvthint* is lv\Sl these days fast food, fast cars So why wait tot your pic hires to c ome iwk from i cL hi photo l.ih’ (. Xit photo expiens \v 1! 1 pn vc" your him tn ! hour usmp the K< nl.ik | ( o|. h system U r pu.u.inteeJ cpi.ilrtv V hi’II pet 1 u: 1 pouts on ’ 1 .1 ik p ip< r, with 1 vX^ I srrvic e, just 11 u- u.iy \> u like ■ 13th and Kincaid Open Mon.-Sat. Ph. 346-4331 UO BOOKSTORE Whether they are professional or blue-collar workers, working women experience less depression than housewives, and the more challenging the career, the better their mental and physical health.’ Susan Faludi, .iuihi >r c>! Backlash The Undeclared War Against American Women ha in i' of marriage than the previous study had asserted On TV. Faludi calls ihc* i'W7-198« season "the tnck ,,e>h s high watermark Only three ol !hi* new primetime dramas featured iem.ile leads, and iin Iv two vs ere adults lahidi r ritlr i/es the film in ilusir\ for producing too many in in", like Ur irking Girl, in whn h .in aspiring sei rotary W ail a child's Voir e rises up the tin s a jess ladder and gets the man. hat she achieves both goals try playing the daffy and : . : ■ ' . ri t ! he Ixrok i inn- out before Thelma and /.riU/se ) Unfortunately, l-'atuLVM M 5C0C 53 00 51.00 58 00 > lifufirno dotlf h limit, nattor*il company RENTERS INSURANCE $94 30 annual LIFE INSURANCE-25 YR OLDS $50,000-57 CALL PHILIP - 689-7871 nthfy TUBE IT! ALL TUBES ARE 20% OFF CARRY IT! SAVE 20% ON ALL PORTFOLIOS! DRAW ON IT! SAVE UP TO 50% ON FURNITURE! UWU VXJD QA* TA*L£S AND TA*0«ETV MVM TAAULS AND FXB BOAMOi MARK WITH IT! DESIGN II AND BEROL PRISMACOLOR MARKERS...$1.99 EA. J2 70ea PAINT IT! 20% OFF ALL PAINTS! /Lfi \i Anjtccn.o«. o*l\. 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