MF.FTIN't.S Students fur Crealivr An.ii hronixm ■ ■ ’ t. night .it 7 in Agate Building No 1 t .ill SMI soou for morn information I mv.mted Behavior Mil's meeting Will l ike. jll.H.l' tod.IV ,1! I 10 (Mil 111 KMi ( edar Iv.ium A (hill ( in loo' f, : :n formation College Democrats meet tonight -at 7 in HMU Cedar Room t t ali (>Mi•-t.%’B lor ill minima tion I .a tin A merit, an Support ( nmmiltee w , . F.av <■ a gcnural interest i-ihm ting tonight at a to in iAH Cedar Room C Call .141. hitor for mure mloritia lion t 0/1 I S Sister t niversitv Protect »i:r;.•••• t to night at A in i AH ('untilrv Room 1-. ( a . tit. 11 o l for more information Pre-Law Sot ietv will have its first winter meet ing tonight at 7 to in tin- 1 Ml Oax Room t ail it42 it07(> for more information Student Senate \\ ill mi > t ionigh.l n m I'M I ( unturv Room 1) t all i It. CJ-t lor inure anfnrir.a lion. Druids meet tonight at t. .10 in the I. V.Maple Room Campus Radio -a ill have a genera! meeting to night at (. m Room 15-1 Strauli ( all tin Ill'll for more information M1S( 1.1.l.ANROlS Outdoor Program t it. ) tt.S • How to obtain permits for the Rogue, Snake Middle l-'ork, and Colorado Rivers Will he dis cussed tonight at 7 it) in the Outdoor Program of !;< Room i At I • j W o..' : . r i’r span ..Hi. .■ Room -M i .V A «im! In Ivorrna ( are ( enter »i Ac pi r : : . .i* l -i ■ m ' m'.i ti-sli-i! m tn 1 |> f. : V. i * ■ t "i:j . !*1 r S. -1 s Hu will hogin today . Vijrnu p meet ms; I r i■’S West w i: ' .s*■ p. .* .• 1.. . 1 .iv at i .1(1 p m in Room J..' - Chili-.. ( ill H(. I.'JS for more information A Career I’l.innmi; and l’l.u I’lin-nl rn i*. session Will tills.- |)l.ll 1- (ndaV ff. 11: (10 ti* 1 10 j. in in Koimi J i' flt'it.lrn iss Hnidiiu; tor 'I > VV.inter I ambert i • on w i take jilaii- liiilav through U ••dm ••.lav m d m .11 Hi lldrif ks ( all i ll. 1.’ r. lor nmle-atilorma lion ‘ Rlil.K ;ios Mnrnint; 1’r aver Catlmrim; vv: -it tng and silent tin * t it at i. ai .sill talm p. * e to.. i\ !{[ '!:! II li. 'I 111 *1 M 1' 111 V\ ' ■ . - - ! !. Hi kirn .ml Si ( all IK* lf'.'M lot more mti-mia lion Bible studs Ini betpnneis vs i. t ki-p.i e ' .! is at J p m at (he VVesl.-v l-otuuintion ; to km. a ! Si t:,i 11 A lt. .in'l l for more tnlorimitlori Student stabbed in fight By Gernt Koeppsng { "wakl Raportor A i jiiversitv student vvas stabbed just ttofore inldntght Saturday mu moloo on 19th .util Alder sln-i'!s thttt lints hast' involved as mans as _’.r>. mint hr It/. CnitfltHsch. 19. stayed overnight al Sat rod Heart Honeral Hospital after stiller mg a om' irit h long knife wound to Ills (host Hi was released Monday liugone polite hast* set to determine ss hat t a used the fight, boss mans people worn involved and if it ssas rat iully motisuit'd (iutfleist h tohl po lite ho hoard a light outside and went outside to break it up Iff let auto embroiled in tin- t ttnilit t and was slublietl tit thf t host Aftor realizing that ho was injiirod, ho a friend take hint to Sat red illalii Tin' suspect is ii hltii.k mail in'his -’(K ii livt l ini hi-s tall, about -1H) pounds, .inii was wearing i leather ).u kill, him k shill and hint) jeans \noiher witness reported seeing around u with the designers from around the i.mmtrv will tie dis played there. expei l.illv to he .1 designer front one ot the schools with .1 smaller (theater arts) program." he said Met h 111VI a X said about 1 ’It entries Were submitted to the Design hxpo jury this year and only about one fourth were chosen to he exhibited I hey pick the t ream of the I fop, lie said ■ It tells you per sonally how good your work is compared to others around the country " Design l.xpo. which always takes place ill a different loi a tion, includes members from around the world. MiOilllvruv said, and he antic ipates an in ternational audience h a/aki Ihit i hili- was I u-'ll re< led by |err\ Williams, pro lessor and direr tor ‘-.-.•”•■■■ ..•••• k O'J ’ ' . I c. >'■' , l',r suN"v"v s.'-"',s .... VISA CARDS: LAST CHANCE TODAY!!! ACT NOW! "Due to recessionary action, Wells Fargo Bank will end its automatic approval of student VISA cards as of fanuary 31,1992. We will toe in ttoe EIS/IU toy tho main desk *tt you ever wanted to start your credit, don't let today 90 by1 It wil never oe the easy We offer automatic approval: no job, no income. no credit history1 TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY!!! Bring: a photocopy ol student ID. and proof of tee payment to the EMU RIGHT NOW to take advantage of this special, limited time offer'" ‘you only need to: be an e nr oiled student *«• a Social Security * have a checking of savngs account in good standing have at least $T " mnt in income trom any souire