Fishbone and The Daddies play the Ballroom... Photos by Soon Poston fishbone s Waller A Kibby II labovel douses the crowd and 1 he Daddies lead singer Sieve Perry heals il up during Monday s concert in the I MU Hallroam OUR WORKSTATIONS HELP YOU MASTER EVERYTHING FROM MATH TO SCIENCE TO MUSK. BUT COME FEBRUARY, OUR DISCOUNT WLL BE HISTORY. Nt 1 ‘ ' ’ 1 if' ' : ■: : 1 ' ' f', . • • ' . ' : • , • ' ' t'(xi Unuary •«! ■! i ’ ’■ •• A •' ■ •' •' ‘ • j! ,*,*• • , ’ ' ■ , " ’• •• .If ’ SMB ’ S’AM • ' if: \ 1 • r . . " s ' : r ■ . : : i' M ' ■ ; ‘.V '• SAVE $150 ■ ■ ■ ■ ,v:-‘ ; • 1 ; COMB Hi SAVE $200 NeXT■&)!>» ' * ' u (4.1MB SAVE $100 ; S-i'i '> * •' : ''i;. : ' i ; '■ " ; i" • • ’ * '4; ; y ■.-)!• • ' > ■; " : : , •• ' tH ;• ••■ B fP , . Ttvi* :*• :. " .r. ' : . 'try . "v. r*':-' •• .v"• • ' - M [X »!'. ;■ • . !• r :f\’’ A.: : • . •!' it' •’ . . Soft !’ , '• >'■ V t./ !* " i . tiirtxl f.•.ifr-" ' s. ”.v tr>• ■ M■ • , .••• ; •• si a* . : ■ ;' v ” <'■ •• . ■ J. -x T - .* •• • ' • >V . ■ ;• <• s . iv.' .’ ! ,*,■ v ■■■', . . ’ , ♦ iff - Hi u if it \f Microcomputer Support ('enter 202 Computing ( enter • Ck>-h02 Mondav - I'ridav 0 AM - S PM I his Week's Luncheon Special' Baung Baucis’ Chicken Noodles ( hi( Sen i jy, jnd Pr.inul Sjui t $4.25 Rice v%/Tens akiChiden $3.65 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT fry our thrillers, too! 879 E. 13th • Upstairs, Next to UO Bookstore • Engine Service 1000 S Berlelsen Rd »8 l ugene OR 97*02 Onr Him k North u! W 11 Ih Nolan Ind PU/a • St”. fS 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts The 1992 MCAT Be Prepared. Kaplan Is. Stanley H Kaplan. LTD , the leader in test prep compa nies for over 50 years, invites all pre-med students to a FREE Information Seminar Saturday, January 18 at 10 a.m. This informative presentation will cover strategies and tips on The application process, the interview and, and MCAT preparation Call 345-7496 to reserve a space. Class begins Saturday, Jan. 25 ENROLL NOW!