Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 14, 1992, Supplement, Image 13

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    with the EMU Recreation Center
Find more dian a bargain at EMU Lost and Found
Manager tries
to reunite Hems
with owners
iJ you lose
your mind over
finals Iasi term.’
'Well, your
mind is about the onl\ tiling
that hasn’t turned up at the
UO lost and found in the
IMl Recreation t enter.
“We (jet it all,” sa\s Rec
reation t enter Manager Su
san Pedersen, and gi>es on to
explain that one person's
trash is another’s treasure.
Take for example the
floor mode! dome-shaped
hair dryer reminiscent o!
the beehive hair stvle of the
At the end-of-term clear
ance sale, an imaginative
person bought this perns.!
piece with the intention of
converting it into a smart
floor lamp.
Pedersen, who inherited
the lost and found five years
ago when she became the
Recreation Center's manag
er, explained that a "mar
keting problem" exists in
promoting the lost and
found and its location in the
PMl . Apparently people
don’t understand that the
service serves the entire
campus and not just the
F <i« p* .no
Land ol the lost Loti and found employee Robbie Peletil displayt /usl some ol the abandoned items to
be claimod
“I jjuess it’s bee.him' here
vie have the hij»gest closet
,i\ .lilable,” she said.
I he eloset she refers to is
a blue shelved hunker of a
eloset. resembling a mint
Salvation Arms outlet and
containing an even wider as
sortment of sttill. Surpris
ingly, two shelves hold tin
identified and unelaimed
textbivoks and notebooks.
I he s\ stem is simple and
works well when depart*
meats and jvople cooperate
,uui promptly return Kt ar
tides through camnu m.iil
or in person.
Upon arrival, tlu* names
of the items are dated and
entered according to c.itejjo
ries in a logbook. I his log
book provides a quick refer
ence without having to sort
through the complex closet.
The Knight 1 ibrary’s week
ly delivery is usually the
largest received.
II identity can he estab
lished, owners are notified.
I su.illv owners’ names can
be found in a phone l>»w>k or
through campus in forma
lion, hut sometimes investi
gative techniques .ire re
RecentK, I’edersen at
tempted to locate .ind in
form the owner of a wallet
that was returned through
campus mail. I lie wallet had
been found in the hall of an
other building. I here was a
name in the wallet but no
other identification except a
'/ always thought
tkit our lost and
ftna\d el>sct u'<mil
make an excellent
uu x Ini1 arehet >1 >gy>'
study of human /v
mgs and their
things. ’
Susan dedersen,
'! V ' ( ••• «. ■
telephone iiiiiiiIht (HI the
carbon cops cl .1 I'.ink Ic.m
applii .(lion ill.il w .0 not leg
An .III alternative WHS cl
reaching tilt* cwiiit, l’cder
ncii .it tempted calling I lit*
person listed .in .1 reference
on tlic .ippln.ilion.
Because tin' referenc e
[HTson was net .it hotiii', Pe
dersen li lt .1 nu'NN.i^i' on .in
answering iti.islii tit* s.iyiti|>,
“Please tell ‘Mitts Smith’
we have her wallet at lost
and found.” Prom a table
near the desk phone from
w hit'll Pedersen was talking,
a \cii e t hirjH'd, “I’m Betts
Smith and (Ii.ii’n iiis wallet
vou’re talking about!”
As it turned cut, “Bel
ts", had had her w allel sto
len Irotn her office, throw n
I um I ( I , i ’ »*;«• VB
Cure your CABIN FEVER at the EMU REC CENTER Shoot pool, go
bowling, throw darts, play foosball or ping some pong... ITS ALL HERE!!
Not only do we offer all this at affordable student rates, but we do it in a
unique atomosphere with great music, all the great sporting events on the
big screen T.V., and friendly student staff. The EMU REC Center is the
perfect place to lose those studying blues, rest between classes, or rock
out on the weekends!!!
LJfM IDO Mon-Thurs 9a.m. to 11p.m., Friday 9a.m. to 12:30a.m.
hUUnO Saturday Noon to 12:30a.m., Sunday Noon to 11p.m.
THE REC CENTER li also tha campus LOST and FOUND! Pass It on!