PRO-MAGIC Continued from Page 9 pit Commlttoo? If tho NBA tint) the funs have one lust curtain opportunity to salute Magic. this should Im; It. a saluto that goes Ix-vond ex pensive! gifts and tearful speeches It should Imi tho opportunity for Mugit to pul on jersey No \'l. loco up his Cons anti take the point Thorn ure other. morn tiingiblti twnoflts to bn gained horn Lust year's All- Star Weekend theme was Stay In St hoot I’layers and rap stars gave stern let lures to s< hool kids about the importance ol an education I see tti(! sumo opportunity in February Build AIDS and HIV' education around Magic s uppearurn c in the game Think of the powerful messages that could get out This could l>e the las! time you see Magic play This disease can and does strike anyone And as for those with AIDS and the HIV virus, they deserve our attention, (are and admiration To- millions of fans, young and old those messages would blow am lecture uw.n For these reasons there should he no doubt Suit up. Mngii Christopher lil.m is inliliir of the hmerald NO-MAGIC Continued from Page 9 no shape to play, or hi- would Ik* playinx II would he quite an anti-cltmiitu end to All Mar Weekend" il Magu were to col lapse mill w,i\ through the All Star Dame 1 think an honorars spot on the West would he ample rei (ignition of Magii's .icr omplish ments I think an AIDS aware FREE DELIVERY: 181-2799 | <* r limit* 4 d* ;.•* ry ar« .i TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin lllvd. 484-2799 CLIP & SAVE NOW ON U of O’s BEST PIZZA r n $2°° OFF W\ L Out* C"oni><)i» |h*«’ Pizza TRACK TOWN PIZZA Nut Viiilll with any otiu>r u!Vr I I I $F OFF MEDIUM PIZZA < )n«* ('onjh'it |H‘i* Pizza -I I TRACK TOWN PIZZA r with any ulhi-r u!!i>r. TWO FREE 1 xA.I)S (\\ minimum (>S Ordur I Oih* ('otijjon |M*r (’ustomtT TRACK TOWN PIZZA Not VJliKl ot fit1! OfUT. ness (home would be a good idea nut don't allow him to plav Give him a microphone and let him ramble on about how great Jordan is or how cute Isiah is. just leave the playing to the stars of the 1991-92 sea son Shut up. Magic Duvr Chnrlxmnt'.m is u spurts rvporlcr for the Kmerald 5 ,0VIO€O GAMES mi mar PUIUC MARKET ■ i-TS] VIDEOADVefTURE SVAUiTMVnniZA ,,rLn» "-C&m in*H*iiittti Weekend Special s48.00 250 FREE MILES Friday afternoon to Monday Morning A-WAV hn:rwwd 683-0874 110 W. 6th (By the Hult Center) Some Reductions IN CELEBRATION OF MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY WE ARE VERY PROUD TO INVITE YOU TO A BOOK SIGNING -WITH Xikki Qioyawi AT THE UO BOOKSTORE Wednesday, January 15 4:00 p.m., On Main Floor iAAi Giovanni (' our most widely re ail living bUh A poet, and in her most accessible collection to dan «(• be i ome aware of the poet as a human bans; ■ an relate to. someone affected by and , on. cmcd with etents I on.; An.>wn at the l'rim ess of IIlack Poetry." \'ikki Giovanni, at '. >n\ -ne. is as alive and vibrant as ever Strong, dire. t. tremendously energetic visionary ilne'.ible and real, net poems reveal a great spirit among us UO BOOKSTORE Thirteenth and Kincaid Open Monday - Saturday Phone (503) 346-4331