EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! m personals Congralulaltor* 1W? tn1»rtr*t«mlty Council I i»cuttv*t ■'.»>> Doug l u*ri Hm« m j I I I '■>?>< (toft - ! I* j» " • x » A.'*Jy P M»i> / S t Mft* W .to" VV lAv M Jom? hrt‘■ * VY\ 1992 Pledges I WEEK |S HERE’ We ro excited How iiboul you? \/ Best of luck with Winter Rush' Lovoi I IH'I' i*sr ctUMci' GNI I K5 -•» .!'-•■)«*% » ti tv* * *u~' f a • > -- «», t, N- > W «». «• • » a «'• S' *. A - •* tje#(v*»' '*< AN 1)1 III V. AN I I lt«i^ « ft.-» f-.B, .!% kwh off 9» ■■ i«rtn' * T h# i a IHIIII11I111I Fraternity Winter Rush •itgn 141 UW« oui• k!• I MU : f ithlxtwri. 7 4 Mon ?u«* . Thur* - T> .<}%s t -» » * I«» , 1 '«»4um0 m*> . . t ON CAMI'UV T>f>.ivg A *oi(1 f>roc ***irvg *V. 4fW DIAL A TYPIST Mil nrt l A'.hl’l AOMO I'MOCtSSINt; i JMlMl '.u> • Jil I rvj (MOOl'II Jffvg lh«ao% dm*# Matron*. niumii 4 page* in an hour 641 3/48 ns TYPING SERVICES ft YING RNGf Iff. Typing fcanoc# f a»t ictufiU pws*' «y. '<» 4f>(KO>«J l *MM {X '**? «! ' 'ig g'fip^c* TiVv-O 344-4510 iii 4i rt> wt»*i> r« nrtii j / '#• »*“»»» I 4S» K n*IV1 !St. H*4~r* } »rr-*: . rA« r — 605 F: 13th 120 TUTORING f Hf T* M or IT A l IAS < , •■ i. • ' i '<*> * : f • . A'O & J •- p it % DO FOR SALE MSC CHI SI SI MIS 041 If Y CM Af TS |Vo..4gYsf tNfc *> gc*a)5 '' IT-p ■ ,1 Tij“*» i •.» '*.• *■ *#. *v •« OvV g 1.1 * - :1 ' M.tO A • ’ ' *' % > ■ i> »•*.'. •<**' ' -.L-j p'JiS' ' f ' i) 4h.v« ■-> • ni,«t' >* I I Ll.t# A I Mi : CoTor TV So* T ..‘«o l ataftt hilt 'i *• ' K ii x: .■.■<• ■'■jm B*,i 3t>« ' w 'it h %A4» .t 4|*4 11 J> ’ Mf. .i '.■' .-o -t$$ - *. «>* S'- Aft S ' V {-N»i4> «* ' * "r u % "• 144 v.'49 . Pooitivo Animation Catarxlar S * t>*t * A i B<)i .-'^4 ■ /. U w ■■«. •. •5 •* -x ». 411*, VV *>.o Ml OfOON Biot !> il AIUM {'. a ; *.... pi* * S *• M %• -.4. N«' •'. 1 * SCUBA Gt AM {»•-. ' I*. • IW T a > fWy ■- • Mi t 4t». 4 Thr»# qu*M«r laoglh * • • i t « I* O " llj".,tu' S’ ' UH ’OS' s days 3 dollars BUDGET JAN 6 to JAN 31 I (.ood on for Sole items under S i t Place ads at Kixim ilHi L\U \ l () Bookstore fmalr p-»rtv <*J» o«U pirav So iriundy i rrslitv t Nu> 11 n*» V !\A M( i epte d wnt fc ! K,» ,.f*« > J no FOR SALE l*$C King *• l»'! i«5 CARS TRUCKS GOVl MWMI NT SI I/! 0 Vo# ** " I' t Mu’ ■- *;-• R .,>•'% r..jd* Hi, ■».. 0 >: I n SoUodCl'i •' Nwi’i 4 *' «*» 4**a »rxx '.f?* o'**** &y I HI IMS £>1 A A.a .»:■ *j » ■ ivt**» ■ <3m' • (\> aoc, via i »• c V’C 71 Volvo 2440L. iCtf.OOO «... ?”*3 Om*>4* 4 »•;*! 4 <* A • it*. ' ^ Ct I’ ■*«*. Gftl ** *4 7fi I Ofd I ;* (Ji *;«■':-t * - ***** u*. »’■»'} i V5(* ■ .H»* .*£>■*» S • : 4«5 0??C 13 R»n*uN U C«i H« » Six** . • R ■< •.•' NN - > * .t 1 ’iKB'd* I »t» o"»5 >4. ■ > 4 VO Mo/da fc*ala -«1 s>‘* g o’ 6006^16 lisBCYCLES ( ampul Crotaara. o*J t> * ’ v ,, «» ■,**»}' tfekm H*x iyiC'^vw! »r*.} u*'t »U* GcxtJ S< V*1 T ,-v I* !**■ V (>’*7 % Krt‘ * fVv«* IVwa*2 (Jm <’4.> I or Hianclv Alania 10 I.* !•*» ■ k*.kJ cikxJ**-*- i •*■ CNr* *? 4H4 •# 21 PU«r*hara 10 *f>a#d u» » ■* »' «•>-. ” .» * 9 -*» l’.'..’AX) >41 *V< i*s COMPUTERS ELECTROMCS H'Othar word fXOf •••<>' W»J 4 {Xyratwa* cJ*6*tJr»o fcpo <• g ijajatttKi'*a* orwJ ofNa? wr.:, 'I t • •-■ i -«*i 1 M ^ d, . '4 S i 1'<> j M~ • .’...• >« V '-J- ■•!• '-I. Kaypro word pro*aaaor «,«.«* .« Word jarocaaaor 170 SOUNO SYSTEMS CASH”' I A'v, * imSKIEQUPMENT Yaks*'a ski rac ... S ’ r<«» its TRAVEL ‘»ki A*pan Ap(>ly for s c f*dit card I ly «i A*p»n for |i .‘V fOUfKj Hf> C «H TODAY 46*> 6610 205 OPRORTUNITSS lkmg«« jumping f ror»cHi*« YV»f11• d •fitr»pr*ik#or» and •ggrofttiv* outdoor •ntrx.o.aoto lucrtltv* advantwriHi* arid ail out fun ,01b) 14S 2024 fail lundraising Program f r«t& ‘«V »C*ri>f ul. , t>*« I iV‘ .,p lO flOC-C *' O'** *w#» . •4» u .« ,1 |TCOv tX* 1 •■•4» ' 4V*1 ‘I I Hi f WATCH - ‘ wOPPOHTUWTtS Hava you*'»<- -<«>' ■»*' ! > *>., ng f ■ tr- Rwpo* »• a j 46M1, CK>c w . l/Vi, .- — Now you csrvvolunlaar '. .'*ai«*«.}a * ■'••- a C' •'o’ '• ■<:&’’ ’•** IU» A «gn vvp tr !^w W(V»'- *- ’ <» «*' V.^o 3 f MU Support Satarcka tx/y a fc'v-'** t'i? k-’vvt 14wvn % * *• «, >' tg n «in o Paacticum and Escape Credits can be varrad through ihe f MU CHILDCARE AND DC Vt l OPME. NT CENTFRS wrlh a good sense of humor, lota of enthusiasm and a strong sanaa of commitment For mor* mtormstion call Maureen at 34fi 41*4 CCOC: o par ataa a a van nationally accraditad aarty childhood programs also aarvmg young children with spat ial naads and anglish as a sacond languaga in our rnamstraam classrooms RUN THE COLORADO Mrvar through lha Grand Canyon : tha Hogua Snaka and many of Amiu a s othar t>aai/tifui rtvars Learn how to obtain the necessary permits. Free Clinic. U>a»day Jan 14 7 10 p m Outdoor Program Mm 23 I MU 14b 3.'30 ‘.AM mot Nt I OS VOIUNTMH DRIVE MS l •* « *wo • * Ami» ' *» i* AtV .lu C'W' a.t .t? « " ’ » „* Wo-mwi- * S’,*)<«»> Ol I v .j;* App.- a‘on* a.a >ab>a t’w /. • «. «- • -o I 14, SI Scholarship* lor collaga, furtdmg guarantaad FREE information ‘iMf V, MO tio« 3076. Salem. OH 9 7304 i303) 363 W04 kVa ha*a four positions opart -Two Co-Directors •One Assistant Director -One Promotional Director •« « 1 Ml I .»>• . u.r.» .t I /u ,.4(‘ ■ .»•«, a- a s - ii* ,« A * t ■. p.K--..- y t ’ . vt* Tha A’iUO is looking for frva dadicatad anthusiaatic stodanta to fiH posrtions on tha Student Senate Poartiorvs pay 133 a month •nd a m in mum comm(trn#nt of Tsva hours a week is ratfuwad Applications ara available in Suita 4 of tha t MU and ara do# Jan 17 lrt.’ Seats in the following majors ars available sv Social SciencasSoence*. 4t2 & fi3 Urtdac tarad Music 414 (lulirtaii 416 Graduates l aw Gat involved1 Tha ASUO »a an aftirmatrva action at?ual opportunity ICJ.. m OPPORTUNITIES Sf CONOAHV SPECIAL f DUCAT ION PROGRAM T„ *,i .w ; vc»m3 <(y q ./tt '•*»' i***%' xwi'V gow •*■»•■■• f w pc*M ASUO f **d*or<% fioa’U App * a - o' *. «»• it. .> ,ir-^4 *r S:„ :o < { W ! DoaO « lex npp-uxt’^y i% i* .vMlay J** '6 v>i.’ «• •> 0C p * AST JO ts •tr' AAlOf . ~ f'ARN MONf T f. ♦.: COO yt ■'xxy-*ti poto'" De'a *■ (803)P6$-A000. Y 964? SUMMf R JOBS COUNSELORS SUPPORT STAFF ! ’nyei r«mj>vTAortfWMis'■ 'op salary fTM.HOA ft.- 'xJ'r¥ T'av»< n-'Owance M st h«v« f.K cyv« of toiiow '-g mt V'inA tt'i'Wj tKW«tW*.'! &•?- kcpieni p *< y u^>g. aar* m a/ arr« 0* v*y%, k*no'>Q !>o*J hOCMwy kXXtx* 0at».rt' hOC*4*y fKXMfxk'.* r”’ .,.gg- ’vw ^'4!M Mr ’o'' x:' M»'‘. a *(«%»» "••a rtx xJXfy '■g 't>p«s sa.-OoanJ.ng. w-g v Pa *.«x • »>-• ay MX ■"»*■ ’m • - vat * \ wug'tfs atxxJ M*> . t l* «> :l " {• A ■*;... 5 rii-lii ii Mi" »• » •>- * N Y ’ *>4 3 J- X 1«' • *1 • W»* " .. *» . .» • p Vega. I1 C1 )V.« ’ ' " Oui&u-'Y MA . j «. » ‘ I'U I Vi Tl NNfS JOBS • *w ' ■*!'» 4 ; a-'; •• N.r” im-1 **•«• a-*! * •" «*• x " J- M! '•* «*> („» *v^’i.K •».’ *• i .\ 'w.i>' •. ' *!'#" Hj p<-iiy ! foor- A :xrf»’i.r avo ivowaiKii A • t, a ,> a «j .«"'-»> Vi*>» P O l.; -» ’ * t »P-*> MA ? ' ’> i U » * * I.M. *» u s" P WAItHf RONI JOBS A • ' * or • -• t- , •. N V o ‘ M.»- «vx: • A ’ V * ' «% '«».1 ' l‘l< • • t « Mi i . «*.« N ' 210 HELP WANTED H*C»ptkOrt<«! poutton *r The Of,% o S'.iUr" Advocacy Tues & THur* 'sgi. W ■ ■»»’ Wo'k V ,dy pr»t»"id is Cdsmg ante Jan i yn *> >:• p Appn a: on* a* a « m Room XU ( MU Poatal Job* AvtiUblt1 Mar'y posit on* Groai bon«f!% Can (900 ) 339 nae i «i p 3309 Opening \y s! .*j©nt f * hIi.tm T j*r A Thwr<, mor ngs, li» V ‘> h r u«p »•*} On campus 34S 3384 «vot after *> “PLAN YOUR SUMMER! NOW UO SUMMER CONFERENCE ASSISTANT Announcing TO Conference A?.*.is!am postfons w :h Univwsly Mousing Conference Services You can Min foo'” bourn wooufy sa.ary and va,.able job tupeoenaB TO *6 **4 mimm-portions available Mospitauy or fURKM'Xat Halt Mi per-on o • wc on*- U* xji*; f or more in formal KX attend one of !he recommended Conference Assistant Informaltone) Mi#**6ngs m the B«an West Con tor once Room a! Roan Compel at 7 00pm on Thursday. January 30. 193? or Tuesday, f wbruary 4 t99? Po&non Dom t;p?*on and Application rtva ..»0** a: University Mousing Conference Sckv’ * «v t 0 f Douglass Map. Wafto'’ Compel 346 4?65 Application de*i-;'« rs 12 00pm f ob^-ary ’ 4 • 992 MAKE YOUR JOB THIS SUMMER AN ADVENTURE! j i uppon • ‘v ah-rmasvM at • O" <*mp*Oyt>' com mi5!od JO CUf •-'<» j dvery’y_ Free Travel A ' cuuMin and cr • 'S«t hips S’ a?w ■. a iso needed Chnstmas Sprang and Summer 'or Amusame-'! Pa/k emp-o-y ment Ca • ; - ■ f r*«i«nc« Photographer* Wanted The Oregon On > LmocafcJ "i u«»* g lOftf-JiKl *Judi»"-!S kx gerHA'il I asvgnmer.: and umerp- •,» an ! vhOL>' ng p«rSOT'S ' !O’WSl80 n -1 I Jeh a 346 ’’ *or ” .KB fcfr positions “FT' • -• tour (a im s y> ' l/hour Room & Hoard provided during lour season \ ctvilmg V ri v*4fil • >; full lime summer \> trklixtmg pubhc l.r\ <4 ihf Skagit Hydr« i.. iiiU im.*! hji^r m i vm c*p !< .i.krshtp sales *iui,ur jjuNk sjicakHig I \p w i:*i li\mg. Use i'-sru’iv 4j>j>eJ jus.J . 4 ciiJcfl> aoJ (».*»■• :gtt Uiif;i:4gr>> n .1 14N*/ (Uiulc » are required U* live k; site ' ia. \ aii.l Vk j■-■ k;, j ' Dmct'i liu i first 4.-.! i«rJ aifcj l !‘K v rrlifu. 4U1.n1 must fir Mtimrd fscfmr starting s*>. -ik \pplu atu*i% due I ctsmarv V Ha applu all* «i materials. v*ttU«. 1 St ink < it> Ugh! sk.*git l ours OfTke 1015 I bird \>r., Room X(W ScJtlle, \N \ MK104 (206) 6X44144 24 hr job line i206) 234-21HI * s »< »l NEW BULBS! fc, &U-. 'v New v) u(l Bed Soon! ww ! (■ I k ! i Nl \l \ II ( « - 344 2691 1888 Franklin Dooncslmry BY GARRY TRUDEAU cAHmu a - • ;v. • .! ■;< ‘vWt ■ H* >//■' . < *l\ ' *■ V ' *.»*, .-yvA »<*1\ ", 4>: OKAi :v*vuwur 'iuM nx” CiUPn de * V.'A’ KvM0