TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 78 Bills accused of violating Constitution Court order j Student says ASUO president still funding USSA activities despite court ruling By Kirsten Lucas Emerald Reporter University graduate student Henry Oberson is point ing at ASI C) President jenmler Hills ,md i rv mg lou! Oberson. who was responsible for an ASl OUonsil tutiom (vourt-ordered ban on student binding ol a nu tionid studerit lobbying group. Monday requested the i ourl hear evident e Bills violated !hr courts Hnnn tier ruling In response to Oberson \ i omplasnt lust month, tIn court foil nil l anted States Student Association r .! I ',f,ir titi! I'niversily fresh man Mu hael ibitrir x Kvan *11 rttiinet lion with list? rape of .in ! H -year-old Iri shman ivimiun in Ha in it Ion Complex's co-ed i ighl rtM.ru early Saturday \ wall.ml ua issihm! Mon .lav for Ryan's arrest alter the ■tiuiiiiii identified him Sundtiv as lirr alleged uliai ker Both Kvan and the woman art- Ham ilion (aimplex residents \ta ord ing to polii f . the .man said 'In- was washing her clothes .mti watching tele vision in thf bast'ini'nl of Ham ■ ll.tli ('. mipl' X when dm was ippruai iit*if hy Ryan Shi? told ;>. n it i lhal after a HMllinUte . ir i \ ft saiion. R\ an persuaded her lu at t ompartv him !u the iilui aliofial weigh! room She told police thill oik e In ■ w ■ iv;f11 mom, Kvan pulled ...! a kin !e. a: iegi dlv raped her. k her krss .uni If!! \ftrr tin* assault klm riillisii hfr room m.ilc Iroui llif H.million base (iii'nt. I iit roommate (ill In I 'ill ami llif (illii o! I'stliln S.ilflv. anil llif hugene polii f depart Htt'iil responded around I a in Slio told police that kin was at ijUallllfd with lilt kilNjHM l and lhal hr via-: a fellow '.In dent Slit- identified Kvati as tile uttucker on Sunday, pul ice nan! I hr ‘,vi in;an w .ik liikell In sa (fed Heflr! General Hospital In a Iiietllher (if tin- Dean ol Stu denlk OlilCe She Wak not other wise phvkii .illy injured in the alt.a k (.era; d V iselel . V K e provost ha a adeiiiK support and stu dent services, said Kvim hor rowed a friend's tar alter the assaull and hasn't been seen ••mi e The ear e. a maroon 1‘lHa Honda At cord Moseley saitl Kyan is a parol ee horn the Oregon State I’em ntiarv but he didn't elaborate . n why Kvati had been in jail I’atmls of the immediate area Wen- increased and wilt emit in m until the siispi-i I is arrested, .aid t ,irt\ Drayton. (IPS direr tor Second-graders become recipients of award jYoonie Park and Lindsay Jordan, to be given award by the Springfield Human Rights Commission By Rene DeCair E m«r a id Associate Editor Ask a second-grader a stupid question and get, not a stupid answer, but an in sightful one Seven-vear-old Yoonie Park, a Korean student at Centennial lilomentarv, vsas asked lo !.i’k about the differences tween her and her first-grade (lau< .im in friend. Lindsay Jordan, age seven "We don't (aft* about those Yunnir said We just smash them on tin■ ground And what Linds of things do they smash? ''lake potato chips," Yoonie said giggling l h. Ok I guess articulation of the philosophy isn't important What these two do clearly understand is friendship without judgment Both Park and Jordan are tins year's recipients of the Human Rights Award, given by the Springfield Human Rights C luiiuntssiud The !w