Save Money Eat Cheap All you can eat Spaghetti $2.95 or Mini Cal zone $3.95 Guido's 13th and Alder 343-0681 Monday thru Thursday 1100 din to g 00 pm 3* UO BOOKSTORE ^ BESTSELLERS TOP TEN PAPERBACK BESTSELLERS WEEK of Jan 13,1992 1. WORLD ALMANAC t BOOK OF FACTS 199! 2. COYOTE WAITS by Tony Hillerman 3. PRINCE OF TIDES by Pat Conroy 4 WASTE LANDS: THE DARK TOWER *3 by Stephen King 5. ANIMAL DREAMS by Barbara Kmgsolver 6. UNIVERSAL ALMANAC 1992 ed by John Wright 7. SPIN A SOFT BLACK SONG by Nikki Giovanni 8. NEW AMERICAN DIET SYSTEM by Sonia Conner 9. NEW FIT OR FAT by Covert Bailey 10. EDUCATION OF LITTLE TREE by Forrest Carter UO Bookstore SPORTS Stanford’s Dukes downs Ducks j Men's basketball loses 78 57 to de fending NIT champs By Jayson Jacoby i " ■'1 e Kings hav kingdoms but Sal nr<1.iv night Dukes ruled Mi Arthur Court and the Ore gun men's basketball leam I'eler Dukes, liie Stanford Cardinal's sharpshooter, that is The (> foot 5 Junior forward fid llirt-e three point shots dur ing Stanford's lf> run earls in the set ond half, a stretrh that broke open a tight game and ended Oregon's hopes for a. J 0 !‘ai ifi< !ti (.onfi-reiH e start I he 7H 57 loss evened the Uui ks league mark at 1-1. 5 t> overall Stanford unproved to 1 1. Si-2 overall Dukes heroics came after Or egon fought back from e nine point halftime defu It to forge a tu at -tfi with 14 1 minutes left Or I .inn< ! Williams h 11 ! wo three pointers his only points of iIh game during llif* 1 *« 7 (Jregori run Dukes then broke ilir lie with ,1 27 footer .Hiil just three min ules .uni two more ram ftows I.iter Stanford leii S ri -12 and Oregon never got ( loser i 1 1 Dukes was wide open on .ill three Irevs, offer selling tmnsei! up behind I he line while Slim ford's four oilier players broke Oregon's press Dukes' shunting not only doomed the Dut ks hui his t rowd taunting also an gered the small hut vocal i rowd of (.750 Those threes kind of broke our but k, Oregon couch Don Munson said "Dukes rame hark and vs e i ouldn't lot ate him often enough He vsas jtisi too vs ide open It took a lot out of Us said Antoine Stoudamire who led the Dm ks with 22 points He moved around from side to side anil v\ e (ouldlTI find him We lust broke down after that Dukes shooting certainly played a lug part in Oregon's demise, hut it vsas b\ no means the only reason I he Ducks longest offensive drv spell came at the worst time dur tng the (iuniinal's dec isive set ond-half spurt Between tile lit* at -10 and Da mon Runyon s jumper that P^olo by Stoop* Chuck Patterson end his teammates stayed with Stanford players like Paul Garrett for much of Saturday s game, but eventually the Cardinal was too much to handle brought ihr M ure to 71-tij with three .iini .1 liulf minutes loft ,1 n almost ! 1 minute strelr h Oregon managed only two Hold goals That offensive futility, 'O' mut h as any thing Stanford's of fense did was n‘s|H)nsif)lc for tin* set ond half ( ollapse Munson said it wasn't just a u eak offense, though 'They were )us! too lough defensively and on the boards,'' Monson said The Cardinal out refauinded the Ducks 47 to 30, int hiding 73 from All-Amen i an ( andidate Adam Keefe Thu kids made a good run at them We just didn’t get enough good shots," Munson said Stanford's as good a de fensive team as there is in the league " Oregon ( ertainIv he 1 pud prove that statement Saturday, as It shot less than 34 percent from the field, including a dis mal three of 17 from three point range (1 7 percent) Stanford, m ea n w hiIe , warmed up after shooting 4 1 pen rnt 111 the first Il.lll to lilt 17 <>I to m thf mu oriel li.ilt (f)7 per (imt) The Cardinal ulso made si'vrn of to trevs Mill, tin- Dm ks played pretty well in the lust half and cer tainly proved they i an play with the defending NIT cham pions. who are picked to finish as high as third in the l’ac-10 The l)ui ks' biggest worry corning in was Keefe, the I’ac 10 s leading scorer at tit. points per game Oregon held Keefe in check for the first 20 minutes, hem ming him in with a collapsing /one and stationing Clyde Ior dan the Dm ks' lies! defender in front of the t>-foot-0 for ward at all times Keefe didn't get Ills first field goal until almost 1 1 minutes were gore and si tired just nine points ill the first hall The rest of the ( animal ( ouldll't lilt the open Jumpers that defensive strategy gave them, arid Stan ford made just two of 11 three Turn to STANFORD Page 11 SPECIALS FOR YOU EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! I One Item Small Pizza! Additional Topping Only 55c Tuesday's Paper For Track Town COUPONS! 5.95 One Topping Medium Pizza The Saga Continues! | FLYER DAY! I v/jtc h few our ftyr>r I. around campus with K special savings TRACK TOWN PIZZA I rtv Ddiverv w min. $f> pun h.w tin 9 7CH1 ' !tl!' 1 *4cW-Z / J / 1H0P f R Wkl l\ 151 VI >. All You Can Eat PIZZA & SALAD BAR! $4.95 Mon I n 1 1 jm 1 i;l |iin