Algerian government shuts down elections U.filKKs, \igo riu (AIM rhi* ; Viiii th'- fun.hnnen.hiiist ;i.u!\ tin’ Islamic Salvation ! •. !?!, tl-.i. toil wall .lt>v;er puli r . m .-s ,«r<■ show hu; their vi'e ili-termination I. m.iiiii.mi their >>np on the W.'.i/M.m people. and run c oun ter their nli.-N expressed i le.irlv on I in it Mini in u s! tlement Muslim: !i;:iil.inieiit.ilisls h i I si tireii ,i i rushiiu; \ h torv in mi ti ii ..hull. ' hh; duv. setting ■•:}> th> . ‘ i : \ rth .Mr: : .1 > fir in! •-[ lie I ?!,11 {lN'spi‘1. !wot;,| ihe 1! tnrnaitxn.ii . i■:s ; n ;;ii'l■ ing M-i \r.ili gov•■mmcfils nrtvuils iiimut I . rnUittii'Mliii (Mil irvlht'it ruvit < ih; m:: • ■. .in.i i n>|>r.ili ii,linin' [i.n !■:■ •; !.irl\ !'nui< i- In.irms; i m V! gi'fian Iminigf.iiiun it tin lint il.imrnliihsl> |>rrv til \l.:n-|s .mil , dll. ;.|: urn; t all!) i\ \ few ill!/. tank' anil it niiltr.l Vivhli ll". vs rrr 11.• j»Jt.s (*il . '' *• ' , h Id)!: y'\- : ‘ t v\ :i’ .ifh\:i{ thru Ujmiii• ss i>n .i >'• * : d.» \ . • i ' • \! ■ *ntr\ 1 in* t ,»ru rllaUun of 1 hiirs d.i\ .Mi otuj round "could hr >: U* Chu lost round, in whu h lh»< liindumml.ilisi kl,»m> S.d ^.i! Ii m front hud v\ < -n IHH oj th*; . U mmIs dm itlrii j us I JH i -. diorl ol ti m.ijoritv The sv. • 111(1 round o{ *• lit lions !> h.o. .■ bivi] for 1 uu si»als *£»**** Vsle\cot£ve ****** ^9 *es* YxiVe Just Been Cleared For Tate Off. You can get a lot more- out of life when you set your sights a little higher. Which is what applying for the American Express* Card is all about When you get the Card, it's easier to do the things you want to do. And with the student savings that come along with it, vixj can do even more Fly roundtripon Continental for less than $100 each way. Student Cardmernbers receive four travel certificates. They can he used to fly any - where Continental Airlines flies in the 48 contiguous United States Two for the school year, and two for the summer* IVpcrulinK on where you tly, e.u h m hool tr,t\cl t crtiti i ,itc is h h! It tr 12^ i>i >|M round summer travel tilt* C ,iril will say .1 lot about vou hot one thint; it says von have .1 handle on what von s|H-nd, so you ilont have to v at t\ i 'Ver .1 un t- It also --ays you’re smart enough not to pay interest * bathes that 1 an teally arid up i. err if it. Me in ^hkI tor >14^ or roundtrip Savings that upgrade sour lifestyle. An .i student ( ardmernber you get more than great travel sa\ Airfurt* rx4fnplr% havrd on iir«tirulion S. K<»W H tnwil r ip« >**»>•»* V* V 1 • -« Anfrir* S ! ^ K it •« l Mji >»k> S ' ' jr, f f *• w l Wmtl S1.H> N»f «ik«* t icu minutes nito i all (haw Vnit l\ink address and ai count numlx-r ready), and apply tor the Ameru an Fxnress ( aid ingv iou also save money on ever\ tmn« trom clothing to long distant. e ['hone calls All tor a 555 annual tee Obviously, savings like these say a lot about the value ot the (lard. And having \X ifh .ill the ( .ml iitlcrs you, not even the sky is the limit I HI C ARI) I III AM IKK AN I XPKISS* l Aim Get going, call 1-800-967'AMEX. If v. mi tf iUr 11 f* tv > Jkrr>j i *S* »*»r *• ‘ **c»*Klrirvi Vj* l lufwr H t n .»ur( ( ,< r S A •-< ' j .rtr tr--. t attd ••*-. »• "*.c tirr + " » ' f" ‘ •*” (Umftnrnt*) A»rtin*» »!*>«* « »«fwn«Nr t**f fuihilmrtu .*» th»» .**♦«■» Amrrw *n K ■!««>»» wuiw n. ,*• .»»*<>» 1 r*rr.f*i A.? • r* pei».r • lW.’ Afnrr»< in fc »j-f rti If jvrl RrUff J Vfw f» 1 In TRAVEL RELATED SERVICES