Bush’s Tokyo trip hits ‘desert storm’ of criticism j Republican challenger, Democrats say visit trans parent election ploy that did nothing for the trade deficit U A'SHtNCTON M*( lop Hush .„! imnislr.il ion offic t>»Is dented Sunil.iv lh.it President Hush s trade mission ‘ Japan was a flop, with the su re!ar\ ••! i ninmiTi i1 desc ribing it as tin* econnm equivalent of ()p »ra!ion Desert Storm Hut Bush e halltmger JSitric k Hue hanan derided it as a flawo'* and Sen Lloyd Bentsen, D Texas. c ailed it obviously a political trip to assist (Hush) in his ?• elec tton < ampaign Hentsen announced that his Senate i-•, nance Committee would hold hearing nevt week liH’X.lllinii' the Japanese If. j. concessions that Hush lias said will in aS- at least 200.000 Arneric an jobs \ationai Serurity Adviver Hr- n t Sc owe:roll sought to sidestep th* • ’ i isms, saving he didn't believe '-any tiling really negative happened Hush's c cuitfoverstal journey to A• : >vitli 11 S automakers and other exec i lives in tovs the trip ns ii whole was really a del h.lte sue (CSS, Sc OWf r'oft • ; 1 l) (3S "|-'.n e the Nation rr J i j .pills th' f .ih.nr’ Vs • i b*i u;r,r i,;< iirr,i| ch.itfriinn of Hush • re riiTtiott lirivr. s-mf the {'resilient vs.is supporting the it oummi .security ■' tins' • . ho ti fm I. rit mil:tars WI urity V ( vs * S'.Mid.i\ ■ -.111S Bush ss ,i'. ou! ’In ri . jobs ii.i! yelling business i. \ V 1. ! 'hr ;.! . m : ‘ hi .::;i i .nk. v i: ri >i; their i flliMsms of ■'Japura ■ .• Iraib- ; ;.n nil's ! i.iV■ III.nil levs (■!! '!*• I !• * Ciifs lot liijiaiii'si' (.(iiisuiiii rs I s .uito safhs are . i. a -• hi o.; . •. : (r MT.i Mi ’ll." hist Hu ; ill,' ■ '! plans : i lay off ' I (HH) vs >rrs Vo- . 1 if !■!:.■ .ii in i'H .in" : II. IV I- iwTTi fl'f! flcttll'. !■-.-■ !n : i : 1 !. 1 iSI . I ,1*1. 111! h.i! iii'r.iusi' fill .infos V. . : I h.i ’ : onr total if.ufi' dofii ll ss 1 ‘ i;:.n V. for ..ii', hafij !i ■ > , Musi, ii her' s.iid U ■! vs <,11 v .iiv. nil inns vs <• ri put! vs ori. .iti.f stop vs. :;; ! vse Wight lx- hurting St Tie I• i- • ti l . ings •• Bush challenger Patrick Buchanan derided it as ‘a fiasco’ and Sen. Uoyd Bent sen, D-Texas, called it ‘obviously a political trip to assist (Bush) in his reflection campaign. ’ i! >':i w I. :,[• Hi.it t.ikifig businessmen on tin1 presidential trip "•is Ittgld\ i untrm ersi.d : 11..:;i i think'. 11 ought In be .1 norin.il 1 ^ tu * in' Mini but added th.it it (hi! :■ > 1 lup .1 lx tti-r understanding he .. . ;i Business and government (on) n ihtn 1 tmlil i ooperute ti-i 1..iti. wlii Inipes In wrrst tin' ■ ' • ' tii in mat ion from Bush, described :: mp.is a fl.isi n ' Bush "got ,i re.tlit\ • ’'i.y 1 ■ nn his vision of .1 new ; 1 1 : • Bui h.in.in said on \B( I \ Afn i till' '■ When B ■ -.ought concessions from ■ M !: k hi' got something close ;• .! s' 'nr- w ,i 1 f !!:n h.miin said "I hop' the president will realize he's got 1,1 !.1 kinj4 care of Ins own country first Beidsen s.iul lb I' finance Committee would hold a hearing when Congress re turns Jan 22 to si rulinlze the Japanese i uiici’ssioris, which' Benlsen described is "too little, 10 years too late He said the S-11 billion trade deficit with : Japan defies economic: logic, be cause it's declined l)v only Sr> billion in the last six years while the dollar has fallen more than SO percent against the yen in the same period Bentsen. who also appeared on "Fac e the Nation, questioned why Flush look ins national sec urity adviser to. Tokyo, hut not Ins trade representative, (.aria HUi* ; The lac I is that trade has always been an afterthought lor this adniimstra lion and the previous one. said Bent sen. the IflllH Democratic vice presiden tial candidate "Today's rec ess ion is part of the pric yye are pay ing for years of inattention to trade, he said "This country 'needs a comprehensive national economic sir.;' egy not a three-day trip to Japan " ^asssav*”' „, KC'S HO* "!£& '"'""" , ^nolLSioic " *1**‘, uc tltM iU> " 1 of assigned BRK’S ,,u" • n due *» w QmW"'* . . u'lc .-onJlfy^R1 nurcha-*^ °* 1 . ,. aK hoii's ot „„„, ?•>“' ""'* |,om <1* S'.vcn.m"’1 >tJ H .,k lW*m SSSZ-jK; &.. - ^ ioih a «* '"r ********* moSO^.J^V MCto»orf«* STUVEN1S: vv,nTV.R VVHM M* fe ^ deadU« <»r , ry: VBlO^'i^acum I J 13th & Kincaid, Open Monday - Saturday, Ph. 346-4331 Yankees see Detroit’s Big 3 as 3 big oafs WASHINGTON (Al’J l'tn editorial cartoon depicts .1 huge, hulking football player with "Detroit" emblazoned on Ills jersey No fair! He keeps hitting mu'" in1 whines to the referee. ,1 George Bust) look alike The big guy points toward an under sized hut trim player wearing a "Japan" jersey who scampers across tiie goal line, trium phantly vseving the hall It's typical oi the ridicuh heaped upon tiie chairmen o! the Big Three U S automakers iiv tiie Japanese media during their v isit last week Except that tins particular dart wasn’t thrown by tiie Japa nese It was die work ol a Gin 1 ago Tribune cartoonist And it underscores a big problem lor the I S auto in dustry and its congressional al lies in their struggle to knot k down Japanese trade barriers and stave off further Japanese' gains in tin Amerii an auto market Japanese car sales Iti the United States have1 risen steadi ly lor decades, and they now claim about tt percent oi the U S market The Big Three s share has fallen from 100 per cent in l ti e m id 10 50s 1 o around 00 percent today I ht; Hig I hree grudgingly ac knowledge their quality fell in the l<)7()s and early lMHOs and the Japanese took advantage of it Hal the Amern an companies say those days are over, and in dustry analysts agree that l' S quality has improved But buyers have been slow to respond "If you bough! a clunker six years ago. the product today may be terrific but your impres sion of what they're doing is based on a 6-year-old experi ence," said Clyde I’rostowliz. president of the fconomii Strategy Institute, a researi h group partially funded by the automakers During the visit to Japan, edi torial writers and commenta tors of all ideological stripes lambasted the chairmen of Chrysler, l-ord and Conerel Mo tors and belittled their com plaints of unfair competition