Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 13, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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    Oil prices fall, consumer relief small
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Men Against Rape will havi
,i brief business meeting tol
,,w, -.1 In ,i ih-.: ussiun tonight
,.! t, to in !AH: (ienturv Room
t ,i. Hi. I2t)ti ft)i m .n intoi
\U ( h A IS . nil ■ t tonight at
a .si) in I.NU (>dur Room I
( .ill t It. tsoa tor more infor
AIKSKl s' it 1 ini' i* a getii-ral
mi’iliberstilj) mooting loniglit at
7 10 in Room t.t2 C. 111»- r t (.all
t in 1 t ill lor more information
Jewish Student I nion will
meet today a! i 10 p m in 1\MII
R< m A ( ill Mi. I ti.i.
:■ information.
!!S( la.I.AMIU! S
I csbi.i n .mil Hi si' \ u ,i 1
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dll will meet tonight
to ' id .it the Koinom.)
i ! 14 K. i In ,ii.i Si
I in- MAl iirifnl.ilimi will in
offered today from 1 to 5 p m
in the (Computing I lenler. Room
IBS H.e.u operations for In
gtnnors will be covered I'.ill
Hli 1750 lor more information
Bidding ' r tie V\ .::r.. r !..im
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:on Ei .\/s run
tin- il.n ol I hr rvrnt unit>■>•. //if
even/ Uilo's jihu c ht-lorr noon
\itilers ol rvrnt* with <i i/o
tuition or .nlmission i leir^r will
not hr ,i err jilt'll < i ill/i u •>
fVf/l/.s .Hill lllitnr si hr,lull'.I
nr.irrst till' jnihlli .tlhtn il itr
w ill hr f>ivrn j)north Thr Em
nrultl reserves lilt? n^til In fill!
rui!!< i-. fur i*ruinm.ir .inti style
“29 years of Quality Service”
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