Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 13, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Students.
We need your help.
We re trying to find out how
student services groups at the
UO treat lesbians, gays and
bisexuals. If you've had either
good or bad experiences with the
following offices or groups, we
want to hear about them;
Anonymously, if you wish.
-Office of Public Safety
-University Housing
-Dean of Students Office
(incl Greek Living Org.im/.itionsj
-Student Health Center
-Career Planning &
-Office of Academic Advising
Here’s how you can help:
-Call us at 346-2670 and leave a voico mail message
-Write us at PO Box 379, Eugene, OR 97401
-Fill out an anonymous Comment Form, which you can get from
the Lesbian-Gay Bisexual Alliance Office, Room 319 EMU
Or simply write us a note about your experiences) and drop it in
one of our boxes:
Northeast corner of the EMU lobby
Carson Hall area desk
Library main desk
Law School library
We neod to hear from you by January 25th,
Again, your comments are entirety anonymous, il you wish We II use them to help
evaluate how well these off* os deal with students like you
The PreikJcnt# TmIc force o? Lesbian. Cay, and Eriexuai Concern*
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■: :.v kmg's visit is orgalii/.ed
:jv the Institute tor Science, Kn
: His nr.g inti Public Policy in
j\ihhi Qimm
Wednesday, January 15
4:00 p.m., On Main Floor
tkkt Giovanni i' i >ur : hiJc/v read living bkh k p%>et. and in her most accessible collection to
date h t be >")(• tin arc < >f the poet as a human being »<• can relate to someone affected bv and
on erned mth events l ong known at the Prim ess of Black Poetry." Nikki Giovanni, at
' >'t\- -ne. t\ a\ alive and vibrant as ever Strong diret t tremendously energetic, visionary.
..cru cible ind real her ;>. ems reveal a great spirit among us
Thirteenth and Kincaid
Open Monday - Saturday
Phone (503) 346-4331