EDITORIAL Sacrifice today for river’s tomorrow Good news folk.s. It looks us if l-ane County voters may be bucking the American political norm by con sidering issues today that will affect tfit*ir future. An initiative designed to protect the banks of the McKenzie River has received enough signatures to gain a place on the May l'.l primary election ballot The McKenzie River Scenic Area Initiative would restrict bridge building, pesticide use. boat dock con struction. dam operations and mining along the river Considering the McKenzie is the drinking water source for Eugene and surrounding areas, this is a great idea Among various tac tics, the measure would pro tect water quality via county rural land use plan amendments. It’s also a winner because it would guard one' of Oregon’s most prized rivers from the1 environmental degradation plaguing darn near every square inch of land, water and air in this country. The catch7 The measure would include restrictions on property owners dictating how much vegetation thus could remove and where they could build fences, park their c ars and set up satellite dishes. No doubt these folks will have a justifiable bone to pick with measure supporters. Who wants to be told what they can and can't do on f/je/rland7 Unfortunately, these landowners need to bite the bullet and abide by the- restrictions; the- position of their land sets them up for this unpleasant reality It's a fact that nearly every river in this state, let alone the country, not bordered by at least 70 degree angled slopes has been engulfed by human "progress " It’s this progress that is most responsible for the degen eration of the* natural environment, both along the Me hen/.ie and beyond. It's great to see the foresight of those who wrote and now support this measure Building and develop ment along the McKenzie needs to be stopped now for the river's survival Residents along the river will have to make sac ri lues should the measure pass, but event they shouldn't mind too much. After all. it's the river they love that will be protected through those sacrifu e\ (frcf’on Pails P O aoi USA tUGtNf ORtGON §740) I1-*! CVwgon Ott.'y I •**«#*! » p«.4v %f*id iUx> U ,,-*f(x#gf' * ’«iai •! ' ' • j ,f»* a* tx*» y«KV and I A!« f»>\>'VJAy tK. ig ”'<«* au-mmor fry ;'*> <>«v* DaN i " ura*3 f* !*fc‘ ■-*g >.'o • - ^ in# l)fvv• | ^.mi op*r«u» . tdApAotVa-M^y a/ !?» t ►•*, •,»*■*. ■*» » • •..**» *»*. <»• •*» X>C o* ”>0 I ft) U«r*Hy\ai Unajn aril I a "w*'cxx o’ Ihm Aw*. «ttud »’«»*.♦. I''# J marAKl <% pf*VOfO pfO^«tKty ! 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W-- 4"» Gar^aral Managar Judy HaaJ Advsrttaing Diraclor tV>a M >pv»a>^m Production Marta^ar U- «*»» Ms «* a room !Ut» •>■>11 D«Si>lay Advartiaing Mb JM? (ki» BY RENE DECAIR The killing of .1 bear Lin! fri li.iy oliir again shows flow ptxiple find i! much easier lo look down the barrel of a n than lo look for solutions A KM) pound blur k f« ar prog nant with two lulls was shot outsail! of tlohurg bv Orogon Department of fish and Wild 11ft- olfii luls lioi ause as offi i lals said, sfio was lux oiliing a nuisant o Fills samo hour was relocated bs wildlife off’u lals last sum mer after she w as i aught eating garbage a! a summer ( hurt h tamp fish and Wildlife polity ullinvs for relocating animals only om e I ho hour hail not harmed any humans, nor had she kilhxi any livestoik, hut her presence Was perceived as a potential threat, so they shot her as she took t oy er ill a tint ket of briars Americans like neat and tidy ends to problems When things hying or otherwise, start to become a problem yy e eliminate them The only life We seem to val ue is human life, and that is even questionable as yve contin ue In kill eat 11 other (Wouldn't the bear have bix'll refloated again' No." officials say That s not pole y And, more importantly they say hears are highly intelligent She yy.is developing a pattern of coming into town to look for food She was bei oming less air,nd ul people So they gave her a r c .iso n I o bi> afraid Y e p , sounds rational to me Thin re more adaptable to people than people are adapt at :r In then; one wildlife oil I i ml said His office received a Ik iti t 100 complaint calls Iasi \ ear concerning black hears But ‘id percent of the time, he said, they are nuisance com plaints' from people who dis lover the hears eating their pet's luod or getting into their garUige It s ama/ing how (ear of the unknown can move people to action Olfii nils claim that the ns enl killing was necessary because it en 1 : AMO f J MR. BIK44NAN, ISMT rWAT WWAT THEY USED TO ASK ABOUT IRISH CATWOLICS 7 Li t ^ £ ■