__EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS jjj Call 346-4343 Before 1 p m. Today To Put Us To Work For You tomorrow! 10J PERSONALS A XU ts * Ann#** Happy 1 yr Anmvaraary l o**4 'it of! A ndraw ( itAtlOrM 1M9 tnlartratarfirty Council f ■ •cut tv a a »-tm**©'" V I I ■ tx/no Hut* |Nj0lc fW.it1 l^*«fnu»c»A ' kx uti lu o I" JUrthfiXy '■*- NWVV -p I • pOWMX ' Congratulation! to tba nr W»nt•» 1W? ol CfwOmaga' ?«**”»* B 4*«ry C .JunaW I Attn* Ci ► jm 0 ‘wlfft M Chftrm*no M K J V*. KM S k*m T kK ^Wv W DCK/fJ 1 f » ■ . M vV A.rrn w • «* / Caf'+tty' s j<»or I I4a « W Ju1' W U.r H J. • rfftvan ► C ftthonn® P IUkV^V I* f Aw < >*< '. Jrn i» S Jonny S Ar-r S C nofthA P Muitu M I *». o Wa ara all proud ol you1 iov*^ Your 1 . . LiUKI PHI DELTA THETA •J- YM WINTER RUSH Broom t>aU tonight. ft 11 00 MS 9M1 Thar a ta nothing t>attar to do lE XU Mfca and Kara, congratulations on your plnmng' Hast ol lucft lor tha r**f of foravar' VDfl. Your Brothars xg _i‘i'i It you Hava oomothing lo Nit. you Hava aomatKtng to » win j at* %* i«**h *rr»“V «»••• *' > * . «J fo'rr..p«pW> f - *m " o -V . .,-.4V ; • ON CAMPUS1 Typing 4 *»o>d pro cutting »- .1! .4 " I • r m t t*t p » & <3«* .*». .*• - ;.- f. .,*/• 4»u M I.AClf IY{ TYPING I (XTTNG py '■i*! *•'©’■ *’■* »' •’'•'•«* •,- • *\vt ■ A"0rv*«l>4» «*'. ' ■ ►'-n ♦ »«# i ’fp g **M ’• ‘H fi Y TNG f IMCil RS typing MfvK* |«\1 accural# prola*»*cmal U OO poga. up 4 44 V Pagg y » T yp*ng Sarv * • i «*i ‘ypfflJ otv»*- • *»•« »' . •{ ».« ' . n-' <1 » : »M. p:-■’.«>? ' *-*.>■' 'll’ *«* *a'*r\ CaM Paggy at 142-4044 PROf» S SION At TYPING A *-o *onJ p‘v> w ' ' *y «»! '■ ■ -j I .*.**•* px * p i >*»i-.vwry 14000*1 ■'.#'»*» * R'A' TMl WORD SPI CtAl 1STS W--*nJ Pftxmv'tfl 4 (Waasop Putt*'*' >g G'*J Sc 'vOO Approved l «MH» p* r ' Of 1 ««J • vg pf*phmi afoot mote* * i#*. —4r 4 CINDY 4A4-S4S4 TYPING UNLIMITED Harttara l and l aaor Pttntot 4A* 314 3 I ormorty *t* «J«T B^Ou iNoeim Hog 120 TUTOR WG HUNCH or fTAl IAN tot,%ont A ■ ,‘iwvng p'K © T4*> 1 ■ V > ; P- ViV« 4 group t*tm> « tovofc no FOR SALE UMSC CMINI Sf MINORITY CHAI TS Brought tx* * goutl* !wn c*w tf*p m i. ‘id T !■*:<»'• <*rw*f 'y • T**'1 •<\':'«y.x> **< • ;m>* •o'm &> ( •' 'y 3 (My t r I MU it- '■ • Kmitf andGtonqt l alaal txla ' li'ny ? 1 . 4 rt.a1«> t.tp«r. >w it• d -a!»« ky 'w'li 4 i4tw ' rt 4(M ’ l? .' 146 !t ’ J * aa* k* Sofy* Parvaaomc porlatw# .1ui.\% &’«»■ *#. p«; A>c «.S’ (>vK,<>x» ■ » **rO $’V J44 A t . Outrn lulon, S*., A» .i .w-g ’n.w ' %’* V»* Won’'**-- % 1*1* .u MW s.’*. 4#*> '4 i>»®*!v f lac Ifocwc ly|Mrtiirr Aar 440 343 SW13. Nava maaaaga T h»aa tjuaMac langlh a>w «t! I i ■ ( ono*<*' I . ' s.»«i S' \ 20sOWRTWIIT«S IF 140 PETS 6 fl H#-J1 g ‘ I HO A ;»vt» 4. j ,4. V *4 i • • ,•'< V 145 CARS TRUCKS •covi num mt sEtno *< «r S' i . kfc*' »»Ur- -'.if (»*. . .*;■ H .y*r* (. «*. ■ . If *4 7S Vo!»o 2*401 * i • 1 ' •*’ 78 f ord I io»U •* ■..*:? v * uwty • •«*. ft**) ' ' ’ Hm «**« S * ,.♦*• OM>tMo 4«S C?4V O Hf ftiuft I • C«> IWu ; * - jrt*/ '»M 4 ?.;;*? ?♦«* ’*.* i s t*. i » »» <> *! 14. > 4 M'VW GTI, »t* w* ** - » V* tt » * V • •4‘. <, 44 00 M*/d* W.a!d -I*'■ ; «■ ^ <*;>■» e i &s BICYCLES Campus CfVMn i>*5 t>»g • *«»*. Mo^aorHMKKHUl « tJ rmtciy •«'«J ..*1 iu*l4>' $■* Jy. ■* I > .a- o* V » T'.*5 '>g »•■»! • l‘)'i livw !UV) ftftd 1 '4.' for Sail* IlmncPw AUrrt* 18 *•* ?/*.u . » «! f u.nO!!«cy l %:: <% .4 Chfr* IK 4*u u ?1 Ko4*ah*ra 10 tfx* ■•>•«; *5* '*'•<*• '11 ’ ** *-4' S 1 /*» •; >*>o W»JV» 145 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS HU/*f ?AI» l'W ►<) " M-a*- <5» ' . M-H ,v»5 :uiOK a w-' -- .•«?. dor^ yjp' - Aft! S'" UOU U*'» ,V4v !»* »»' f. p CoidiiJ IHMnjmjioi n. ‘ monotf-i * 'i» tw^ior 0_*a Aoopy (Vrvt> 04 v't. €*?r ‘i'.MiKAM 01l*v «X«! kJ ‘ fLAW V Ml1 ’ .vU O'* m IK. 1 } "'V.iiflwJ %4*X, i4v' W.\; 4.. » ’4 u^-vV T>C !»<» '•*.* ’ ig • Ml-.Vst J. .1 *-*{-;'» .’4 '- 'r'OOto"- l>» « H* .141 Wf * *1 t l*< ./& * * 1 VW. >* v* *O0O 14 *» ‘it. Word jvcx***cw f‘* Aior*t KX * V mry'5o', p’ *4' cv*) *y cioo l a?., *1 S tjfxj 14. 4631 170 SOUND SYSTEMS C ASH’" Wu r r tu AlMM ». .H . :H *. .1 »! V«» «*:.*♦» I*- - ; ' v t h u * \l*7 Os»^ 14 » 9.’3 705 OPPORTIWITfS CASH FOR BOOKS T nr© C©n**A*#nI afton* ■ M f llth A?' Ar*ti#ma!«# »^pu« fJounliwn J4*- W 14)471? BUYING HOURS S> '. V * tl M Uf * J »*l Smith Family Bookstore ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1-STOP SHOPPING 1M SKI EQUIPMENT Yfckrn* %ki >«ck * a <„* • *w> $*>v N«r',' ins »ev im TRAVEL T«*v• t4n*g Soon? Apply for • c»ad« card My anywrhara in ih# USA for CaW TOOAY" 4A*. 6630 MS OPPORTUNE $ STUDY ABROAD... I (Homing Application UrjJImrs for SluJv in EUROPE FEBRUARY 7 Spring term ui Sn-na, Italy London, I ngland ( olognr, C.crmanv Av ignon, I ranee ham lOirnll! » w y..ur financial *%i K*e truer :r.formation cunt ACT (*!! ter of internal ;onai Valo Ik (vrrgt>n Ha THINK ABOUT IT! Bung** Jumping f ranch*** Wanted ant rape a near a and aggraaafva outdoor anthuaiaata lucrative advanturoua and *11 out fun (016) MV 7024 _ f aat f undraiemg Program Mauarftn«aa aony-'ans aiuctani c-MMi i a" .-Ji ’■ S ' v tx-u maw* 0 *. ■ t* u v«i a %' ■ txx'.a fOufH» ’ «»•»: a F Ml l WATCH a „ • aoc ‘ *. *•/« f • t * Fraternity Winter Rush Sign up Ufrte out at da f MU f iahi>owt 1? * Mon T uaa , Thor a il INTERESTED IN WORKING IN THE U.S. SENATE? OREGON SENATOR BOB PACKWOOD IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SPRING, SUMMER, AND FALL 1992 INTERNSHIPS. For more information stop by the information booth in the EMU, near the Fishbowl TODAY from 2-6 PM, or write to; Kathy Hall, Internship Coordinator, Senator Bob Packwood, 101 S.W. Main, Suite 240, Portland OR 97204-3210. MSOPPORTUNirfS Have yOU « * .« f i .*yv -v«Vr J M W av T ttoepf- g-f Rtoptyer «* u<. *.v » rxx • « :*i«K ' M .1 I M* It Scholarship* for roliege. funding guaranteed f HI l information SMI Y PO »o* 50 76 Salem. OR 07304 (503' 363 6404 The ASUO it looking for five dedicated enthusiast* students to fill positions on the Student Senate Positions pay J3S a month and a minimum commitment of five hours a wreak re required Ap|>l*ations are available in Suite 4 of the I MU end are due Jan 17. 100? Seata tn the following majors are available §9 Social Sciences Sciences fl? A at 3 Undeclared Mu** ft4 Bustnass • 16 Gradualea l aw Get involved* The ASUO it an affirmative action equal opfMrtumry employer_ 2io HELP WANTED A PART MT MT MGR WANT TO Sdhd 'ttiiv-me lo Manager ft00 f '8th No f .jgone 97403 ASUO is now hiring! I vw put Ton* are now open on !he j kecton* Board Pick up appkaion* • Sort* 4 i MU Application deadline n Thursday Jar 16m a: 5 00 p m ASUO >S an AA1 Of fARN MONTY Heading txx>xf. 1.30 DOGyr income potw ‘ a (>«■-.i 805 962 600C Uil Y 964? Weight Room Supervisors iNwgr: ng knowledge 'uq^'ad I racing P'-;>.nj4jiT Mm have wcvv v! .xly u«j M r mi MlM >44x41 » J 210 HBJ> WANTED Earn Big Cash Son hiring •nthun«ftt*c CtiKtontw. ; for ih# UolO 1 #!*fur>d %4f> 1413 t kifiilt + l'ir-kirki' + l fraaUnc* Photographers Wanted ■ !>«» Ottgor-Dft-*y f :,r> mw* ■ g j j vCrV^n-non! a«xJ ont*»rp' <•« aii -*«'1 'i4f> 551 i to* more [gt’f POSITIONS !’•> ba-.t :->rv *»s In!) Mrt“. ? pox U>!,s !x»y ' ’ Q ©iV y A' 'O’ *»’ Ar *«;gw Of UNiX. U1?" ••>ft’ !>y arth VAX VM . and. u-v oip«/1> »* working w :■ arge diM mi‘‘> and 9 “■! * ()..' ««<. vo vo*. munag ng and ranspor ■ g «irgo data ' and 1/OuDmis'wxk • g 'a,Ow«'«v%o,,i*ii'u pfoD'«*"ns f /• turthar ntormaiioo ca,: '.Car «wi t u -« J46 <64? ^4f, ;>«>4; u Pi c | PLAN YOUR SUMMER! NOW UO SUMMER CONFERENCE ASSISTANT ArviouhcinQ lO-CortH*r»cvc» A‘,v-‘.'.r ' pot. liors » *h University Mouvng Conl€H*»nco Services You can warn room board wttokiy sa ary a'xl vrt at>m ot) eipenence ’0 to 14 *uwk posst-oos available MospiJftMy or Reatoence He i oipo'iwnMi '•commanded f or more information a: lend on« o’ the recommended Cooie'etK e Assistant Intormationiw Maof*n^ .r !N» Boar< Wot.; Con franco Room a! Bwin Compm ,’00pm on Thursday. January 3C 199? Of Tuesday f ebruary 4 199? Po*'i*on Description and Appticat‘on avatioCXe *»; Urwerwty Housing Co* \nones Service* 101 Douglass Hrti!. Waft on Convp««i 346 4?65 Appbc&i o'- de«J'»ne * i?00pm f atxuory 14 199? MAKE YOUR JOB THIS SUMMER AN ADVENTURE! J qua* opportunity aft-rma!ve acton ! (5vf WtH» JO'xXjry A fyj ft* Got *1 pi ly Project Coordinator Manage. design A oversee program activities, fai iiitate meetings recruit and supervise volunteers Outreach Director Design and coordinate fun. creative events to educate and encourage young gay & bisexual men about safer sex Small Groups Director Facilitate safer sex workshops for young gay & bisexual men Volunteers also wanted to design/run program activities! For more into, call collect (415) 597-9306. Interviews will be held January 16 & 17 EARNIJPPER DIVISION CREDIT and HELP HEAL THE EARTH Work in the Survival Can la i Stop by Suita 1 in E MU tor detail Survival Cental is also looking tor co-coordnatot with paid stipend Apply in Survival Center t MU Su«o 1 M6-43S6 General Interest Meeting \7pm Ben Linder Room, EMU/ Dooncsbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU <(F t*P*rtAlH OitixVHt' ■>,( £,)■■' »■*!■ !Ht MV: . ,WitV ■' I An ttur tUHAUV 'H r liti/IT fi/Hf ,