REGIONAL BRIEFS Judge bars signature-collecting group i’OK : : AM) A ' A Vultn im.ih County '.irruit judge has. barred the i unservative On* on Citt/ens A ih.mcn from i pllw ting initially e • etwnd Mind .i temporary n straining >>.*«f<-r prubihiUng. !hi\i oi-lei lion of the signatures .liter .1 !> • !-.;•• .in.: -■ : : o :l r - -ippi-.n ol si.ill* 1 mirl rulingyon similar restraining orders The Portland based rtrlail t li.nn had . "iin-mir.: ;roti 1 • • Utderui .0 Inm that ii yv,is protected by r S ; iiristiitiiVis>n.ii pn'visions; that pt.Tubii ,1 government fro::-.. taka , : property without .Ten pnKtion ft said those rights went- violateddry stain court ruling* ■ Iiut t S 1 hstrti l 1 udge ('• n ! ry- • that 1 . •::!■ -nt;. -n :in ■ 1 ; . ; : : : 1 N j l if n the No Specral Rights ( 11 i 1 f 11 •< .... : nun : ' . Ifn i. 1 i - : employees "All i,l! ivr process serve .1 pail;:. turn ' -... h sefyii i- il.. nol tr.nis lorin liiefr conduct into stnle-ii icon;' she ivniti1: : : I hi- Oregon ( i'i/i ns \U:.i;i( e e, ■ ii. n; ihng petitions op pro idenTiy homosexual ifv .is il'fn fm.ij feli.iV mr The i i! v measure would overturn at; nfdjjftm n,'>hlints di n nnimatton based on otlent.itmn It's .in absolute me- : . .. ir\ n- ' : y !o: (H \ !. on t h ,tnsi the initiatives were gather;ng signal i.ii -■ for in t he i its of ■ Port I iiil but it s .1 major victors lor ! f o v irs It i o t is process, .ilium i direi tor ..on Malian sani However the victors was short-live.i baler iTIifav. bonder • .in < the (X A ft . i i ting sign ,n -■ . er tie ss ■ .-io : .! .on! rifcirii .nidi:, in.b a:. .in !!.. . ■■■ Monday bred Meyer attorn V Charles !!;i.. k-... i. 1 he y\.,s tlis.ipp-omteii ti\ tire ruling in 11 S District < nort ami would appeal it to tin nth US Circuit Court of Appeals m Multnomah County Circuit Court burring tin- albatu irorn col let ting signatures over the t hristuu-. iltd New Year's holidays The injunction expired ui '• As a result, the alliance i ailed oil its boycott ol the company anil began t ollct ting signatures at some l’.,Man,! In ,1 Moo -.tor,- . : . w • . rt !n,i \|..w : (ms ugued that it ha-,,- properly tights tii.d -li the Oregon Supreme (.ourl High school editors hand out condoms SPOkANh i.\P) High school editors wh.u handed out copies i ilci edilia s at Mean H ;gh S. tiooi on br iday said tin s w t,i prevent the spread ot AIDS, encourage distribution ot gr. Hind Voice a I s.a included an art it. ic w urn i ng stui lents oi the ! at .il disease Si oil s.od a parent provided tin i omionis yvhu h Were handed out across she street from the si iiool l.ditofs initially approached U. Spu'sai.e County Health Distrn t .c I Sp..Mn> AID'* Network all, ait getting the condoms but w ere turned down, ile said Mead prim Stew Hogue said tile Student editors dill not vio late school hoard pohi V be. ause they distributed the miniums, oil i umpus property \Ye do allow and ••m Mirage dilletem... , ! opinion Hogue j \s !,.r ! lie : . is k n.. w w !: ,! they ate 1 i " . ■ y rtry .ng : . situ, k pe. pie, they’ri- uiiiv xh»« k tile adit ts Ukrainian visit ends with hasty medical tests PORTLAND (AP) \ trip to Oregon t>v 111 Ukrainian youngsters •• ending with disugri-etnenls among sponsors a I at k of money anil hastily arranged niedii ai tests after .1 i ostly visit to Disneyland Tile youngsters from the Kiev area arrived over the past 1 1/2 months for tests to determine the efleets of their exposure to radio acliv ity m the (Ihernohyl nuclear ui i ident Hut one of the childrens ( haperones i oinplaitied that the trip served no medical purpose tax ause they had not rei eived the kind of detailed medical examinations they iiad expet ted Instead, they re< eived the kind of routine exams readily available m hies Dr Tatiana Pochinok of the Institute of Pediatru s, Obstetrics and Gynecology in Kiev, said she expet t.• • i tfie cfiiltiren to receive ex ams similar to those given another group of l kruinian children in Germany in August "In Germany there vs .is good organization," sin- said Late Friday, officials ai Oregon's only nuclear power plant said they would conduct the sophisticated examinations lo determine the present e of radioactive particles in the children's bodies Portland General Klectric, the operators of the Trojan nuclear plant in Rainier, will use testing equipment used to monitor Irojan employees for radiation contamination. PGL spokesman Steve Sautter said He said 40 of the youngsters would undergo the test Monday Sergey Solovyov, a volunteer with Union Chernobyl, an organi zation that serves as an ad vex ale for survivors of the nuclear acci dent, blames the confusion on the sponsor of the v Pastor Leon ard Mielnik of the Russian Foursquare Church in Portland Hut Midnik said no one told him that the children should he tested for radioactivity The children ended up undergoing exams at the Oregon Health Sciences University, which is noi equipped to measure radioactivi ty throughout the i hildren's bodies c ■o o z o o c ■o o z o o c ■o o z o o c ■o o z o o c "V o o o c T) o z I COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPOIS 1 A w C REPRINTS /L X O ‘co,or) 4 for $1°° 3!> mm film only 1 HOUR AMPUS PHOTO 1231 ALDER ST. EUGENE, OR 97401 08H-2500 COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON 1 o o c T) o z o o c *0 o z o o c ■o o z o o c -o o z o o c "0 O z o o c T3 o Weasel's World Kraig Norris «*. V t F 10AI Knnl 10AK DEPART* 7— LOAF DEPMT | *.< Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen / * * • ' A . >>l