Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 13, 1992, Page 12, Image 11

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    Software Test Engineers
Full-time and Summer Positions
vtn ^ *«f *n« yin* y i|i ** a'
£ MW
Shelf Life.
When \ou think ol high qualm personal computing
products with staving power. \ou think ot Microsoft We
w rote t he book on ope rat mg s \ stems wit h MS DOS.
Now. Mierosolt \\ uulows graphical cn\ ironment \ersion
vU is last becoming the inlet lace ol choice thioughout
the world.
Products like Mierosolt Word. I \ccl and Works. to
name a few. ha\e stood the lest of time and we re work
mg on rcvolutionar\ ideas right now that will become
tomorrow’s s( if tw are classics
()m best selling products don't sta\ on the shehes
loi \ cr\ long I he\ ie t he pi itle of oui top line team ol
software professionals.
\s a Soltware lest I ngmeei \on will anal \/e s\s
terns 01 applications softwaie lequiiements. then genet
ate test scripts to \alulate them. Design. de\elop. execute,
and document softwaie tests using sophisticated haul
ware and software testing tools \ssist xoui pioduet team
in tiiulmg hugs and contributing design suggestions.
Non it's your chance to make a big impression.
Working mill hot new technologies like object oriented
technology, multimedia, handwriting recognition and
integrated applications.
You’ll find that Microsoft is a company like no other.
No suits oi ties here No corporate red tape. Only the
freedom to be \ourself, lb do your scis best...creatively,
energetically and wholeheartedly.
W hen sou realize that your work can directly impact
the personal computer technology ol the future, you'll
think about long term plans.
l! sou are pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master's degree
m Compute! Science. 1 lectncal I ngmcermg. Math.
Pin sics or a related discipline, come talk with us at our
()n campus Interviews
We are an equal opportunity employer and are
ssoikmg toward a more cult malls diserse workplace.
On-campus Interviews • Wednesday, February 19,1992
Full-time and Summer Software Test Engineers
See your Career Center for details.