use, UCLA dunk Ducks Krili's in the form of ' St' and UCLA sot in on Oregon this weekend. as the Troians and Brums trounced the Uui ks at L.os Angeles Before the losses, (lie l)ui ks a i overall, .inti off to an 0 J start m the i’nt ilit-10 Confer enc:e."had played well in sj>if of injuries and ex < as tonal - s Sop piness i he Trojans and Brums lei Oregon get aw.iv w ith, noth mg CS< especially -(.rushed- the i)u< ks 'Sunday. breaking a three game Hut k win streak H i r.ri It was Oregon’s worst loss to the I rojatis sir,, • ., h i -5/-' HiB;i al .1,s An geles I he Troians impros■ d to H i overall ami are 2 0 in/the /on ferente All 1 S( starters si ired in double figures With i is.l i eshe leading the was l ie sopho more scored lit points mas ng (I of IV shots from the floor Matching tiiat g mi.e-lligli /to ! a I w as O re g , 0 s s t a.I i Wallenburn, wlip r. , ‘ , . to. shots for her in u is . The-se mor also finished with seven rebounds to lead die game Wallenboi: ,d :.' , ! hand on Oregon's lenni Sun day. .is ihe Dm k-. shn! .1 dismal ,U pen ent from tin- lUior l 5l.. on tin- other band made 50 percent of in field gt sals UCLA I it Or ■ I riday. >11-72, in hath I* :-s* I’.ii 10 opener rile Bln::: ’-'in s\ is ,1 repeat pe r for rn a n- -1 las! year's >1.1 t*7 (liras!:;ng o! Dill ks at 1.1 IS AlU:i e Oregon did, hum ver, keep the Bruins' explcesi Kehema Stephens in ehei k The senior who is averaging more than 1H points a game, ilal finish w iti. !(i points, hut she made i s'.. > n (it her ..’1 shots I mill the Hoot file final score was not eti tirely indtuilHe o! the game, as the Dili ks played i lose through, the entire iirst halt, trailing only I I IH a! halftime In the end, though, shooting seemed to play the largest role 111 the Oil !■ I line 1 ( d. A finished shooting 52 percent lor the game, hat Oregon made only -Id pert ent o! its shots H alli-nhorn pins ■ d another outstanding game lor Oregon hitting 8 ol 15 shots lor 20 points Missy Stowell addeii !? points lor the Dm ks *! ,© Sttiimtrr urea vweo AWBnwtt Hlllllff wifii If5 Emu CRUFT CEIITER 1 kh roorkshops studio spsci suppliss < I.ASSKS BKtilN SOON! I KKOISTF.R NOW! LMlHIlUl I Ml into ')(> I 'll I STANFORD Continued from Page 10 Sttnniamin- finistu d the half will: M point' anti only Iordan ami Patlrrson (four points r.u ii) ami lohnnn- .• ion. haski't. lu-. only point* of the g.utii'l holptsi the t> in. a '■ imiinr who is qu *-v his uming Orison s i.M.itT K‘-ii e showed ■ ‘ i 11 } > r< t-. r > - - r poise at llic point guard position i'lrn though he made )ust unr of seven field goal attempt* ' Ami Putlwson had Ins se> ond straight solid performant e. sriitmg nine points and pulling down eight rebounds Hut heading into this week's games i! se ond ranked and undefeated t’t'LA u !i1 .:\t_h : .eikeii \ ' i • ilJiiii' home winning streak vr t\ , I Mti l SC. Oregon inis to get n;. use IhVi V\ I; it.iinv. v\ J: -.1 t-ir |ust three of ] t fit'll! go.ii jits against St iin fort I Hh' Uisi ks open ii|) a Si .uth' : lor no ih.ul swing rhurstiiiv nit;!.'. is .ig.-itflst i'CLA .it i’lhiiuv I'iis lit. : CASIO EL-509D ^ Scientific Calculator • 10 dig.! ; ■ r • • Kies t Mi nes(l R44 ■ SONY $6995 X.~ a i mm*' S'. , sp0(tTS WM AFS4 Sports Walkman • AW stereo tuner • Water fe:,r..tant is. .1.' J • ?upe ‘ > metal normal: • Dual shut oft BASF Video Cassette • Ertra ten minutes of recording time • Evceltent general purpose tape even after bOC plays • Otters outstanding performance FX I I SO Solar Scientific Calculator • Ti... 3kj«txmc (ogtc op*■ \ • ■ I i Panasonic I RQ-l 30S Mini Cassette Recorder • f ) • ,<■ UXJ r. • ■ • ■ cix <}«•) ■ • A p • | w im or 2 AA baflsrws a optional A1 l.I.iptCX . «j! « 1.-! SONY - <***. _ $3995 M-SSOV Microcassette Recorder » Vote* operated recording . R • ' • • ' »• • . i ' ;• • , • ... Record a Call RAC 800 Answering Machine • Miaocassette • Vote Activated • C itt screening • One button control • LED power message counter • Built in microphone • Broken tape warning system • Autoine “ test adjust $39 .95 $27995 HP -I8SX Professional Scientific Expandable • .!, ■ . a '• ' i .i- t ft- .1 • advanced maJh iunchons • Conti-. lor . • : AAA bal . ■. ■ ind Mb Ki)j ——~y Radical Headphone Stereo Player • , A' • . A.If autO • Wdt*>f ' • . • M • ' • ■ ■ t . ■ ’ * \ \ ! • KKknl ♦ • . AM ■ M • • Panasonic RN 102 Microcassette Recorder • ' t*t/5 ,. . • ■ rd .••• • « 2 AA b I’:.--1 (X A. ad.ip! it 'tot included • .. : 3 • . ■ A 00* M M each D-90 Audio Cassettes A\K TDK • Low notse • High output • Outstanding pedormance • Superb general purpose t.ipe iiici m;ii each maxell xui-90 Audio Cassettes • High txas and equalisation • Use with high quality home and cat stereo components, especially wlh Dotby* or other notse reduction systems 13th & Kincaid, Open Mon. - Sat., Ph. 3464331