Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 13, 1992, Image 1

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    Police display property stolen winter break
j Police believe as many as 200
people may have had items
swiped in string of burglaries
By Gernt Koeppmg
f, •• cm : I Heptyfer
Thi’ spoils of i ruin' won* displaved l rni.iv
mnrmng .il the I mgene public works department
On three long l.iblrs in .1 classroom lav proper
ty recovered from an Alder Street apartment i\u
gem' police Iwlii’vi' tli.it some of tin n i m ere.I
property was stivien from Alpha Tan Omega I’hi
O.umn a Delta I'In Delta Theta and Sigma t 'hi h..
ternitins during winter break
The exact number ol victims is unknown, hut
could reach as high as got), polite said So tar
onh 60 people have reported property stolen i\!
torts will begin this week to return the property to
its rightful owners
1'olice have arrested live people in connection
with the burglaries
Store than 1.000 t impart discs, two V(IKs, tit
t ilia kbooks and .1 number of stereos were among
the property re. overe.t II Is (eared some of the
stolen proper’’ u.is sold before puiice could re
cover it
During the 12 hours It took to catalog the prop
erlv found at the apartment, five or six people ar
rived to buv the stolen property. KS’D Sgt Bob
U ; Ison said
The word was out tii.it they were selling
stuff. Wilson said
Despite the value of the stolen properly, the
damage to the fraternities themselves was tor
grealer said ( ampus Security offli er Roger
Tunq uarv
We've got lour fraternities, with about _'!>
Some ol the stolen goods displayed by l ugeno po
lice al the l ugone public works department Friday
Police believo some ol the property they recovered
was ripped oft in a string ol burglaries during win
ter break
rooms in each trt.it hint tin- doorknobs
arid the doors pried open." rrsitlt.nu! i
pensive repairs, Tanquarv said
Tunquurv said Ilia! perhaps lliis sir
gl.mes vs 111 make students more < -nil..
Most students leant' loan pro!.-, ted ' in iron
Uli'lltS and they don't i (insider that thelt are pen
pie out there that no pn d.tlois who : :sr nisan
t«ge of students ' ho said
Also found m the apartment wore assorted
drugs, a triple beam scale, syringes, and Urnks on
how to grow or produce various drugs
Almost all of the people arrested had ptevi eus
drug and property « rimt: i mtv u.ltote Wilson
I can't remember when we've arrested some
frody tor a piopertv crime when tin \ haven t been
tmolu'ii in drugs Wi!m n said
Mary ttud/ikiowici, University assistiint director ot Student Develop
ment, looks over the recovered property at the Eugone public works
department Friday
Theorist Stephen Hawking
to give lecture in Eugene
j Physicist, author
to speak on theo
ries about universe,
space and time
By Christopher Blair
Emaraia Editor
The questions have per
plexed humanity since be
fore recorded history, and
may never he answered
How did the universe begin,
and how will it end '
Among the most intrigu
Turn to HAWKING Page 4
Stephen W. Hawking
Federal aid to be workshop topic
jUSSA representative to speak
on importance of lobbying on stu
dent loan bills in Congress
A representative from the l nited Stales Stu
dent Assur i.!I ion. the country s laris 1 student
lobby mg group. uni !M .1 [ 1 he 1 Inlye:Mly 1 uosiiu v
I ' i'Im mirage student-. !n take in n im- :me m
h deral financial aid < 1 ei islons
Di'p.ik I'aleyra will be part id iin \v. O-spori
sored wt.ik.shop un grass-roots organizing .mil tile
important i' of student i np ii I in a v ■ ■. i: when ( un
grnss will srt Ill'll financial-aid p.ilu in through
lilt; iiiiiiu.il five year r< authori/atum id Iin- Higher
l.dut ation Act
t SNA made several fecomim lul.itions last year
tile House ol Representatives incorporated Into a
Idles include making I‘nil (.rants an entitle
ment every eligible student Could teielSe. with a
maximum of S-t.fiOO instead id the present SJ.-KJO,
and establishing a system in which si bonis
iii ilirm ll V I (Ml: to students. I II11 III n I 111- < lists
and hureuur r.u \ of going through banks
However, the Sen.lie h.ls proponed Its own hill
th.it I SNA does not support I he Sen.it. version
would authorizes less funding th.m the House lull
lor the Pell (iraril program, and would maintain
graduate fellowship aid a! the current level with
out ,ni just mg lor inflation
A |, ( isloll on whir h lull will lie. mile law is e\
p. led by Mav at tile latest, -.aid Matt ( ov \N! ()
state affairs i oordinatnr
Puteyra s visit n. part (if the ASt .() s letter writ
ing campaign on hehalf of House Hill tr.Vt The
AS' I) w .! I have tallies near the I. v! fishbowl
i uesday and Ihursdav where students (an sign
letters In he -..'lit In Oregon's congressional dele
gallon, encouraging them to support the House
Patevra will he on ( ampus Tuesd.iy at 1 p ill in
a loraition to he determined (inntacl the ANl'O
tor room information or see Tuesday s l-t Als t o|
The Ducks' 78-57
toss to Stanford
I brought their Pac
10 mark to 1-1.
i See SPORTS, Page 10
Today is the last day to drop a class,
change a grading option or change credits
without a $10 fee. The number for Duck
Call registration is 346-1600
A recently released book,
Silent Coup, offers a new
interpretation of the
Watergate scandal.
See REVIEW, Page 8