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I • ► ’ f • ' ..A A» ?; ■ M) !. * VO J. n • t!i< lourlh Hi'tmidl V ul|>lurr f ihibi(M*n *ml SmjHwium * »• (:■ - • -*»*••♦ '• >.<•■» * •, ( * . «■ • :■>'<> .l t m 1 A v« ' ■ , • ’ • • 4 ■ • *■' i“ " * 7* * ' . • ! * • * *« • - • * Win n* fcuhl ! hr lutn »•■ *r Shadow PU» ’ « • ‘ ' ■ • ;«■“ :};* ',w - *■' * *• j -.. j»j -e«» m Te?r u, r, s . w ! p i u r r « h> \muiif Httdin *• r ‘ -; -i . • *• M ii *> U m 7 AM. Ml*» l) i s M > I t*ndf rp»l K «»<>!» .... . • » K •■‘-I ^14*5 \ k u>i \n iiilf* l« Huili Sr«l» and j (p;« i\ ! r • ‘ W t . f lhi*|iij * Hr aid*d {radilion* . . , , •< •• > p *r • - 5 \r« hVv«.!-•«£* «d <>»*'*oJri "f. „ - . - .,' 7 ft ■ n in Snfllit»<,»l ( <•«•( Ail o»' S'.i '.'u' i i . v. ■ «* »••»! ( «ai: ' 4‘.vm art* - P .% ,»> r '< M.of Na’urai Hit- ■ > ' A ve T ®*i'. ibil i» > k ‘ S : ' .jgtrtlrd ’ «■ M u mi a rn f ■ \ - A v o ] i r 550 ■ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Students. We need your help. We re trying to find out how student services groups at the UO treat lesbians, gays and bisexuals. If you’ve had either good or bad experiences with the following offices or groups, we want to hear about them; Anonymously, if you wish. -Office of Public Safety -University Housing -Dean of Students Office (incl Greek Living Organizations) -Student Health Center -Career Planning & Placement -Office of Academic Advising Here’s how you can help: -Call us at 346-2670 and leave a voice mail message -Write us at P.O. Box 379, Eugene, OR 97401. -Fill out an anonymous Comment Form, which you can got from the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual Alliance Office, Room 319 EMU. -Or simply write us a note about your experiences) and drop it in one of our boxes: Northeast corner of the EMU lobby Carson Hall area desk Library main desk Law School library We neod to hear from you by January 25th. Again, your comments are entirely anonymous, if you wish We ll use them to help evaluate how well these offices deal wi1h students like you The Present * Ta*k force of Lesbian, Gay, and Rjexual Concern* ------ -- --. ..J MOVIES Continued from Page 8 9 By Lucas J Gutman Error aid C<>'•*',f. uttx mg of .» sornopathit. remorseless killer Jonathan Dramir lakes .1 magnificent tsook anti fines ono of ihe best scn-en adaptations I've over seen And m ns fur the worst of Ihe year If von haven't soon these, don't !f you have, you have my jsitv 5 Hi^hl.iiulur II The /far m.ii 1 television show had rl la t It things going on all tin 'nne It was overslagcd :-id overat ted But at least it snew that it was t amp This jialhetif. si lente fiction flop h ist; I got 1 hie l mod new s Highlander III is now in (ire production -J ,\f>t/i;ng Ilul Trouble The original title lor this ego trip of Dan Aykroyd, ('.hew Chase and John Candy was l a/Arm iini.i I hey should have kept it It's harder to make fun of when writing snide reviews :t Problem Child II He's morr offensive than the first time Hi- s even less funny The kid Sill! cunt net ins way out of a paper bag The female teat! from the first movie t omes buck in tile sec ond to play a completely different t haracter, presumably i>e cause tiles couldn't talk any one else into making one of tile worst kid's movies of all time 2 Hudson I/aivk I want to watch Bruce Willis support ills bloated ego about as much as ' w ant to wall 1 : als gross on ms skin Someone spent ungodly amounts of money on tins festival of garbage It would have been Ix'lter spent on fuel to bum Willis al bums 1 (.on/ .As h e \ anilla Ice should just give up and be a busbov He's about as cool as refrigerator mold So t h ere y o u ii a ve i t There's one thing that a finan cially disastrous year like tool brings There should be fewer big budget gambles next year That means we won't have to worry about Hudson //an k II assaulting us DELTA ZETA NATIONAL RUSH January 13-17,1992 What: Informational Party When: 7:00 p.m. January 13, 1992 Where: Faculty Club Corner of University & I fth f or more information please i ontact: Robin DeArmond -185-3552 Shelly Sutherland i-46-1151 * Delta /eta is the largest National Sorority with 171 c hapters. * Delta /eta gave over $44,000.00 to loc al philanthropies in 1990. * Delta /eta gave over 9) graduate and undergraduate s( holarships tins past ac adernk year. * Delta /eta sets the pace tor leadership and ac ademic development ac ross the1 c ountry. r 300 Any order over $10.00 Excludes Dim Sum. Dine-in Dinners only Ull Expires 1/31/92 t: t?; *» “ r? NU**wtJ Bra* V* > apt t * *f IW» , ► • #0 V*rf! SK» * • n m ? i*re«K TWaad >g I»rt S«|i Shew Fried Priori with Sour Sauer f tfi& Beef shrimp or < hulifn Chem Fun I l rup» Duck ami rnant u>up iAi ** timber A (.recti » H»K*n Omtr - fti tf; »? sUiiwd Shrimp Oumpi njp tl it *t«n SUjmrd F*>f» ltump r>t» s‘« ^ a? .♦ r> •,;ni V* uninA '(WH' hi ?‘i>* f Hi vu*itwd br«f I f ip* *X*J#*f Briurd ► Uh fU /*« Tofu .-U.-i Steam ► uh (f ^ i*e Spk> ( Hkkcr YEN JING 1773 W. 6th • 484-6496 * at * ■ • YEN JING Mandarin • Cantonese • Szechuan FREE DELIVERY (on $ 14 order or more) Oriental Gift Shop • Korean Menu available 1775 W. 6th • 484-6496