N SJO flU •» •MTJ H»«•*■( «f I -f Pm or*'1 A*-* • *<*«»'*'''£ I inrxir AHOID.DKFm ( )KI< .IN \l HKI1J1WI WORK “IMPRESSIXF LAUGH AND DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY AT sf WVU’S COMEDY NIGHT 9:00 PM EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT THE WEEKEND PARTY HEADQUARTERS DANCE TO 3 AM 10 THE BEST SOUND SYSTEM IN EUGENE f 2222 CENTENIAL BLVDncr lOAumNsuc** 343-4734 TUBE IT! ALL TUBES ARE 20% OFF CARRY IT! SAVE 20% ON ALL PORTFOLIOS! DRAW ON IT! SAVE UP TO 50% ON FURNITURE! IMI SOUOOA* TMUIA TA1W AlVKlWi \ V.P rx h MARK WITH IT! DESIGN II AND BEROL PRISMACOLOR / !{J1; MARKERS.1.99 EA. l '-*jj PAINT IT! 20% OFF ALL PAINTS! U ATTVCOtOfS OiLS. ACKYUCV GOUACHE / / of r:M I It’s A Wrap! After a year of great, bad and awful movies, here’s a salute to all that 1991 had to offer By Lucas J Gutman firne'atd Cof'-'--!' This past year w.is good (or selective film goers But those ill US who like to sis’ one or two movies li yse< ► fared disappointment .liter disappointment The Academy of Motion I’li turn Arts and Si u-ni > s is usually a group of people with memories that only stretch as far hack as Christ mas releases when determin ing Oscar winners In fool, that won'! he mm ii ol a hin drance since the rest of the year had very little to oiler Here fiefore you. then, is the obligatory top 10 hi st and live worst niov ms that populate lust .ifsisi! every year end pub il allot! from I'lHtph til (.Vis noiuillUin I II he honest It was much easier to come up with tin top ten than the hot Clin fist There were only limit a ilo/en quality movies, nut there were oh so main duds and flops to i hose from Although I have assigned a ranking to the following lop 10 films, it s rather arbitrary sou e all of them ale great ex ampins ol quality filmmak mg. each within its mvn genre to II K This is an iner whelming and massively on tort.lining him of great signif icance Director Oliver Stone leaves no doubt as to where his opinions lie. hut this is not a fl.ny as many have sug gesleii Instead, Ills power as a filmmaker is beautifully demonstrated As badly i asl as Kevin l ostner yy.is in Kab ul IUhi.I I'nui e ul Thieves. la .s periei t as NV yv Orleans district attorney jtm (him ‘J Km k fleet i ii is is . :-i i Ti t sl.m, bang ui linn ill iis best !l we* also a Sin miliinn plus flaunt ial il i •>.! ppii i nltni'i! l |< i’!nt i vi! nrwi iiin t Bill Ciimpboll is pi-rli-1 ! as ilit frpsn-fai nd ('hi ! Sot.i nil who battles lilt? \,i/is with the roiket piu:k be iintis ||'» innocent, play ful, oxt ititig and llit* best kind «f pulp onlprtainmont Milt p lilt; InJIunit /tint's mov ies responsible lor atrocities against IRA members It's gripping from tbe start, and the dialogue simply crackles f> lkmd Again Instead of tr\ ing to becotne tbe world's youngest and most talented Shakespearian ac tor/ d I rot tor. Kenneth Branagh made a sumptuous, old-fashioned Hoi I y wood thriller. His follow-up to Courtesy photo JFK tails into the top 10 list at number 10. boasting a good cast and an interesting assassination interpretation h Terminator 2 ludgmenl Iho Hus is it movio that m mn< i* ficllon/action movio producers will blame, years from now , for making budg ets so big With its non-slop ai lion nod overwhelming amount of truly special oi ler Is, it sets new genre standard It also had a grout plot, talented u( tors and a good message to Unit 7 Hidden Agenda A theatre flop but Iasi mating politii ul thriller that is ex tremely close to a real inci dent In modern day war tun. Northern Ireland Drum l o\ plays a conscientious llntish investigator who finds iti.it Ins country may be Henry l'' shows that the man has u groat amount of wit and knows how to stage sus pense on film just about bet ter than anyone since Hitch <est di rer tor m films, and you have a classii vsork 1 Silrth e of thu Lumlis I thought back In February that tills n gilt lie tile best of the year is Jodie l uster holds her iyy ri and tai klos Anthony ■ pkms frighten Turf. MOVIES Page 10 L Coulee; photo Boyz N tho Hood takes a piece ot the cake at number three m the top 10 list, featuring an about-timo-this-was-told story ot inner-city hie Save Money Eat Cheap All you can cat Spaghetti $2.95 j or Mini Cal/one $3.95 ] Guido's 13th and Alder 343-0681 MunddV thru Ihurvl.iv 11 00 .on to pm ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a The 1992 MCAT Be Prepared. Kaplan Is. Stanley H Kaplan. 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