Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 10, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Doin’ It
Dub Style
Portland’s Dub Squad
to light up concert hall
with worldbeat wonder
vCo«iM»*y p*tMO
n u b Squad, a
danceablo reggae
band, will per
form .it the IVCHV
Hall tonight
By Ming Rodrigues
tmwf a id Contribute*
fhrir music is ,is universal
as ihi-v arc It’s not quite reg
g«e, but it hybrid sound that
melds reggae with a little bit
of jit//, funk, Tex-Mex. Afro
pop. rock and rhythm and
Little wonder when each
hand member can boast broad
and impressive musical cred
os that include performances
with industry heavyweights
sc h ,is Dizzv (lillespie. Herb
n- Hanoi a k and the Dan Kerd
And the kudos continue to
flow as a group The hand has
-.hared centerstugo with the
likes of Ziggy Marley. t'H-10
and limmv (^ I iff, iimi all w ith
in just three years after i urn
ing together
As one of Oregon's most
popular reggae worldfit.it
bands, li's pretty ile.tr that
Dub Squad's cross-cultural
approach scoivs high Its up
beat, international sound
reaches out to a varied uudi
eru e
where some people might
get bored with |ust straight
reggae, w e add more t olor
and ethnic liuir to our sound,
and wind we have is high en
ergv, very daiu cable inusii
with broad appeal," s.ud band
manager Tonv Hansen
“The underlying reggae
roots .in thrrc\ sv e pisl spii e it
up .1 little so iiiofi: people i .in
.ippfei late it added Newell
llrig^s, tin* bund s guitarist
and i omposer us vs i ll us u tor
mer member of t'urtis Salgado
and thi’ Stilettos
Lead vocalist Alan \le\ati
der who's loured with Sheila
i. . is not sure, how ever, that
the word happy should lie
used to desi rltie their music
”1 think some of tin' lyrics are
pretty serious, hut it s kind ol
like we put sugar on the medi
cine and make it a little easier
to sw uHow lie said
rile title of their latest a!
hum, Tnnii of l/ie/V(i/>/e, gets
the hand s philosophy across
It's about music as u beater."
tlfigijs said "Thr songs in litis
album talk ol how rmisji l» .1
tonii . how it i .111 iijtlil! vou
ami got vou out ol thf hlui’s.
•nii! it tnukt-s you n-ali/t- th.it
tlu-rc s hopu m lili
Dub is .111 mdlgiMious (ainai
i .111 i.i in Whilr Hritisli .1 nit
Ament an iittisls backup sin
gles with a iliffi'ri'nl song on
tiiu Hip suiu. (atnait an musi
1 unis run through thr ufli’i ts
of .1 song with ruvurtifrution,
echo and in avv percussion to
t n ate a similar version o! tin'
original song
Aside Iroin tin' traditional
dt llnition. tin' Dub Sipiml
lakes its name Iroin .1 studio
!<■( hm.jiir (ill's lias r per let li'ii
svhuli involves ’dropping
dosvti on die hnss and drums
to land a )«!//\ find to tin*
l iii- hand doi-s consider tl
self alternative "its tii.it i
don’t mean a tinncii of guys
playing loud guitars. Mrs in
drr said "Hut if you look at
tin- tnusH industry. you’ll see
that thrs utr ri-alls supportive
ol alturnaliv r roi k
Dull Squad wilt perform
vs Itii H1.11 k Hoses tonight at
III.- U t )U Hall. -•'»i W Idghth
Ayr at 'I to p m I II krls are
Sti in ads .int e .it the I'.M I
Main Desk or Sat the door
MEN’S SUPPORT GROUP meets ever> I hursdas at 7:00 p.m
A STUDENT MASS is celebrated even Wednesday at ‘LOO p.m.
starting Wednesday, January 8. A social gathering will
Would sou like to receise the Sacrament of Confirmation'’ Come
to the first meeting on Sunday, Januars 12 at (>:()() p.m.
1 he first meeting of the NEWMAN CLUB, an organization lor
students run bs students, will be held on Sunday, Januars 11 at
8:30 p.m.
A BROWN BAG BIBLE STUDY is held on Mondays, starting
Monday, January 13 at 12:30 p.m. at the Century Room I)
at EMU. Fr. Albert and John Gunther will lead the bible
1 he Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults for those who
are seriously interested to become a Catholic Christian "til
continue on Sundays at 6:IS p.m. starting Sunday, January 12.
Fr. Tom Kirkendoll of Cincinnati, OH will be the guest speaker
at all the weekend Masses remembering Martin Luther king Jr.'s
Birthday on Sat/Sun., January 18/19.
A 6-week series on RELIGION AND CINEMA will start on
Monday, Januars 21 at 7:00 p.m. Fr. Jose will lead a discussion
after the movies.
SOCIAL ISSUES FORUM: A panel presentation on “ 1 he
Influence of the Media in Decision-Making on Social Issues" will
be held on Wednesday, Januars 22 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Members of the panel are: Don Bishoff (Register Guard), Jean
Powell (KEZ1), Carl Bybee (Assoc. Profat UofO), and Alan Siporin
iv \ rr\
A 4 part senes on CHRISTIAN MORALITY will start
on Morulas, Januars 27 at 7:00 pan. 1 r. Albert will lead
the series.
STUDENTS - do you need a quiet nlace to study,
read or just relax? Come to the Newman
Center’s lounge. It is open from 8:40 a.m. to
1 1:00 p.m.
NOTE: Students' at tis ities, c lasses and workshops arc planned
throughout the sear. < hei k Newman (enter s Suiulas bulletin
and the I t A1 (1 merakli lor what’s happening at the f enter or
t all U 4-70L < 1.
5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m., 11:00 a m & 7:30 p.m.
Monday thru Friday :
5 10 p.m. Evening Prayer followed by Mass
Fr. Albert Felice-Pace, O.P., Pastor
Fr. Jose Pimentel. O.P.
Sr. Janet Ryan, SN JN1
Gene Obersinner & Chris Fery,
Peer Ministers
Nancy Nelson, Secretary
(Jene Obersinner, Chelsea House Mgr
For more information call the Center at 343-?021 or 340-44(>8
The CATHOLIC PARISH serving the University of Oregon since 1915.