300 FBI spy chasers to attack street gang crime ircUHHM VV \SHIN(. ION {AIM I'h.t I-HI 111 riMs.Mgn too ogfnts inns ( has mg !u mv<*sugdi‘ sirrii flings in major < itles plagued hy an upsurge in violent c nmr, Altornoy (lenoral William I1 D.irr salt) Thursday The dissolution of lla- Sm ii'l Union and tfo• dmi.iM- of Onn munis) regimes in l.astnrn Ku rope will allow tho largest r«-.* 1 IrMiition of I H1 manpower In the buri'iiu s iilstorv. Harr said Sortie of the inlelllgeni e set Vll.rs lll.ll Used to tpe 1 a 11 •igainsl iho 1 ’111 (<*ii Stains .in no longor in oxislnm >■ H.irr said The vi>r\ MibKlanh.il rusmiroos wi! .ire knoptng ii; i ounli-r intelligent n work .if full', - if fli null lo pfuli-i ! ll.i- li.ilHiii.ti ms urily intorugis of iho 1'nilod Stall's," ho said I ho .100 .igonls w ill lw redo plov'il in hoi[i iiuihorlilos m i'i cities investigate sitoo! gangs bin mod fur the rising lido uf drug killings u rid d r I ve h\ sl;i.flings in ro< ml years i in- Hush .idiimnslr.ili.in w. 11 propose transferring more i iiuntonnlolligoni o agents lo iolt-nl mine investigation*- in s!s !;•,( ,il l't'il budget. which will soon hr srnl lo Congress. Barr said ; , Higher trdrr.i!. scnlrnc IS ,*, ". .,,1 p.ir .»• fir r.: i<-Ur'i. isg !• :i’ tr.iM king : s i f Is rear::.-. violations itir.in ifs.d gang mem !jrfs (all hi put tM'hsiid hars for ■ : i-i r periods thar th'-v Hi. .el .indor "revolving dn»'*r )ustu * dispensed by tnuiis slate linirts, Barr mu! Our message to gang mem - u h.i-u we I brow the li you. it will tie ‘ i\, IUirr -..mi 'Then- will hr no hail, no probation, no pa rolf' and vou will I • a long time in a federal Jienltentiarv Nationwide, there are more :(()(),()()() members of street gangs it i r r Said es't i in a tes v a i v -,s idei•, !: .:u i it•< to it\ about how much gangs contribute to V; i t une But the attorney general suggested that the pros er utlorv ill lour street gang • in Philadelphia mav have i ontrib i; ted to thedecline in tile num ber id minders in that r ity ' • i iii i i.re: tor William i ’r< i \i! ^TWSPKINI PAD l..K: . 5.95 K( 'inl h ,m< il PASTELS {O' ,, OFF L SlEdihmou I PREMIUM RECVC ITT) \ SKETCHPADS • .•\H : *»v I > U >i 1 2.50 4.50 SPIRAL NOT! ROOKS {-KING BINDERS 1 U '»U' ic FILLER PAPE R COMPUTER! PAPER \ 4.99 \\ HIM >! \ \t “\A 1( Ml VINE CHARCOAL i SI i< K l’-\( KS ' ; SI H K |ii IV 20 0 0 Keg *)0‘ M K' ')~ 0 j 13 o o o I’,!|>i im.lit ( >m< <• I’unli,> :■ STICK PI N I 'i n!t I i hji, Im l Li k, ■( Ml ( HANK \l PI N( II _U>‘> Pilot Pm im* \ . and \ ' KOI I IN(. \\ Kl 11 K ^ / / y~ H 3 k \ l\M ISO \KI) l ( A I K io'\> orr PICK UP OUR IN-STORE ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY HOT SHEETS FOR HUNDREDS OF GREAT VALUES! ■ i i i i i i i i | I’ai ( ' / lh‘c !i\( thiiHiiih I JT UJ UO BOOKSTORE 13th and Kincaid Open Mon. - Sat. Ph. 3464331 S Sessions mode attacking vio lent i rime percent in the firs] six months el 1W1, according to i-'BI fig ur*'s T w ent\ two agents will be sent to Los Angeles to join the 75 already investigating violent crime The FBI in New York C'.itv. where 77 agents are as signed to the program, will get an V vtr,i 22 agents In Atlanta, where federal ail thonties on Thursday arrested VS n.. rubers of the I Refuse . i’ns-.e. :he TUI field l till I' lVlII get ,I!I additional ft) agents file number of FBI agents as signed to ( ounterintelligelice ,s i Fi-.-.'lred hut one law erifiin • Bushwhacked by two-thirds WASHINGTON Al'I 1 wo thirds of Americans surveyed disapprove of the wav Presi dent Hush is handling the ec on oim. and in percent an un happv w ith his job as p:■ id in genera L a (.IIS N.-.\ 's : • Times poll said Thursday Nearly halt. -Wt porcteiit ■■ i : they approve of Hush's peili : m.nice as president, with i‘* pen ent disapproving Hus!: approval rating dropped !nu: f> 1 percent 111 a siin ila r puli i claim ted Ndvt lid' Two-thirds, or tl ’ pen ent said they were unhappy witu tile Willie lieu si- s iiail.iimg the ec onomy Only J.l percent said they approved 1 in poll was c oniposed ot a telepiiorn interviews conduct ed ill I H id 1 i ’o adillls sr lei ted randomly across the ; ountry it has a margin of error oi plus or minus three points. Thirty percent of those spies tinned said the economy is the most important problem f.u mg tie country Hut respondents were split equally on yvho could best solve economic problems. y\ith id percent say ing Hush would do a better job and. ie pcii c-ijt saymg a Demo c r.d w i hi Id do better 5 r 0 video GAMES 5th STHttT flB PUBUC MARKET dowvtow* fugi *»f &S3-84«4 - VIDEO ADVENTURE m viurrRjvwKiZA ■ *«r. »».. >44 un k* *c« - -wtm nrr rr TOCU UU fT Emu CRRFT CEnTER workshops studio space supplies CLASSICS HK.IN SOON! KM.ISIKK NOW! pound floor I \H info: 346 43M