Media misrepresent Soviet reality, prof says Ry Colleen Pohhg f rr <>*.1 ; Ropryttr The American media is re sponsible lor bomliardmg the public with .in almost spurts like' approach. In. what's hap pening in the Soviet Union to day . University geography Professor Hon Wivmun toid .1 p.n keti room ifiursiiav night What frightens me is the Iot k of comprehension as to wit a I is actually happening in the Soviet t hoot; \V : S man said \\ 1 of ton se> .1 iniosl prejudicial statements against the Soviet Union falling apart II you read the \merit at. press, vse are told that tin So vu-t Union must remain to gather.' lit salt! t he Soviet 1 nlort has been tailing apart now lor three t- its and ! think that is a good thing it s good for tile Soviet people it s good for t-verytitie U small ti.e a Spi-I .a. inter est in and knowledge of the area and has traveled to the Soviet Union e.t limes lie re ceived his masters degree from (.olumbta University where hi studied Soviet na fional prohlerns and the geug raphy ot the area Sponsored li\ tin geogra phy flepartment. Thursday's two-hour let lure titled lie strut luring of the the USSR Why and How als. l.-.itured a tl) minute slid, .duns in which Wmman show* i signs ol 1 hange in the former Soviet t nion now t ailed !h* ( --, nu mvvi'iilth Ironit ally one slide depict ed a ravelling poster on a hill board portraying Communist ideas Tht* poster al Communism -- in i i m.! apart - a - ‘ i s * - I h ! ng else in ! h ■- Soviet ' iiii.ii, U > ,n • -.a, ! 4*4 Ron Wixman reality of the lengthv lines Inf Iikh! VVi x man v.iiij this wax I he longest lino lur'd over •.irr, I minting - tit. people yvatling |nr ihe only available food left I ha T dux old. hrnxv n t ahbnges \ new enterprise i vin!s in tin Soviet I n ton W IXH1.I n sill ihe’, wake Up early tit the morning, buy loud at the state pnt e, then |jn (nlo custody for trespassing on the apartment rumples located at '.tf» t:. 14th Ave Pol,, ■ escorted the man off the property Jan r> after a dispute between he and another resident An anonymous caller phoned the police w lien the man returned Jan (> and began banging on the resident's door • A pedestrian passerby reported a burglars a! Tom's Market. 14*40 L 1‘tth, on Jan The wit ness observed a !<< vear-old male University stu dent peering into t|ie market's windows Shortly alter the witness lost sight of the man, he heard the sound of broken glass in the area of the mar ket Wls ti police arrived at the scene, they began rite! king the doors and windows of the market and observed an aluminium screen 'was standing open A large hole was torn into the si teen, according to police reports l oin t -,s a man walking awas Iron: the huiid mg't arrving sis six-packs of hirer in Ills hands, stacked from his waist to his chin He began run n i: i o and dropped the beer when nil' oil leer told him to stop An officer caught andarrested the man in tile ulies between hmernlci and Agate streets and 1. lftth and 19th avenues, according to the report The burglars c aused S50 in damage lit; the mar ket CORRECTION An artic Ic m Jan 7 I'iJition ni the I'mmild announcing the memorial gathering lor psvt halog\ 1‘rofcssor J ri• hndowment Iiitid 1 red Mtnitilve Lecture Senes, or t o /. e r o I’ o p u i a l i o n (.r cos th '(Jregon Chapter. i’ ( ) IJ11v ,ei'l:i. liugene OK >17405 The Kmerald regrets the error PROFS Continued from Page 1 BRIAN RANSOM Visiting ceramist and musician whose work iik link's handlnnldini: ceramic instruments.' musical com|V)snmn and ivilormances will coinluci a lecture. e\lu hilion and workshop at the l ot () E sum: urn rk Thursday. Jan l) 7pm 115 1 awrence 11.ill LXIIIIIII ION VlrMul.iv Saturrlav Jan 6 I I i:\ll Ballroom Gallery WORKSHOP F rulav Ae Saturrlav Jan. 10 & I I 10:()0am - 4DOpm U ot O Northside Ceramic Studio (unit 13) E SIIASOJU I» BY no t u ViCT Ilhi'T \ V > Til) KVi CltOTOMTLM KFRMORt INK). CALI. 346-4361 ET ALS Mi y hnus Mr h in Muti**nl Aimm Minin * ?:!»•«•> 5-, 4 » ; " ' i t Mt Wrfir. w « - (a-) 144 i*w: i r n i«- ■fi'yrmaSii^n A rvi rpluin • a : . j 1 • » f u 4 e n t» a!? m .!?. ;?!** ( 4-nu»i 1 • ifw Study at tt • * '■ w.i Uk> . •* *• At 3 f< m t M‘ H«n Lin dvr K.>fr, Ca»ii i4»- ■■ -r«* inf- ivu'. SPKAKKX Duia IrAK*^'* v«- •. » v% f.««- at it h«r i» **fi: f’• u.* rrj r th» •-• . * • W ,iv • *• 4 » a! the i w»' •:«•! » MwBt.fjg |U • w .'.•■’4 ()»>l . A ; • I, . . a \ -* '••••• *» ng V% a! '• ¥/ (M'i* >K ! t v : 1 tugrnr I i) n i r f I < h < H r a ' ju #u4.u .»■« >.•; flit m..,Mr ,nf •, all :! :*;* ' : fit aft e Kr'-s. -i k a i4 ‘ •. I San I ram im:o and San lose si.iSi* universities and had been ,i member i■! the aditsorv board til She Sal) |osr State's Depart vjx-ricnt t‘N W'llelled I ;;b■!e w riling criti margin* of bis sludt i n voh c I hi’ profile decided lo hand o tuples o! NUidi’lllN l as .ottes instead IN a guest \ appetite lie S'nivi‘r Mel/ , r till in the papers on I'he students responded \ positive^ W'.oeeler said I hev said it was a lot of useful It i s U : in teat In s niaguzme wilting and magazine editing classes Laverv begat; Ins advertising carei r in 1 ,is an account evei uiive trainee since that tine he has wanked for agen < ■ s in New York Chicago, San I ran. is< o and Los Angeles Laverv received a II A in communications from the Uni RKUCK >N U lh** Bibk* KelmbU??'* H.i, b« Oie - ! a r( undublt; disunion tml.iv at W M) • *n . KNU Century K >om A ( *•' ■ *4 t 4u'4 I -? more information Wri'kcnd Mmi'i vs : .1»1* |< .1 Siitur ijy ai S *0 pm ami Sunday at tt anti 11 jt and 7 to p rr. at ih«: \nwnui Canter 18f*0 K’t ••raid St (-». t4*> 44r>« mure if; formation Ihllel'ft welcume ba< k gather m*; vs pi.* ■' ' k* ■'<■>. . K .»' *■ t‘ 1 vs kabbaiat thabbat and vegtrUfiau y. t. » vUrimg at ' 3(1 Mum ami vs. take pid. c from H 30 to 10 30 at the k . - r.ui ( «r? t«r. 1414 ki aid v i .1 *4 t f r more information t 1-m submitting t • Ah * l :i**t*hi if nil! :-\i LXH Sv;tf 11 k ' versitv ut Notre Dame in 19'i iii..: ■! M s in advertising from tiic l diversity ol Illinois in > <172 The career tu teaching < .ifiiB niter guest lecturing at colleges including tiie l mvers. tv, ! I'l.A. University of Sail Francis: o, and Sun i ruru 1s1 mad: v ertising he mi id U hen : !i n.ii;v stepped a way flum it. lii .ih/nl there vs ns llinc tr. tii.iaiiverUsing Student partu ipation in tils ( lasses is important and he said he frequent 1\ [nits ins students "cm the spot" I think tu ire sm 1 essful in an advertising agent.v you have to have .1 point of view and you have to express that point of view on a regular basis. he said Although some students leel pressured when they are asked a question in front of 70 or HO of their peers, Lavery said stu dents need to learn to deal with the stress 10% OFF ANYTHING AT L IN THE STORE J Regular | or aale Price 1 POSTERS I CDS JjSLOTHING 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall SHOES CARDS I GIFTS m mm -ram nfl