EDITORIAL Study tells us what we already knew No. toll iis something we don't > mm A ritt cut, long overdue it -. aP<. 1 me. no kidding IcdiT.'i: (N < - r \ i ■ 1!' i 1 . i S v to..: d f Amor it. roll got ruin: during tin l‘MU)s nN,< tile middle I last, .stagnated and the po toll deeper into thr tt ■ omit black hole. The net worth' .of rich Amernan families (those rami t;gOver S-NO..000 pet sear! went from SI 'fi.100 in 1 dot ' ■ ' H : s i o tinnation i»f Heagan 'V'oodoo ei • mm - an arrav ot rich and famous pedestaled t,e 1 <:• • * . 0 ;>•> :« >•••. that fitiled to die even after a bigger 1 ’. O' ’ ' ■ ■! ever-denied ret < ssion bared tin m • • . ■ ■ Nor did it mention the fai t t md \r m •' er an isolated et on on a ertitv son part ot tin- world labor market, our M: and M- I H ’ paid mucho dinero, whiie ttiosr n t!;r :■ d to ■ -wet m .. br.it kets settle for fe .•> n igr-. 1 v • n *: m nr numbers of people willing to work tor : is! to n 11 mg The fall in the net worth of America's ;.. brings attention to one ot the biggest t hoiks in this i ountrv s armor. Sixty percent of those falling tie.on the- (.rnsus bureau's puvertv line are part of fat ones vs 11f: at least one employed member With the m Per of mpovrr ’shed people wots mg tall tout Veat oaud ns -1 ! pen eat between 10 Pi ami 1 ‘*H a < Anie: i no longer promises enough to get hs [ he I ed s report nnl\ restate-- the obvious F.’ e dis tribution ot wealth has gotten daug.-to ,-d\ ot! P..mm e in this cmtntrv because wliut goes a:o„::d (time-, around, something needs to be done to equalize this ■at ii at ion , or else we Itlav soon t in lapse , n der i lopsided weight .: own ()rt K'. in / >iui\ Emerald iMxaosiiM. Ort > i • t*.i ■ M.v - i . ISo i o .u Mu *i>j f iJrtor I ditor i I Jjlof Gr*j>h*c » I d-«■ v» I rit»rt*irtm*nt f dttc'f I drtof in C hM»f ■ « v ' l cj;i. ' 1 <)■ tonal i d«lof 'tfJC'M* l drtof N-yf11 I cl11; • f ■ ■ CX>-‘ i» *»hKj«nt At ttvrti#-* i. , > ■. .wnrt?-ft| H*jh*r I du< attorv Admirn»luU;n i . ■*• M •» i. t . ► . - Copy I tlilof» • •>* t t * t» * PfkJlogr • *»a » A »V« > ..» *»-■ Ad«*Mra#. .1 ■ •«»' n ■ • , i *:»* i» ,i ■ t . » T CKV1 VWOr ViU t ji Mi ► M ►»*, A r. •< S .•» . .■ . % Pioduclion i v*-‘ *** '** *''•*’ ' t%v *. «•• • .!'.•• -a i' »> • f * a» t **• *> • ■*»■.% .;«• »«*" '*>• M„«r, ! %mi M * . t n M ' M t *A - *• *»’ H„'.a x.1 m *> i * A u ' »o, • *» *» V a »• ’.«**»*« i Gar***ai •, M«*r Advertising IJifSCtOf > ■ »<» *■ . Hew* room Ikiimni Office 146 !>S1 1 146 J51 2 Production Manager W Dispia* Advertising Clessrfied Advertising Ut 371? U< 4 U1 LETTERS i ditut s milr [.i'l!i rs submitted !.i!l term will not I)i- run unless they -in1 re ..'• :! to the «*ciltoriIII i ' It • I'.mrr.thl. Smti ilH), Real kick I )!i tli.il Shfp w hat .1 hoot' *! . !t.> .ir. \ MU don't know king about Well Ini li: Neimdert ha Is mil ■ .s : aren't m the know. ' lie 1'inbcr 'it h \ i' ft I • \tiuM- ol genius. . . : < ihii whilt might [n.ssililv ini the greatest cartoon i Is.ir.u ter in tin- history of com a virtual Hartley (iooglr tor the lK)s This , hat.H 11-r goes by no Ha t name than Shep Adler a' ■ ; i . k , I:s I• -ft me in si;c lies a . i begging tor mute along with at! of m y ■hat I So come i>n Neal and rule i s! ; I .:M .! Miiji -li: wav staidoin ! lll’ti' v an : > . ■! S’.. ;i mania w i; ling I. till y.-ur d«Mtn mg Mif ili'pnei Student Slogans Nddressing the "issues raised by the letter "How hong ()1>I Ian 7) through the "logo and researi h' e v pressed within said letter by (!( \ Research Director (of whit! 'In1 in researching nono mat Viv) I’ulrit ia Smilh How long will supposedly in 11 • 11 tii-’t 11 adults sit Inti k and al low Lon Malnm. Patricia Smith, anti thr video 'flat Pride'' to preach the lies ol hatred and ingolrv to our children and teens'' Most ()( \ supporters have (somehow) passed fourth grade sentem e diagramming When w ■■ d: - sia l tin sentem e. "No Spet ia! Rights (for the unt il irttteii, litis is the name of the current hate campaign spear headed by the (X IA), according to tlu rules established hv Pa tricia Smith's letter, here is wha! we (ind No statement to tile Negative) Special fadjet tin i Ktgltts (Plural Nttun j What happens when we re :ra ,. e tip adjfi tiNi U e ,re lelt with ‘in Rights cist what tin- OCA has been preaching since tls creation with its fear in.lui mg programs And now ti . ASUS crisis presents a per o i platform to step up the hale vour brother sister and In-re's how rhetoric We should all he a little Lightened with the tact that :, Ma 1 k111 and his i ohorts can readily grab a two-word slo g.ic. and run with it, before uniting the cost to our chil dren and sih n-tv Den Kims Student Avoidance I hr Oregonian ami KegiArer (•third Newspapers owners, ed itors. ami lavs vers stone-walling of news concerning Oregon State Bar Members perversions of our ludicial Branch of Gov ernment tiles 111 the face of their crowed-about I S Cunsti tutioiul Amtmiimrnl Onr "free dom of the press rights " For livt- years I’vt• suffered lawyers' and the press arro gance of powers, as the former hides behind mindless avoid ani i' tactics, such as "mooting issues, that thes purposely de layed, and the later, hides Ire hind the fact that their editors lack judicial experience, and would rather rely on their hi used lawyers' judgment to kill .1 story, then allow a news story of judii ta! abuses of the public trust' Today the media is avoiding pending court < uses, whit h will never he brought again, due to time and money costs, about Oregon Slate and Appellant Courts' refusals to apply the lays lo the lads in S/afe is Chase CA AtifO.tt. and Slate is (7ia.se y s Ft'Uinuin CA Ann 170. which challenge law yers. prosecutors, and judges and Oregon Constitution Arti t ic Seven Sis lion S:\ 'Incom pelem y and Malfeasance and Corruption Today the media refuses to tell of federal Courts contrary to law FKCI' 17h(l)f(-d Dismiss al ..f a Declaratory Judgment, Inpini live Relief case, that only nxpnred the Court to say it Ore gon Appellant court s denials of indigent Counsels and Oral Argument rights, was I S Cun stiiutiunul Article n I’ar.t^niph J tiiul 7, Amendments !, 5. t< unii 1 I 1) repugnant or not7 And the media finds nothing wrong with tfie nth Circuit Court of Appeals double-talk ing affirmation of said dismiss al, by biased judges, who fur ther prohibited "publication or citation" of the dismissal And ordered Chase fie denied fur titer court use! (sic) Norman Keith Chase Hugene ‘ Till VCKJ SEE. v*«AT E 60T lOl DEMOCRATS -OR CHRISTAS WW*-. GREAT ORATORICAL SKUT VOCLL \£V£R GctSS VnAit' Dow ropfM IT y£T! r‘r+i HOT pLADV ► I I SAID VOU CAN OPEN IT NOW IMPEAOV! DON'T FORGET I can get nasfv vsJWEN MV FEELINGS ARE. WURT. ^