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A V Dealer /. 10* HOP NOW? - H •r ST SElEC ’ Off I hi SAUMBMCt-WflTS ■AOCE390NES •« < •«i Trade-ms Welcome 1 14 N Mill SPRINGFIELD 741-2448 Birkenslock I START THE NEW YEAR ON THE RIGHT TOOT Step mlo Birkenstix k tt\\ear ,ind tmd .1 rt*markable blend of ( omlort and s!> le from basil to brilliant We carry every available Birkenstock. B i r k «* n s t o t k • \v\ ' " • '* • Nl. - : ; . Wr*« : • t SPORTS F'.j photo Oregon forward Dcbtue Sporcich deft) is expected to miss the first halt of the Pacific-10 Conference season with a foot injury Oregon State s Judy Shannon is the top scorer and rebounder in the Pac-10 Conference teams begin battle j Competition makes Pacific 10 women's basketball toughest in nation this season By Ja*e Borg l •• '".i ! ! i» {•)•.< .Ml during Bit' pnse.ison. opponents of the I’.r . .Ill 1 (1 ( I i liferent f V\ OfM'll S Ikl&kfthal I trams (i'll under thi' mart h of tin- mighty si hools Starting this week tfu- Pui 10 trains turn their ..gilts mi each other promising an t-plt haltlt* to hr ijui i'ii of thi‘ pat k I’m It) teams won roughly three mil ol every fuar gaiiu's (7ti percent) against thi'ir non i onh r i-iH r lurs in thu pri-srasun. miming the league enough ri-spi t t In ham mm trains in rivr \i)trs in tl’.r last Assist iati’ii I’ft'ss top 110 poll 1 In i ontiTi-nt r season began I hursday night .shell the Arizona schools played at the Washing toll si hi.nil ami (begun j lay its i.p.-mr tonight at l ( LA at ’ I ho 1 tin ks are one ol tin- lugger surprises in tho ■ onfrrrni e jumping out to an H J start after hoing pa ki d h\ most to hnish si,mess here in the mid die of the league Hul to year couth hiss ill Hemy kia.sss tire t’.ii 10 ssii! pros life nr re i hallenges than the presr.ison si heilulr t he Pin 10 is pros ing to Is1 the toughest ion tereni e in tlie nation Hems sail! Ami it the Dm i.s i.ase a chant e l make it to th.s years NtlAA !i n.unent lias s\ i.l base to play m spite of thi injuries that base plagued the .til '.inis |..r Sara U .soil sat out the tirst eight girt • s lie tore returning, anil star lorssanl Debbie S j ii ii ss ; L : k e. \ i:: i ss t tie h rst ha : I o! the i on a ir ,, e season ss itfi a ml injurs ai really pleased ssith our preseasoii record, m dering our top two post players vs ere out." til ms suit! I he team has really 1 mill' together , St.infiii il ■ at ■tii'ii svhu i x| ■ , S.l dllierentlv Irom .. program has ssiin at least Jt> games during eai.h ol the last four seasons' link it was disappointing svheu the l .animal nisi six games last year, but then again, three of those losses s\ ere te \( A A . hanipion rerinessee i he C ordinal seems to he on its svay to another ‘ ije season, and most have pii keil Stanford to re peat as i onlerence champs ■st.itdord is currently 1(H). ranked sei ond in the mill n. and sports one of the top players in the : . hlrrence ir: ; ■ ' r \ a! Whiting, w ho is fourth m the conference in scoring and second in re buy tiding Oregon State ► St.i.ub >r.! b o . ue o! the I’.ii 10 s premiere players in senior judv Shannon She leads thi league :n scoring and rebounding ivith . I points and 1 boards a contest Hu! that may he the Heavers have, it seems ist season arid now 5-5) is votes m this 0 team to not F>t» photo Oregon coach Elwm Homy says his loam is fortu nate to be 8-2 with the losses ot Debbie Sporcich and Sara Wilson Cone is i ruler Vi I, ill, i Mattie k. who i‘!r( teil Id return lo her native Germany after .in impressive freshman ir and i//v Maryntsch ik. tin' team's in assists ami three-pointers A ir,im not short on three-point shooters or .1 ' ; in-liman from lost year is l'St! Sharpshooter Joni Easterly and center Lisa lie return to bolster the team. Leslie, last season's fat ID freshman ot the Your, averaged 19 points and ID rebounds last year, and Easterly leads the I’at -ID in three-point shooting, hitting 57 percent I he Trojans finished 1H-12 lust year in a season that saw them make it to the NC AA tourney's sei - end round The hiss of only two regular players could signal a return there Washington ;s a si bool that annually makes an appearance at the season s final tourney, and an 11-2 start and ldfh ranking nationally could mean another trip to the tournament. (loach Chris Cobrecht always churns out a quality team, and although the team’s best player, Karen Dcdcn. was lost to graduation, the Huskies’ preseason record has not shown a lai k in produc - tion. despite a conference low AH percent shoot ing from the floor Shuunda Creene is one of the Puc-lOs top scor ers averaging 10 points a game The league's most impressive scorer from List season returns to t'ClA for her senior campaign Kehcma Stephens, who tore up opponents for 2d points a game last year, has fueled the Bruins to a 7 t start with IB points and nine rebounds a game Washington State was a pleasant surprise to C ugar fans last season, joining Washington, Stanford and I SC at the NCAA tournament The Turn to CONFERENCE Page 13