Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 10, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Legislators, University at odds over housing project
j Declining enroll
ment prompts officials
to reconsider need for
new housing units
By Carrie Dennett
(lonslfut lion ot ! i t units <>t
ufl-campus student housing; is
on hold while CnivorstW off j
ciuis reevaluate the need to
■house .1 shrinking student pop
u lit lion
Legislators who lobbied for
the bond issue want construi
lion to continue, iiut l University
administrators are tearful that
the smaller student bodv might
make new housing units hard
to till
in spring 1989, hxel politi
cians began pressuring the I'm
versitv to build more student
housing, blaming record stu
dent enrollment for lingerie's
housing crunch A few months
later, the Oregon Legislature
approved sale of SI 1 million in
bonds to imam e the promt t
An architect u.is selected in
Leman loot to carry out Un
building project, followed
,jin; kly by the net ision to build
98 new units at the Amazon
I,irmly Housing site, Hi units j!
18th Avenue and \gate Street
and 22 units a! 1 ‘itf 1 Avenue
betwcen Higii and Pearl streets
s i -I million of the bonds
have been sold arid this money
has been earmarked lor con
struction at the three sites Tin
additional bonds were not sold
before the state Treasurer put a
temporary freeze on bond sales
Contract negotiations began
in March 1991, and the
SiUJs OOO contract was ratified
and signed bv the Oregon State
Board of Higher hdueation in
Work on tin- construction
proud began and i ontinued
S . ' .V ».*. ■ ■ V
• «*-*« :•> a*nit
A Amazon site - 96 new units
8 Pearl Street site - 22 new units
C Agate Street site - 16 new units
until \w IS. whi'l) Univeisiiv
officials notified Cl’S and 1M.
Ventures i professional ari hi
iri tur.il corporation formed
spin ifkt.»11V for this profit 1, that
1 lit - V were considering redur mg
thf si opo of the construe turn
This change of heart came
amid .i changing finani ml di
nt.il' ti. :ht w.ike u! Me . .
a climate that led to 4 larger
thilll antic ip.tled drop in stu
lii-iii enrol Intent
"IHiring these past 1.1 months
there have lien a lot of i hange-,
at the l dm ersitv . said Dan
Williams, vice president lor ad
minis! ration
t )ur interest is in doing tin
right tiling, but we don't want
to i r, er ; ihligute our students,
he said
It new housing is built with
the bund money, the bonds will
he repaid over time with mop.
ey from student rent Cmversi
tv o'fii mis fear that if enroll
men! i untinues to drop, the
rent .. . may In- plagued with vu
cam ;■ s. and the bond pav
merits might not he met
Scott Harlletl aide to Sen
Hill Dwyer, said a recent fall
survey of apartment rental vu
i.ani.ii N showed in t percent
v.k ant v rate in this i arnpus
iiri'.i. simil.it to other mh lions at
Tim campus vyt uik y rate at
tualiy showed as 7 pm rut, hut
the survey Indicated tins whs
because .it atmommllv high v.i
i lie v rail's a! two i amp.is area
apartment < omplexes
l amslv housing units .ire cur
retltiv full, but ipiestioris have
been raised ufrout the possible
ettl'i I ol a dramatic rent in
i iease on the vacant s rate
N e is two hint r ■ : : apart
ments ..! Aftia/uli are expel led
to rent Ii>r vi.: ■ a month tl)
percent la-tow the c urrent mar
ket rate but high ompared
the current monthly rent of
S! -I
that rent Itu lease is tnevila
ole, ami vs. ivant to work with
the v i>i v er sit v to mintmi/e
that. said David lidrington,
one id the projet t arc Intel ts
Regardless of the rent issue,
I'.'drington said tin Amazon
units origiiiallv meant to he
temp on i housing lor U'oi :.i
War il veterans, .ire in poor
condition and need to he re
built in the near future
Amazon Housing units were originally built ns temporary housing
lor World War II veterans
Mm un VVi•slmur('lii!!<l
idinily housing .If! limns! fJ, 1!,i
off. .uni tutors rciil on iIuism
units will bi- surjiliis rnntinv
th.tl I’.drmglun s.sid i.m in- usod
to minitni/i runt men ism ,i!
!.vmi: ll 1'nivMfsiiv tulminis
(! ,l !• Its (i|)l li I ( nlltltHIM lh<‘ I tin
st i m I m in Jill Mil . n m iIiim si ale.
main [Htiijjli' ara t|in*ijtiunmj*
when ihf’V Will I . illimit Id a lie
( iMim
!t' r>.-,-n km.l ill iik. a n.Mi't
i D.i s 11- r. Ki| r i i) g! ii n s.i i d
‘. -II ,t "i . h.ie . ! D
I..- D|itliimtl( . .ind '.omt'timcs ii
ink'. !ik. linn id going Id .ill
I urr : MOUSING P.i-j.- <
Combining loans
may aid students
j Agencies offer consolidation as al
ternative to paying off several lenders
By Jim Winkle
t •• Re purler
College graduates who hii e paying oil heavy loans In
several lenders may find an alternative method imsiit
lo handle consolidating their loans through an agen
"Thu basic purpose1 of our program is to help mini
mi/u the number of students defaulting on their
loans, said Phoebe Hollenbeck wee president of the
Loan Consolidation Program, a Northwest loan associ
Wfuin debts are c onsolidated through the ELCP and
programs like it, a student’s loan is paid off bv the
agency, who then charges the student one monthly
bill This makes the debt more manageable (nr the
graduate owing to many different lenders
"All of a sudden students may find themselves pay
Tum to LOANS. Page 3
JFK placed as the
10th best movie of
1991 Complete
rankings inside
page 8
Jon Franklin, Tom Wheeler, and Roger
Lavery joined the University's School of
Journalism faculty this fall bringing
impressive credentials.
See FACULTY, page 3
The Oregon men
surprised Cal
Thursday, winning
See SPORTS, page 13
Recycling efforts
grow on campus
j Student program is now serving
EMU, three sororities and the dorms
By Kirsten Lucas
! n . '.i
Students approved a ballot measure Iasi year th.il
gave svas lu ,i com prebensive campus recycling pro
i ....-a tin- < tilling edge of tmiveisils ret \t img
; in I. ni Kecyclmg Program a.is founded ,in< 1
landed ’ students lu i implement and exp,mil i .in.
;,,. - : . V f : i:. wim h Vv.i* pres, iiiusU iia :.d led solely I is
the > nisei-.:tv Kei ycling Program
!: i.e.l M.iV’x ASH) election. si.ideals ,i|i|irc)Ved a
lee til ,0 (elds pel sllldefil per term, amounting to an
annual budget of S.lr),()()() This moms pass for ret si I
ins', services spei ilicallv designed to meet student
needs an lading ed.ii atn.n aitout rri vt ling
Prior 'u 'in- •student funded, student-run program,
.lie i M’- er-aty Ket.si Img Program fat <*d rising costs
. to RECYCLE i