Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 09, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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Continued from Page 8
won't have to worry about tr.n
el plans in March is Washing
Lvnn Nance's Huskies did
upset Arizona anil I t LA last
year, but they still finished in
the conference cellar with a
V ! It in.irk Of Washington's
(f> •)) six wins so far. only two
have come against Division I
The good news is that fi foot
l. senior forward Doug Meek iris
is back, .liter averaging l(i
points a game a year ago
"Doug's a proven scorer in
t h e l*ui - l 0,'' N an ce said
Hopefully he cun have anoth
er good season
Transfers Ku hard Manning
((idoot-H)) and Andy Woods ftu
loot-5) are both starting and do
ing well, blit Nance remains
more than cautious about his
e\pe< tat ions for this team
"We're a voting iluh that's
struggling to be < ompetiti\e hi
the l’ac-10.” he said "Right
now we’re a very mediocre
team "
hast year, Sluntoid turned
what was supposed to he a me
dior.ru year into a season that
saw it claim the \i I ( hampi
Adam Kn'ii' and a sirong
Marling < raw helped ihi- < ,ir ii
nal in a 20-vvin vMsim Cnfor
lunaleh lor them, Keete is ilia
only returning starter frimi Iasi
year's learn, bill lIn* Cardinal
has jumped to an impressive
H-1 siarl
Keefe is thus tar having an
All American war. averaging
25 7 (minis and 12 0 ran .ml .
hut coadi Mike Montgomery a!
tributes much of s inlord's pri
season success to keele's sup
porting cast
She rest d the ast hi-,
piav!‘d betmr than i lot o' pen
pie thought they would. !e
If Keefe gets double i 'rijile
tea till'd ! guar.t:: -e yye ,s :. i
hurt some people vs !Ii the res!
01 our team
It took iiili Fried- ’ ady one
\ri2ona stati
the N't A A I'ou rnamen' i.ast
year, the young Sun Devils won
2 1 games and made it to tin
sel ond round of the tourney
VV <■ tvpesef w aim. i <
posters, ads, hnk'.ets, buuut
.ards, and bwehures. VV< .an
i to help sou uitK design, fs/H
facts arc! point \i;es
U r shoot f’.M I u htil)
tones, transparencies, and re
i CMtil' VV i iun help sou se
U\t the teehnuiue sou need tn
complete your protects
VV e are able to complete
most jobs in on/s 2 mtrlung
Jusi f-or a noh fee, ue offe’
24 hour turnaround At
sou'll find our prices uere tie
signed with the student biulg
et in mind
(ho eomenifnr EMI loca
turn makes us eavs to use
suirt IX fKiu rises ft; Mr
They have three returning
starters from last year. Includ
ing Piic-lO 1 reshman of tin'
Year Jamal Faulkner (IS I
points. t> 2 rebounds)
They are far from being an
expenetu ini ball t dub. howev
er. ■ No one on tfti’ team has
played more than i \ear of |)t
vision I fiat!
In i ontrast is Jim Harm k'»
I'CI.A team J'lie Brinr.s are
probably the must experienced
team ill the Pat 10 whit tl is
the reason they are predicted
by most to take the conference
11< .1 \ returns
tng lineup from
beading th'1 vs
ms vs ill be the ill
11iii1 ol Don M.u 1
Mnrrav both .ill
It’i ! ion' last O'
.1'(.1. \ is oil to
8 o start ami
ranked second
hind Duke
Mat bean is
points a game
st ores J-I ,i l imit
its entire start
last year 's Z 8 <)
av for the Bni
•vastating front
.nan and brat \
i onferem e se
at Shis year
an impressive
is i utrcntlv
nationally tie
averaging 1'»
and Murray
I'C.LA has I ho Ix'si ilniru o of
talking uw.iv tho I’.h 10 champi
onship from thron-tuno do fond
in>; i humps Arizona
Hot II won t bo oas\
! ho Wildcats return seven id
ihnir tup nine scorers Irum hist
vo.it.- hut tho tw . missing were
vital to tho mu < oss ol tho team
i o.t \ '-.ir Hn-irv U ill;.mis and
M itt Mi;ohluh.u h
( u i !■ halo Olson is hupmg
th• f.i onto t duo id forwards
l hr s M'lls md So in Kooks
will bo ihlo to till tho void toll
hv Williams Sophomore guard
Mialid Reeves .ind senior Mull
()thi< k will tie looked It) step
into the siloes of Muehlebuch
So lor the teem lets done just
tin. Mills is averaging eight re
hounds i game, Kooks is good
lor I’ points und Othitk is av
eraging over si\ assists
Not onl\ do tin Wildcats
have the Sisk of trying In retain
a title hut tin's also have a
■(» game winning streak at the
V kale ( enter
Need-levs to sav the I’m. 10
will he gunning lor the Wild
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