I i .K \ Mtirruv PAC-10 Continued from Page / they felt l}i*• \ firsirs- i l.isl year ,.n i probably vu. ii-i tv. . i ).;ili ter; had they not si Hu »r last last ,1 .it. and the Cougars have III mp'd iill! In -1 11 i i 11 star! this year, but ire.si -if tin vs ms hiiv«! i orn« against tinjn-nrnts far In lif\v Vm 10 < .jlihrr i )ii* u< slot hir rm r u i Orig l-i.tss thii ( (»nsi(l»'ft ti tine of 0.’ h- ! .? ii' . ( a I ■ imi h i .tin C .amp.on ill tn..*\.;.usl gr! !hr 1*< W'lfts f 1 * • nrrls It, I n • ningeM < oar h I tu (.olden Bears ((>4) were par! n! she fifth-plate logjam last season «it H 10 and they (in.shed 1 d 1 r> over a 11 ( a! did lose three starters, hut Brian Hendr o 117 ; pg) is one of three returning douhle figure m orers log new- ,'t Berkeley is ih. 1 .!■! 1 eg ■ : >p i i ret rolls ,\ 1 . a :p i d till ,s! is l> foot H Allied (.rigs! \ vs ho r hose ( . • : :,■ * ■' Ohio Stale, A : > ilo.n l.eorgi'-'t )Wn and ()• .: (.r ig>-! ■> ;s leading the i'.t 10 r 1 a h; goal pen er.t age a! a ‘ ' ><■ pen . r.i up in dill Coliseum. and this ,1 r ■' Or*gon Slate h im shouldn't bo an oxranption Head co.ii.h Jim Anderson, who hio. fieen in Corvallis .is rei ord. but the lb avers have been downright Ugh in losses to Fresno Sta'e and 'allies Madison 1 S( wen! ti - the \( A.\ toll! million! !.-st year for the first tune s.ni e HUtfi. are! Ceorge K.iV'siih1 has one player who r an do a a ! to get the I n ans there ..gate Ur: te toot - a All A trie: k nr: i f lari 11d Sillier am hi ■: trig strong fiaekcourt. the Tr<> ,.-.ns t , vi umped out to an rt : ...!: ng a w i n ev er 'fieri fimrth-ranknd Ohio State U e re gett ing there slow ly hut surelv," Raveling said "I'm t. ippy with our progress i like w here w e are right now Marcus Whitfield, who led hi junior college scorers last year with 11 points per game, tri.iy fie counted on lor some added s< tiring. K.ivehng thinks lie team ■ night duplir ate last year’s sue U e hav' the piitent ial to get ■ : k t the NCAA tourna nu e,t. fie said One team that p robab I \ to PAC-10 Page1.* 8th annual January SALE BRIAN RANSOM Visiting ceramist and musician whose work includes handlMJildme ceramic instruments.' musical composition aiul performances w ill conduct a lecture, exlu bition ami w oik shop at the l ot (). a sum: l i n t ri Thursdax Ian n 7 pm 115 1 as\ rente I la 11 IAIIIIU I ION Moiulax Salunlas Jan (> I I I Alt HalIm h>in ( iallei \ WORKSHOP I rula\ A Salurtlax Jan. K) A I I MMMlain 4 (HIpm l ol () Northsule C eramic Studio (unit I 4) a HfONSOJIM) Mf no. u UK U AifT OUT A\l) niK. Kill CRAFT *> N T>J* FOR MORE INFO. CALI. 346-4361