It’s the year of the ’Cats & Bruins j Arizona, UCLA are just the tip of a talented conference By Jayson Jacoby af d Dave Charbooneau The Oregon men ■ basketball team has .ilre.ii.Jy had enough In worry about this season I .Ini'. V., : i iii -• sip: ad h . beaten two go. ui teams m l-res mi Stale and.bast Tennessee Stilt.-, but tlif Dm ks looked aiv tui in lusM-s to Mtait.ui i. Mill nesola and LaSalle And now two Oregon starlet s point guard Atldre. (Collier and forward Jordy Lyden. Ore gon’s top returning player are out with injuries All those headaches are like |y to make worse the upcoming Pacific. I t) (Conference season, which starts tonight at " i’> wheri thi- Dm ks meet < alitor nui in Mi Arthur (Court Then' aren ! many confer ences tougher than the Par It), which seems to get more com petitive from top to bottom ev ery year I think it's better than it was last year," Monson saiii That's kind of m ary, i onsid ering four Par 10 teams made tire NCAA tournament last March, and Stanford won the NIT Like just about everyone else who pays attention. Monson picks UCLA and Arizona to he at the top when the season ends, but after those two. In' says, "It's kind of up for gratis ■ juKpnota Stanford s Adam Keefe is lust one of many talented big men the Ducks will face in 92. Most people art- picking Ore gon to finish in the (tellur this year, and white Munson is known tor surprising the prog noslii utors, he admits tilings won't ho getting any easier (or ttie Dm ks after their up and down 4-5 tion-conlerem i start We re going to have to si rap and claw every game and Irv to find ways to win." Munson said (frugal! i -ill at wa\ s hope to d ip! i. iti Washington State's m<»0 ‘it surprises when the Cougars iinislH'ii in l- ovm.ui (H 10 and fifth in thu I’ai 10) of Irr hoing pit kod almost unani mously !u finish Iasi We understand this years probably going 1(1 tougher in tor ms ot pnnplo be mg prepared f- > r as. Washing tun Statu i oai ii ht-U m Samp son said The Cougars .|o iiavr one lug pins :n til -r effort to oarn a post-season bid something lorn • PAC-10 Puyo H CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC & CASSETTE CD s FROM S5 95 1 Mumque Gourniet r—- -i Catenng lo the [ TAPES FROM S.’ j DisC' minV'nq Collt*' ’ ’ In the Fifthpearl Buildinq 343 9000 GIVE US TIME TO REPAY YOUR LOAN. \ttrl 111-.! tllltv \c.H s ill tii<- Vnm. vimi vullfvi liun Vi hi Id Ih' .1 tiling id llii- |> 1..►< H). uhuhevet itn<) p.m •\ STUDENT MASS is celebrated every Wednesday at 9:00 p.m starting Wednesday, January 8. A social gathering "ill follow. Would sou like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation/ Come to the first meeting on Sunday, January 17 at 6.oo p.m. 1 he first meeting of the NEWMAN CLUB, an organization for students run by students, will be held on Sunda>, )unuur\ 1 _ ui 8:80 p.m. A BROWN BAG BIBLE STUDY is held on Mondays, starting Monday, January 13 at 12:30 p.m. at the Century Room I) at EMU. It. Albert and John Gunther will lead the bible sharing. ["he Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults for those who are seriously interested to become a Catholic C hristian will continue on Sundays at 6: IS p.m. starting Sunday, January Fr Tom Kirkendoll of Cincinnati, OH will be the guest speaker at all the weekend Masses remembering Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday on Sat/Sun., January 18/19. A 6-week series on RELIGION AND CINEMA will start on Monday . January 21 at 7:00 p.m. 1 r. Jose will lead a disc ussion after the movies. SOCIAL ISSUES FORUM: A panel presentation on 1 he Influence of the Media in Decision-Making on Social ssues will be held on Wednesday, January 22 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Members of the panel are: Don Bishoff (Register Guard), Ran Powell (KEZI), Carl By bee (Assoc. Prof at UofO), and Alan Siponn m oci SIM UAL HAPPENINGS: A 4-part sci u s on CHRISTIAN MORALITY will start 3 on Monda>, Januars 27 at 7:(M)p.m. It- Albert will lead ' the series. / STUDENTS - do you need a quiet Diace to study, read or just relax? Come to the Newman . Center’s lounge. It is open from 8:30 a.m. to 1 1:00 p.m. GET INVOLVED IN THE CA I HOI.IC NEWMAN COMMUNITY NOTE: Students' a. tivities, ( lasses and workshops aie planned throughout the sear. ( h«•* k Ness man Center s Sundav Bulletin and the It Mil merald) lor what's happening at the Center or i all 343-7023 1. MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a m. & 7:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday 5 10pm Evening Prayer followed by Mass. EVERY WEDNESDAY: STUDENT MASS AT 9:00 P.M. STAFF: It. Albert Felice-Pace, O.P., Pastor I r. Jose Pimentel, O.P. Sr. Janet Ryan, SNJM (.ene Obersinner A- Chris Fery, Peer Ministers Nancy Nelson, Secretary Gene Obersinner. Chelsea House Mgr For more information call the Center at 343-?021 or 346-44(>8 The CATHOLIC PARISH serving the University of Oregon since r)15.