Crash diets do more harm than good By Cynth a Buimsk. Erraxaid Contributor When (( • ' fiTdig whether to diet. many pen jiii’ know their wi'V'i hut M'litom tu.*-w their hofi v composition . I'he numbers on the stall' do not reveal body composition fat mass plus lean bodv mass A t rash diet a daily intake til I.OIK) . a ru s or less often changes the body s umpositlon a; the dieter ends up vs lit, a :, i i.u: a s; . user said at a ret ent ! 'mversitv w o:: kshup Britt rllis. a ladversity "doi total student in community health, said a crash diet signals ,, si.u vation situation to the body I he t)odv then t observes energy bv dei re.o -ur the number.of calories needed per day ! :jis ■ . t at a university ..Lifestyle I’iann»i:g: I'i; au vs vs sla.p I his :i( • ..' retp.ired s un : • - : • 11.•■... • ■ s h . i lower basal i:ietal«u < rate i.llis s i : .vs h> nimr mat eating is msu met i. the Ixxi v needs fewer t a lo ries than it did before ■arid .weight ga :U Won II another crash diet is tried. the•■ meta bolic rate is again alb ( ted. she said Mohs vi-r, bn .iss> < rash do-h :- oho.:, ,1. water and imivi !••. dieters usuallv are fatter than when 'lii-s started lin' d "l hot ause the peri entago nf b* tv lal is higher Ellis said \\ i .1 re ilidmg into slates o( obesiIV she said If.:rd id wiumit ages diet ill leas! mill' a ninrith. i 111 i■. said She Saul this loss thru gain pattern i an load I. a form a high blood pres irn for some individuals K au ri Mai isman an assix uilti professor in the Sihool and (iomtminiiv Hi'alth Department. said, * !I VI pi lii".' . t all people who dii'l i;am 'Mi k ail lie' is i ;ghl li'ia Ins! over a tVs a s«■ .1 r pe r;i,, I r Studies ul IKII) i a ; nes or dess diets showed an av erage basal melabolit rale dei 'ot ! I J I {ii-ri enl Kills said V -■"‘rilled dii’l e v e; ■’ ualIV lead s to fee lings of li j • v ali. n i " wed bv binging m i.ning more ■ a ' : sets h : i I lb| •v ■ .gh' is regained Up!e.t vv .'li let■ inn; iindlsi Ip.lUjed iit ah : -..ainal ire: Vi.mnionijunong . dii'ii'rs Kesiitulidv. I her di ilried s • | : the !: is! step , n ' eg '' n del ri I.n ' DIETS fd i ;■ • EATING Continued Irom Page 4 ! 1 u i : u .i t i tt n d e p r e s s 11i n , • - in .»j>[>>*«ir.ifit e. .li'lior interns! Ill food, severe di ■: i! i Xi roi>i .11'ii s 1 i stance abuse ( At SI s V tier, S,1 id |iss l hoiogi sts , , : i; < tors .ire biiffliii in eat er: dr. 'filers ami can only offer theories lor the causes We don’t know Merten • aid "It's not a rational at t. so it s kind ol hard to find a r.i tional reason I i wrier eating disorders in a y be cu 11 u ra 11 \ driven U experience low sell-es teem w hen they lad to meet the [ I 1 standards I society M rten said Low ■'dl-esteern i ; is wr r.11>** I) V\(il KS haling airi-*rd»-rs are threat to a person's he ori'Xirs in iv literati thcmsrU t >• tu death said Some ’ is w ho an a scriuiis allh An v starve Merten lin ;-r'mik i r'rnj mil llmik ihi'V'rr I'll vhi ■ ,i tUiw. ! ir : *ii• • \ i .in (in* !’i-i.plc ,v! j. ' r in i jling li.suiiii'f ilu>ulti (iill Hu' i nuvrsiu Counseling (j'liirr .it ’ Ill l-'.' ' >r S,n ri-ii ; ii-.irt i ■■ rfiii Hi >*>ii;!.ji \ i-,iI!n>* iilsoiilcrs i him .tl itHii ' I?'z BURGER OR SHAKE SALE! _ t GOOD THROUGH JANUARY 26 1 Vnir< hno-unl) *jum) Homonlr ' mukIchurei-r with msp (Hit* r and rip*- lonuto »r 116ox frosty shain (hoi'M- in) flaw you hke Both on nl<- n«'w .it mur part in paling nnghhorhnod [>air\ yun-n We IreatYou Right « *«j Velcro Jumping is here! Every Thursday The bar sport of sports. Take a break from studying and stick yourself to a wall. Guido's 13th ami Alder 343-0681 DELTA ZETA NATIONAL RUSH JANUARY 13-17,1992 What Informational Party When January 13. 1992 7:00 pm Where: Faculty Club Corner of University & 13th For more information please contact: Robin DeArmond 385 3552 Shelley Sutherland 3-16 1151 KISS A DUMMY SAVE A LIFE!!! Here’s your chance to learn C.P.R. and to certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate For a $10.00 lex* charged to your •tudent account, you will receive • 4 Hours of Personal Class Instructions • Instruction Booklet \ • Red Cross C.P.R. Certification Card Dates for C.P.R. classes: Wed., Jan. 15tM 5-9 p.m. Tues., Jan. 21st 5-9 p.m. (C PR classes held in the Student Health Center Caleteria) Register Early. Space is Limited. 346-4441 Cancellation must be 24 hours before cl.v,, or no refund , ,,,,0 by o-,; ;,,-u Center, O" . c! Pub'-c Gaiety and the i itestyle p a.j !’• )i r ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦