Student fees help with child care By Kirsten Lucas i ,t <1 Repoftof Many students have a hard time making it out the door in the morning, let alone making ends meet on the legendary starving stu dent" budget Imagine being responsible for making these things hap pen for a family of three While this may seem next to impossible, student par ents do it everyday Howev er, without affordable day c are for their c hildren. this daily feat would be much closer to impossible The AS111) Child ( are Subsidy Program provides low income student parents with the money they need to help pay monthly c hild ( are expenses, which average about SHOO a month Depending on need. I Jni versitv students with chil dren can receive up to 50 pert ent of their dav care (lists covered through the subsidy program, which is primarily funded with stu dent fees The program w as also re reiving a S100.000 grant trorn the Oregon State Schol arship Commission, until tin1 grant w as cut last year KM!' ( hild (:.ire (Coordinator Dennis Reynolds attributed lhe ( ritii ,i 1 i u! to Mr.isure 5 Reynolds, who works un del ( uiitrai ! with the A St) ( Ill'll C lure Task Fort e to de '.ermine subsidy eligibility and distribution, said he thought the program could survive on the SI it:: .(KM) In cidental Fee Committee budget alone However, with an unpret edented number of students needing summertime assis lance, Reynolds found him soil he ed with d v, md i mg funds lor more parents There were a lot ol stu dents (needing child < are) who went to summer school hetore the tuition mi reuse, he said "That's what really nailed our budget In response to the unex pected shortage ot funds, Kttvoolds approached the III with >t special request for SIM.000 last month Not fully expecting to got such a large sum, Reynolds proposed several back-up plans, the most likely of which he thought would mean a 10 percent decrease in eat h family's eligibility For a family of three, Reynolds said, this kind of decrease might amount to a week's groceries or a month's heat bill The IFC approved Reyn olds' request, solidifying the support for child care Reyn olds' said he has found on this campus. IFC chairwoman Lydia Lerma said IFC members who voted in favor of the ad ditional funds recognize the need to keep student parents in school " The level of support for student parents on this (aim pus is exemplary." Reynolds said PARENTS Continued from Page 1 ward iti lhat dnv." she said "l‘vo named it Znvent>erj|nn is one of mans' single parents in college, but sin dent parents come in many varieties Julie Wuyland. lit. also a senior in psv< bologs who graduates this spring, has three children lenid. -I Joshua, t. and Ioanna. 1 *> months W.island said she has gone to college off and on for nine years, hut she has gone full time at the t niversity since last sum mer Her husband, John, graduated in 1SMW Hut managing a home, thris- kids and school isn't easy, even svith a husband to help "Actually, sometimes I wonder how I do it, she said "When I'm at school. I'm at sc hool W hen I'm at homem the afternoons, I'm .1 mom. and at atmut H .10 when they're in lied. I hit the books again.'' she said, noting that she's tired at H it) herself Along with her academic' sc hedule U as land ss orks nine hours a week at the l-.'Ml! das ( lire lor practlcum credit To simplify sc hod ulc's, she has cone filtrated her classes into Tuesday and Thursday, which makes for long (t to 5 class clays Her husband hopes to take those days off tiei ause they don't want their c hildren in day care When tie c an't watch them, the' children s grandmother dues "We have to do a lot of juggling, she said Sometimes the stress of sc hool inter teres with tie- lamlly. espe c otiiy at the etui Of the term The kids pn k up on that epm kly. she • lid. tint tties are also exi itecl about their mother being in m hool I go to ms school and mommy goes to her school, tties say W,island svdl continue full time the. and next term in order to graduate Its a goal I se set and I ni trying hard to stn k svdh it. she said Thu (Kirill's! task n! lialam mg parental .inti student duties is rind 1 n>4 llii1 tlmii for ill! !hf rtMdiiig mil library research nri essary fur i I,issrs. Way land said One ofihe surprising benefits of-having . hildrimwhile studying a! the University is iho necessity of stim luring her time Wiyland said She does this better and stays on top of tilings more than when she was a childless student, she said Wuylund said It's hard a! times when she looks at !H year a 1 freshmen and hears about their sleeping in late and so. i,d si lied ules hut 1 wouldn't trade my kids lor the world. she said Other parents who don't have family support to help vsatth the i hlldren rely on d.iy iare to till the gap hris l_sterline, a single parent and junior in secondary edm alion has two i hlldren. Lauren, 1, and Joshua almost nine listerline has been taking college s lasses lor ten years at three community colleges After she and her huslwnd separated, siie went hark to si hooi lull tune and earned her associate s degn >■ at Umpqua Oommunit v < id lege last year She s now at the Univ ersity trying to shuffle fin.inces, classes and parenthood "It’s tough rinding study time," she said I try to get m as mm h study time as i can at si bool white I'm walking and on the bus She sometimes gets Irustrated when she wants to give her children more Mni' 'hr said She. like /.evenliergen mil WavUml also stud h*' Into at night alter the kid' are In bed With no one .it home to help her with i hild t are. Ksterllno relies on the I Ml’ dav ( are < enter and an after si hool program for her 'Oil \ hill month of i fiild t are costs S too at the l.Mt 50 peri ent ol whuh is subsidized hv ASt'l) incidental fees fills, added to the $J 15 per month for her son. adds up. however Juggling this, final! <:ta I od. food stamps and welfare grunts are a concern for f.s ter line At urn time, all this could change she said, referring to regula Hons and rei|uirements lor different sorts ol aid. hut I ni just thankful to have it These three women are only a small sampling of student parents \! Amazon l amilv Housing alone, there are o' single parents, both male and female and oh couples with children, said frank (.addon. an a direr tor Mediation Program When conflict nets out of hand and you need help — contact us. Km 318 KMII 346-4240 FREE conflict management ■ KiHMimiiiti" ' St uilftlt I ill ult\ ’ ()rg,jiu/ittiiitis SAVE OREGON By Ann Branch ig and Richard Becker YOU CAN HELP SAVE OREGON ♦ ftritfUr thtnk <>t I hi gun in minimi. hing in run iun%rti thmugh thr it a/fulth uf ml rig* 4/ul thmr tuih grrm hill» anti fuiriti art- thr tlunifung grutinilt fur uthrr iltiln gnrhtigr nml turn uuttr W OKK'OS fm k» ufi uhrrr uthrr hunk* nf thlM kiml Imtr off, nut unl> ulr ntify mg Orrgun • mutt firming mi tr minimi til firuhlrmt, hut nffrnng fmgr uflrr fntgr uf tourer » fur lut til trntm nml proilucl* that rnnrrrnrtl arm mulrnlt ran u*r In hrlfi rrttthr thrm ♦ If you knru uhrrr to Ini* a • nmfHit I fluornt ml hghl hulh, you i nithl tut* $ 10 on your rlt* Irit lull tint! mtnuni it your 1 tint nhul ion In lh* grrmhouti rffrt I ♦ 1/ you knru uho tint knl unhlrai hrtl fuiftrr, you t oulti rrtiut r ihr dioxtnt floumg into thrgon rn rr% ♦ Situ r on at irnl lout Ihrgon rraulrnia—tint! i latlort—run tio thnr /tort for thr lornI rnttronmrnl t mm organit guttlt rung lift■ lit rn oinntrn tluhont for tot utll> m/mnnhlt tnt rthrift. from uhrrr to ftu> rrt httrgmhlr hutlrnn In hou you tun rrryrlr f tin tin . hrrr it t i t ry thing you nrrrl to mnkr u tlifjrrmi r anil login to mi t (htgon UO BOOKSTORE I3lh and Kincaid, Open Mon.-Sal., Ph. 346-4331, c; i:\kral BOOK l)i;i*AIM \1I \T