Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 09, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Packwood’s plan
isn’t good enough
It's just a variation of the same old Oregon political
game: Everybody knows there's a problem, but no one
can agree what to do about it
However, in this case, it isn't new tax revenues or
school finance. Now it's health care, and Oregon's own
Sen Hob Packwood has thrown in his two bits
At a Monday Eugene press conference/public fo
rum, Packwood's Comprehensive Health Insurance
Plan of 1991 requires businesses to carry health insur
ance plans for full-time employees and their families.
Close Bob. but not good enough
Packwood's plan would bring health care to a larg
er segment of the population, but it ignores the biggest
part of the population in need - the unemployed.
Medicare takes care of some of that problem, but its
monolithic approach to payment is legendary Medi
care is ill suited and un
der financed to ude
quately provide for all
the people who can
claim benefits So. uItt
mutely, poor people in
this country lire unable
to receive the care they
Some citizens and
observers at Monday's
forum advor ated a health
care system much like
Canada's, which is pub
id V administered and
tv at able to all This
seems the best solution,
Pack wood's plan
would bring health
care to a larger
segment of the
population, but it
ignores the
biggest part of the
population that
needs affordable
medicine — the
but it dues have somi* inherent problems
Oil ,i small scale, the Canada plan works great But
the bureaucracy needed to administer the !■!T{J million
plus people in the t S would lie extraordinary How
ever, it would eliminate Medicare and other health
care systems so the new plan would not be adding to
the tons of rod tape, but merely i onsolidating it
Par kwood is on the right trar k. but his apparent
dismissal of the Canadian system is a mistake Half
measures arid stop-gap efforts .ire not enough to clean
up I S health r are Drastir steps need to be taken, and
the Canada plan makes the most sense
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Role playing
In rr<i‘nl issues of both the
Cimimcn'.stnr and I In* l.iiwnild
iiH orn'f! Information regarding
voter turnout It.is been printed
Last spring. 1 -i Ul |i- : > flit uf
till' registered studrnt bmh Vot
t il m the .('< i toll lor \ SI ()
president Though tins i ertam
i\ is .1 disappointing percent
age it is substantially higher
than th.it which w.is printed
These errors were not only
ai. example of timer unite jour
nulisin. but also ol irresponsi
• . H hv the publications Both
tie- ( itmmentuinr and the l.m
iTnltl are tnllueiiti.il on this
i iirnpus ! heir influence should
he used in i positive W.IV to en
ourage greater participation in
government, rather than to Ice
1 us oil the ever present Voter
apathv that plagues the cam
pus stale and i ountrv
I entourage these and other
Ole.ha to at knowledge the role
they play in student govern
merit and to do what thus can
to foster nit leased involvement
john <ioodman
\Sl () [ lei toms ( ooirlmatui
I iim disturbed that this t o!
lege Republicans (.in assume
..'sol. a W atsi s ; is! has an\ •
thing to (io with her persona!
tntegrltv in her present job ji- .
' ' Nile; 1 j i \\ . ' lee!
ershIp abilities should not bo
determined bv the past itctivi
in s el her persona! life
he sexual harassment
h uge on ( niretue Thomas
had absolute!), no basis lor i ur
rent Jot) qualifications as Su
preme t lotirt pistil e or dors
And of course st doesn't mat
te! (,eorg. Bush vs as su p
p-osedU involved ixith illegal
i. t IV 11 V IS tile h- id of the ( II A
prior to his administration
right ’
And. o! mrse David Duke
should noi In' pidged on his
past, 1 * % ! ! 1 though lie happened
1.1 1 ivc !»rii .i (,: list) Wi/urd <i|
llic KK K rightv
And of i iiiirsc we should nol
U ;limiii Kennedy Smith's
i h.ir.it tci, ei rn though ho had
boon ,H i used of raping at least
tiiti ■ ' tie r women is well
And, id course it ti.is no
hearing whatsoever on the lead
ership at .idles of the members
■i the House of Representatives
tli.it they have iiOUtK ed thou
sands a! dollars of bud checks
rigid '
And .liter ait we ill break the
So it s t )K right '
It anyone does not at all
question the leadership abili
ties of today s politic lulls, at the
i apitoi or on i ampus, then
please don't ever vote
Allen James
No comment
I his is ill response to till' De
(ember isMit o! the Oregon
(.'ommenliiinr regarding tile re
I All Board ii! Dim ii if s
tli i isjon h,inning use of the
i Mi l.ii i iiu li- ri i t 11!i• is w hu
iiisi nmifi.ih'
Thi1 Commentator stall's
li.-w . .mill the 1A!1 Hn.iril
ii.tiif in (their) conclusions
in light of thi' evidence that
I:.IS Ivon recorded us tin- i ourt
system’ I In' answer is tti.it they
11.. babh .ini not bother to re*
sisirt ti ttii> issue " (Ofpg j:i)
Ironica, [. t! appears to be
the ( ii/n/fieftliifor who lias
!.iileil to research the issue On
i . ! ' \ ■ *■ i; 1 he I ,M ti. iard re
v: ■ d its A flirm.it i v e Aetton
p. a v m ii i iifdatu e wtill l hll
vcrsitv rules On March -H,
loot, following two months of
in depth research on rnv part, I
re-initiated the current "contro
versy that culminated in the
I,Ml board ban Stor e I did not
have the honor ol being men
tioned, 1 presume this oversight
oil their part resulted, also,
from inadequate research
Regarding how lln1 KMl.'
boar<i i .mic to its oonc lusiohs
Wo simply compared the pub
lished DoL) policy regarding ho
moscxualitv with the published
Oregon Administrative Rules
concerning affirmative action
Tilt; conflict was obvious, and
die ! AH ' isiard voted in lavor
of upholding the principles
upon which our University
(and the state of Oregon) suit
That we did not hold the
0 S government above the
laws lias ts’en obvious to everv
one Although tins mat have
been view "d as .1 futile effort fit
some, it was simply our re
spouse to a lire,i< ti of the I'm
versity's Affirmative Action
Jim Organ
KN11 Hoard
Three ways
I rum pimple I've met ami
tilings I'Ve seen m the last two
\ears I ,nn convinced that
through iooperation, three
tilings .ire possible that will
gives ns all a better world
t : It’s pi is s lie to build safe
reusomiblv-prieed atornii auto
mobiles and trucks
J < It's possible to build no
toll, no customs Ireewavs in a
logical network through the
i) It's possible to regularize
the S.lliHMi.tXM) cognate words
in French, English, Spanish
and Portuguese into one easv
orthograpiiv. and by using a
verv simple, regular grammar
structure, give the people of the
Americas an easy communica
tion system they can master in
It) days
If these policies ran In- tin
derstood and implemented, we
will all he richer for it, lirst in
tile Americas and later, by r\
ample ot our mu i ess, the rest ol
the world
|crry Thorsnn
y CAN Gtr OP
: a|E PE L£Tr;N6
^ you o>o
trcuout TRj;S DAs’
Bur twajgs wav£
> you opt.