j^jeonVERSE ALL STARS Black Hi-Tops Sir* 99 «»**« When you 're serious about the games you play Mohawk Marketplace • Springfield • 741-3381 Welcome to Eugene Athletic ffv ttofr Mth Die tinci! tpOftmarPAt and equipment kv all scat on t OPt N 7 DAYS A WEEK ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED .• ►!*>'! ■ xV« y V.J WfBR< *«r : » .\\" ,\Tj MAI l 343-1233 J STUDENT 3 Month Membership plus 10 tanning sessions for u Special includes Full use ol facilities STAIMMASTER • WEIGHTS • BIKES • WHIRLPOOL A 10 (20 min ) tanning sessions PACIFIC NAUTILUS & AEROBICS 189 W. 8th, Eugene • 485-4475 IN TOUCH RIM resurrects kinder, gentler water polo winter term Players use' inner tulx> in water jxdo’.s less a>m|x*tilive cousin W •lIlT |X>k> MXItvls llkl‘ .1 ven intense sport, I meant only for iIun I with tilt1 etviuraiHe to play it and tin- to tn-.hl water lor lixr(; periods iif tutu-. lkit don't vxrib' off of water |x>lo cunpletely, Ixvauv now tlu' average swimmer can enjoy tlu- s|x>rt in .ut inner tulv. Recreation and Intramurals is ot tering the s[*>rt winter tenn. Hu- jp,une features six players on a side, all of whom are in an inner tufv. I he rules are similar to water polo, hut am physical contact results in a hxil. I he players maneuver themselves with their lunds atvl in kicking tlveir ftvt. Water [solo is much more eomjx titive than utiH-r tulx- water polo, hut tlk- play rrs Mill “an Kim a lot ol ralories," said (ieorye t. i*sta. a (.»1 1 w itli HIM. I In- inner mix- watrr |x»lo le.rpur will lx- orjjmized into trams, which will pLiv r.kli other even I urvLi\ ni^ht at (v >0 pan. HIM is r\|x\ Imp to luvr civJit to 10 trams, which axilj consist ot am i.unpus ^nxips or a proup ol tririxis. A tram must lx* nx\l with at least two wixnen players. lor students who want to play hut rannot get a tr.un ti^ctlxr, lists ol play rrs Itxihtng tor trams aixl s ivc \rrsa, luvr hern jx>stai at the HIM oilier, Hixxn 101 (ktLm^t. IK- cost ;x*r tram is $10, whirl) guarantees at least hxir KJinfs. "We empliasire notvompetitive spirts." C osta said alxHit thr |X'lo pro gram. “It is morr ol a tun rrirratnxial FMt photo HIM canceled inner lube water polo in 1962 due to lagging student interest But the sport s increasing popularity has brought about its reappearance this term Sign up space is available. s|x>rt." 11k- lirM fiHir game* will Iv more tor Inn, but tl»e playoff* are a time lor the team* to sivou dv*ir ex|XTti.**- and win tlie le.i^ue. Potential |x>lo pliver* who think the s|*>rt vkiikIs like lun hut liave qtiestims an- invited to an "ojvn float das ” Jan. J1 at Leighton Pool to tr\ it out. KIM I'lheuls will jjo aut the rule'., and said We emphasize noncomfxnitive sfx/rts. It is more of a fun recreational sport. C J C( C sOStd , Kr. *r.L., •** ;e\ learned of the ^tow in^ interest in other campuses to start the leagues hack up aj^iin. Ihi.s is a “trend tlut's owning hack," Costa said. “I took it upon myself to tr\ it out because I like water poke” If there is interest winter tenn, KIM is planning on expanding the league to liave women's and men’s leagues, too. Mil Ikm-I'cu OREGON’S MOUNTAIN BIKE ;.,V : All 1991 Models are greatly reduced m CYCLES 1340 Willamette 687-0288 The Best Workout — The Best Location • STAIRMASTERS • AEROBICYCLES • AEROBICS - FUNK. BENCH. HIGH/LOW SM i ^ WJ i « inf; ft* 51 ■ ** ' 6 am - 11 pm |I£S35§i P" '•«* IS 485-1624 The Oregon Daily Fmerald Presents: Our Editorial and Advertising staffs combine to bring our readers these special issues that profile particular organizations and departments on campus. It your group or organization is. interested in in IN TOUCH Supplement, contact Torn I eech in outadvertising department 346-3712 Emerald ■MS& f f ft Sy -ft*" * * .: y t- -i ;• <• *> true 'if i nf ■ siipei Mt-.. around You get a v.u.tom 'plus a boo! ft-, gnetf to st.ic :> the fool cortiui' - ' roil and cushion yKx:K. Conn* i” ajKOv*. " —t! and vvste Try i ;niir today l MKENZIE OUTFITTERS | 79 W BROADWAY 1 W *» CALL OUR ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT 346-3712 Emerald What Jogged-Out Jocks Say About Onsen \ C*ll 1*5 9041 tor r««*(VMIonf 1U3 6o«J*n Av*. Eu9*a« •WHEN YOU MENTION THIS AD HURRY' LIMITS D TIME OFT i R' For a limited time, use all the facilities at Lane county's largest and most fully equipped Total Fitness Centers for three full months with an annual membership! • No Sign-Up fees! • Three locations! Open 24 hours! * (Better Bodies only) “More service, more facilities...less price!”« BETTER BODIES tne 3270 Gateway Loop• SPHINGf IE10 • 726 S220 3t7S Main • SPHINOf IELD • 746 3S33 GOLD'S GYM 2370 West 11th Avenue Eugene 686-GOLD (4653)