with Recreation and Intramurals Dance, funk aerobics condition without the pain New yominc> nuinJ imi RiMs u intci ' ffci ines ired <>f the way high- and low-impact aerobics play lull tm your joints and knees’ Want a .workout that’s a lot more groovy and doesn’t make you feel like you’re dome pen a nee.’ Introducing dance and funk aer obics, the latest in aerobic exercise. And with increasing demand to in corporate tun and variety into work outs classes such as bench aerobics has been produced. The classes, offered by the Recre ation and Intramurals department this winter, are appropriate tor all fitness levels. Although the classes may be more tun, the new classes provide no less m fitness benefits than straight aer obics. Dance aerobics challenges partici pants to increasing their agility. I it - stead of the basic calisthenic moves of regular aerobics, dance aerobics is geared to dance movement. It is not a dance class, however. The hour-long routine provides a longer cardio section than most aer obic work-outs and also includes a toning and strengthening routine. Related to dance aerobics is funk aerobics. Participants get a workout while doing the kind of funkv dance moves that are currently popular, and .ill to the latest in lunk iihimi . "I link and dance aerobes .if. tin (r,i:i right now, said Ksta Moiiasterio, KIM's mstru. so■:. ;! classes c<»ordmator, “and they r« go in,; art Hind the health .Inks >i i ( >w so we thought wed offer them I i the students hen and mi what kind of response w f 11 gel ■ K.irla Rice. HIM direi tor, said (lit lifts classes arc (lie result ol KIM s flliirts (o keep abreast t»! the latest in fitness. She said all of the instrtit tors are fulls qualified. "We don't offer our i lasses as just a cheaper alternative to paying mem hership at a health eluh," she said. "But it is also our philosophy to pro vide an opportunity for busy siu dents with tight schedules to fit in time for a workout, whether it's late afternoon or night. "And we want them to have fun exercising at the same time as op posed to taking a fitness class for credit where they'll inevitably end up feeling obligated to show up each time to earn those credits, she said. ‘‘Our classes are open to those who enjoy working out and who attend because they want to." In addition to the aerobics classes, some of the newer classes at KIM in clude an abdominal class, hatha yoga and golf. In the abdominal class, the em phasis is on working the abdominal muscles. However, the exercises complement all other muscles and include strengthened tor different muscle groups as well, hssenfiallv, the class works the whole hods ■ f i» photo Dance end funk aerobics, the latest in aerobic exercise, is being oflerod by HIM this winter A ^ood stress-linming i lass is hatha \oea. It’s also the perfect class 11> take tn increase llesihilitv, uet a stretch. and clear one’s mind, Monasterio said. I lie jjoll class is open to all lesels. I lie cost tor aerol'ics, fitness .inj classes is 's 1 H, with sijjn-up at the KIM oilu e, Room 101 .it llu- lollowin^ it.ills at times: tncl.iv (rum I : HI li> 4 p in.; 1 ruiav, 2:^0 to \:\0 p.m.; ami late registration from Jan. 1 i to 17, H a.m. to S p.m. I he j;oll course costs $40 tor the term, with tile same registration times. Minn Rulrigin GET ACTIVE! GET INVOLVED! GET GOING! GET ACTIVE! GET INVOLVED! GET GOING! GET ACTIVE! GET INVOLVED! GET GOING! Get Active! Schedule of Activities Winter 1992 MIN # ENTRY START " LEAGUES QIV PLAYLRS DEADLINE DM £££ L Basketball M-WC 5 Rocquetbal MW 3 VofleytxJ C 6 Inner Tube Water Pdo C 6 ONE DAY EVENTS Basketbal Scramble M-W 6 Open Float C 6 (Learn inner tube Water Polo) \Ptentine Fur Run M-W-C 1-2 Free Throw/Hot M-W 1 Shot/3 Point Contest Instant Scheduling Jan 16 Jan. 10. 3pm Jan 14 Jan 1/. 3pm Jan. 23. 3 pm Jan 13.3pm Jan 17,3pm Feb. 13. noon Feb 6,3pm Jan 22 Jan 28 Feb 13 Feb 12 $40 $15 $30 $30 Jan 14 15 NC Jan 21 NC f l $1/person NC woumLmMm Indoor Soccer M-W-C Schick Super Hoops M-W (3x3 B8) Tennis Classic M-WC Wrestling M 5 3 1-2 1-3 Jan. 30,3pm Feb. 6.3pm Feb 11. 5pm Feb. 17.3pm Feb. 1-2 $15 Feb. 8-9 $15 Feb. 14-16 1 Feb 17 $ 15/team MANDAIORYI-INTRAMU8AL BASKETBALL INSTANT SCHEDULING - Mon Jan 13. 2 30pm Hr Boom EMU ◦an Registration 103 Gednoer Wednesday, Jan. 8 8 Thursday. Jen 9, 1 30 4pm, Friday Jan. 10. 2:30-3 30 Remember to sign up for Recreation Classes! For more information call x4113 or come by 103 Gerlinger Hall to enroll iBAIIOV 130 iONlOO 130 iG3A10ANI 130 i3AliDV 130 i0N!00130 i