SHARP CASIO EL 509D ^ Scientific Calculator SONY WM-Af S4 Sports Walkman $J4? m BASF T i 30 BASF Video Cassette F X -1 ISD Solar Scientific Calculator Panasonic RQ-t 30b Mini Cassette Recorder SONY $3995 M-550V Microcassette Recorder Record a Call RAC 800 Answering Machine IV] HEWLETT PACKARD $279 95 HP 48SX Professional Scientific Expandable AIWA HS-RD3 Radical Headphone Stereo Player Panasonic $2995 RN-102 Microcassette Recorder D-90 Audio Cassettes i'TDK inaxiJMED . ^ m pro! $1 .99 each maxell ! 11-90 Audio Cassettes ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT 13th & Kincaid, Open Mon. - Sat., Ph. 346-4331 RIGHT ON TARGET! Emerald CALL OUR AD DEPT. 346-3712 VOTER Continued from Page ^ The law also enabled the elections office to obtain the addresses of people who have n i ved The 1)M\ gives the l-.let t;ons Division .1 list so the\ an forward new voter registra tint) ( .1 r il s to poop le w ho i hanged tlieir address on their drivers Hi crises Sa far, 140 more voters are registering each dav than before the plan begun Hetsr hart said she hoped more registered vot ers will produce a higher t urn - mil >ri the upcoming Slav and Man h i ie< lions Kxeiudvr assistant to Sec re : ir \ of Slate Phil kv is ling Nina iohn-'on, said a big licnefit of Motor Voter is how easily the p'ian keeps tin voters inlomva ti'on current, so the\ r an mail the voters renewal cards Jo! • : on also said the plan make's it rasa ' to reach viiuiig : 1 u!ers who are more mobile. Johnson said the program v\ first approved h\ the Ore rgisl.ldire , I'li.'l ,,;j tllf - ondition of w -dug i federal mandate for all DMVs nation wide to accept registration cards U ,: hoi allie apparent the federal gn\eminent was not go :.g ' settle on tile issue qut( k . keislmg endorsed a new law liial provided the Silil.(KK) per biennium to implement the plan w ithout a federal mandate The Motor Vehicles Division iDMVl, the Secretarv of Stale s hleclions Division, and countv < lorks offices statewide pulled together to help implement the plan into law last September WIXMAN Continued from Page 1 One of the grim! signs is no! ilmt i! is the end of the Commu nis! giant, but the end of !he lost European imperial state,'' lie said \\ i\man said tin- dissolution of the Soviet I’m ion is in fait very similar to what happened to the Freni h. English and Aus 'ro Hungarian empires He said Gorbachev [laved the was for political reform but was !,.,t able to change the eco :t system, and C'.orbuehev ' trouble acc epting that once tie go! , hange in motion he :.ei lied to let someone else take over Uixman will explain xvhv the Soviet public did not accept Gorbachev and his reforms, and whv the change to the Commu nist parly was in name alone Gorbachev maintained that, ey ell vsith the reforms, there must only be one party, the Communist party Uixman ltk ened that to tile Hy pothetical ot having the Nazis after World War II saving, "We have really hanged now so you should let us stay on us the mam political ! hey would not hay e a< - i eptcd that then; why do we expei t the Europeans to buy it now ' ' he asked