Judge drops EPA out of spotted owl hearings PORTLAND. Ore CAP) — An administrative law judge allowed the U S Kn vlronmontal ProtctMion Agency to drop out of the "God Squad' hearing* over tho northnrn spottod owl Wodni'sday. drawing howls of protest from onvironmonlHllsts Vtitor Shor. a lawyer for tho Portland Audubon Society and nine other onvi ronmental groups, said the KPA move smut Led of more political manipulation of the process by the Hush admlnistra lion The ruling c.urne on the first day of three weeks of hearings by Judge Harvev Sweil/er Information gatherer] will go to the Endangered Species ('ommillir 'The committee must thon det Ido wheth er to exempt some lodging on federal lands In Western Oregon from threat ened spra les protections for thi' spotted owl Lawyers for environmental groups fear thi' move could make It more diffi rull to Introduce evidence in which the LI’A has critU i/ed the IJ S Flureau of Land Management The Ll’A ( humeri the HLM hits not prepared an adequate environmental Impart statemenl Ix-fore seeking the exemption for (he 44 timher sail's covering 4.(UK) ar res The I S I ish and Wildlife Servile denier) permission for BLM to offer the timber. saving lodging the forest would threaten the surv ival of the owl l.l’A lawyers sought to w ithdraw from the hearings on grounds that there are oilier wavs to acquire evidence from the agency Melinda Bruce, an assistant Oregon attorney general, said the action didn't appear to he adequately grounded in lavs and could taint the hearings In opening statements, attorneys seek mg the exemption said the committee must override the "high priests of the biological cull" and allow the timber sales in spite of threats to the northern spotted owl Mark Kul/ick. lawyer for the North west lores! Kesoure e Council, said there is overwhelming evidence that limber s.iles would have regional economic im pm Is and could Irons! Ihe nationnl econ omy ns well The l-ish and Wildlife Servin’ listed the owl .is ,1 threatened species in 1990. setting in motion new, major restric tions on timber harvesting in owl habitat areas t'nder federal law approving an ev eruption to the- Endangered Spec les Act reepnres showing there are no feasible alternatives and that economic benefits would be of regional and national signif ies nc e EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS d Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! tos PERSONALS C- uvu Yc>.,' ' 4 i XO |rB iai: l ii*»y * R«n Congratulation* on your pmotny (U*i with**' low# You# Siatar* |£AE r44 f. ' V l AM ■ HAN. 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" a Mb»"«tgw ft f ' H’ n f^o !3 I 9M03 Warrtad diraclor and aaal difactor »cy iif*i gn*ju Da&koi bail p'og'an Myogram run* »r(yn Jan ?bifi \ »t> | i pa/ *»• i*w» ‘ •*»"H*, !rt*y tw»&*«Kt>a foq-j ruU CPH A f *f%l A*i pruNurffad f-ai^xl r os*./m®, apply «I Ibtt VM( A ?Cf>5 P*J1«>r*o- &y J'!' Copy lduora War*ad T *-** Ooqlx' Da y I ’• m »i>( r»Q app«afti»ooa * darnon^faia pfoAosoxy in grammar '4*w» »?y«a a^xJ pfOO,ft»ai1ng Appier K>na C’Cnai Jar 1C and «v® avoaobia a 'f*i CXX f rom [A*1.* I MU S>. '*• • *'rty J ’ ' 1 • 5t) 1 O’ «>rOf* p**f *r**&h .t Cr»* (•. • .1" a’ 1«(. 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(61 7) 934 6536 Mo'1 can or wrta Camp W rvidu. 5 Gam l ana. Mamaronack N Y 10543 (914) 381 ‘*#13 W A T f RF ROUT JOB5-W Si So mm or Cbi»cy#n s camps Northeast Mm” and women wbo can teach ctsikJ'on to \w m. coach swm team. waters*. *.atonvi nt kbar®I oot). sad Inboard motors. bee AiKii poor and lakes Good va ary room A board travwi .iStwano# Mu o-' wm« Camp W • vtdo. 5 , */ • l « Mamaronack N Y 1054 3 9i4 481 5963 Women cal or wr«e « *vp Vega. CO Bo* 17 71. Ouibury MA S3? 61 >) 934 6536 HEART BEAT HEART BEAT HEART BEAT HEART BEAT HEART BEAT PLAN YOUR SUMMER' NOW UO SUMMER CONFERENCE ASSISTANT IA'VUKi1 a 10 Clk'■'*►'*»* . «• A&vv.a. ' pos ' v. 's » h t>' Mo*.jV ng . u SbtyX ia Yck. can tt*rn roor~ txxt^J > ‘wi-ary. tt'O Vli -aD=u jI) »»* pto,’4*”.i to ’0 to 14 1 *'«*»« pof-i ' w", i» uipto'-to'H.W f or mor® >o to# mat or tt 'MfO Of'« o' '*"•« fttcommartouti Cor ki to'Xto A&»r.4t; M*ju • gs ■'>« B«*»r W«*>! Gor’ttfttn* m Moorr *! Btoitr Cor’np’O* 41 7 OOpm or. Thw'MlJanuary 3C ’ IMA? or J f ttOruary 4 19&? Ronton OaacnpUW anU Apphcaton av*r>jv«ar%*?y tfcxmng Cor*«rorvc» SorvOBA 161 Dougtass fit Waft on Compaa 346 4?65 Appricaton 0«MBd:*nto *% t ? OOpcr t#&ryary 14 HWf MAKE YOUR JOB THIS SUMMER AN ADVENTURE! J Qua opportunity afftrrr«iv« act on «rrpOy#r COmmltad to Cultural Ovoryty (WMBHagwaafi Ml STRUT 0v«o WWCMWWT ’GAMES, 5 iraa vtoeoAovojnjRt i&VAUfTMVDIPUZA i-HS^sL w .r-sssi-J nrTTTrrv » » w » rrr RECYCLE THIS PAPER. Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ♦*«.' .t Mlllf *,'• ■ V./ P>rHAUl'*' • ( /.Iff a’ /Mi ■ r*. ’O K Kl*' ’Ht.\ IV ll •• ^ r v t, .. ■ (Mr (W* UNt ' MHO ,t*lV75 TOdUtLD ONUr 1 rtf'5 A SNAPPY iPt'MP. HOT