THURSDAY, JANUARY 9.1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 75 Motor Voter increasing registration jNew law allows voters to register when they renew their driver's license By Hope Nea son There s i new wav !i .'••gist. s *t:: uTe in Ktigone, and the program hu\ almost tripled the number of registered \ute;s in Lane (bounty The program is called Mi ;■ r \ liter Under this three-month-oid law pnten tifll voters can fill out .md leave the ir registration i arils a! tiny of the seven !)> partment . ! Motor Vehicles in Kugehe The plan is designed to make voter registration easy by allowing Oregon residents to register, or re register to vote while applying for or renewing driver hi ■ rises and stale identification curds So tar the results have l»rn positive The Lane County iderii al supervisor in elei tions. Cheryl Betsohart, said the number of voter registration curds re njvt;.'v is ono of mam stud' : ' ;> iH'iiis who ■ ten go unrer ugniziii 'a • >; i ■ 1 r I'mvcmn classmates People 0K1 surprised when they bud out I have .1 r> veur-olti, /.I'lcr.lifiivrt said, adding that she : mtimes older than fu r 2 1 years I'm determined to finish 1 don ! want to tie one of tie. ■*? tattsti, ■■ typical teen age mom I have to finish for tins child. /.evenhergen .aid s luring toward Aim. . tilue eyed bundle of chatter busy coloring trowing /.eventiergim is far ee 1 Hnu.d teen age mom She is 1 ompletlng tiei hat helor s degree in lour years and has managed to minor m geology and at t u mulale a 1 H4 Uf’A irt the process She doesn't take all the t redd, however I don't think 1 could have done tins so easily or so fast without mv mom Zevenliergen said Her mother. Linda, has run a tlav ate center m Springlield suite Zeventeige;; was ill seventh grade nlil Aim began kindergarten this ! d! -d.e stayed vs ;tf. her grandmother while her mom attend' ed 1 lasses For the first few years of tdege. mom was at a-' to Lave a day it! Aim Fins year she has lasses every • * v< O f | *4 1 Student parent Cheryl /ovonbergen. ?t and daughter. Amy Christine. 5, will cele brate graduation together in Juno diiv Init is home tn 1 111 i'i'vi nbergen in! the tinniest irrin w.r- her tir-.t ’.V till adjustments In i ul lage imt ls\n vs t • s 1 illness She siidll v. ! ;nii: :hi swing, hut ! •stilt g> I i 1111!• • nervous before mu ti term. she s.iiit Atm pi s-. u|) on tier mnltie: s slrv . s pei :itlIv luring finuls. Zevenborgen sunt Z- . e: l ■ -gen • student piirenl path to I college degree begun sooner thill! most :! he: i v ef• ’ ■. p.Itl ill peers When she h,ul Aim between her sophomore unit junior ve.irs ,it Springtluhi High Si huol. '.hi' Sil lli stir m vi t fioubtl'li sin1 would linisli hitr ill in .il uni S|n held trut’ l<> hi.T M'lf -promise Nut uiilv did she graduate on nihrd dr. but shi was i lass salutatorian with i I'Mit.l’A ami uiademu scholarships .sliii h h.iu- I it-1 j >* i i sustain her through nilrgi- is lip with tinulK lit I alii ami a part-time jol.’ at Fubrtcland Slat i.11;.■ • ■ to lontinue her niui atloti i -iemenlatv ■ ■ iu• aluai blit lor now Is t ’ i ■ l /. ; ! 1. :a' ' I junking lot in • parents ;* rj. t OBSESSED Eating disorders still prevail among college-age women. See DISORDER, page 4 HOOTS OF PROTEST An administrative law judge let the EPA drop out of the 'God Squad' hearings over the northern spotted owl Wednes day. See ENVIRONMENT, page 10 OPENER Pac-10 hoops debut tonight when Oregon men face Cal at Mac Court See SPORTS, page 7 Speech to give better look at Soviet issues jGeography Professor Ron Wixman will explain how they've been affected by the rapid-fire changes in the region By Came Dennett Associate Editor Almost nivjhtK . the new \ show's ; ; ' >\ i t hanging Soviet Union, but often U111? to e\-» i.n i.wW till' i 1 V t ■ ..| Soviet ( lti/r! s l'i ,.1 . Tonight Iroin •’ UO tu *J no, (nograp.’iv i'roles sor Ron W.xman vvi!i provide i ■ ipi r .. nm-rst.i;.,! mg ■ • : un hanging Soviet scene m "Kestrui t..: mg .•>! tin SSK Wliv and How .1 public lei tori .uni ide show '.’ will be hi hi :a 100 Willamette He's been going to tin; Soviet l.'nmn and hasten) hu rope sintr ho was 17. anti over tin- ursi- it his _'J trips there, ho has developed a stim '.ieri-st in tile re gion's manv ethno-1 ultural different i s \\ ' h t W . t . t 1 . t i. Si 1 v ,r ' j ’>• n strut lured Soviet 1 nu.n tVuniiin aid he is giving In*, talk because of tlm Milllln't it tepuests he has tel elVet] [o talk, to different groups alxni! the restructuring fine topic ip will address is niedta coverage o! the '• arm tunng t.e Amt-ru an media is covering mi ideiits. not e. sues, tie said snt(i tile media's lelldencv to show tin So ■.iet people standing in line tor food or noting is no note ail ai i irate depletion of li.eir lives than m rules ot homii ides and homelessness are (it Ament all life rile media is no! treating the issues ol vvhV tile (.or but hev reforms faileil, and why it is iietng restructured the wav :t Is. ' he said WiMiian 'and most t sprits on th.e Soviet Union spend their tune ill Mom ivv institutes t.liking with ai , lemii tans He went i ut to villages. I.u toru s and rurtd areas throughout the Soviet Union All id Ids i nr,(acts are the Soviet people "That is , ; am aide to have . finger in what the Soviet ; id . : wants ‘ he said As a geographer. what lias interested me s the pod , ai territorial isfiects ot change, not the ui :. art v ;e i.t a hr siiij In the United Slate- he said, most polita a! seten ' sts Stud', changes M - w p ' • l.alnn geographical and cultural I badges .t. till rest i.t the Sc v iet Union WIXMAN